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Posts posted by OptionFootball

  1. Seriously, Green put the running clock on the Eagles without Young, but it was ugly. Danville put the running clock on the Dragons. Both the ADS and Eagles played without starters. If Clevenger is a nice guy he will be kneeling when they are up 50. Eagles are not going to soar at this level. Again they are a very good 1A team and I would say top 10, but the would struggle to beat anyone in the 12-20 range in 2A. The physicality of these teams are just too much for the Eagles. 1A is more finesse/2A if more physical, and those that have both like Desales can compete with the TRinitiy's of the World.

  2. I feel Campbellsville is one of the most improved programs in Central Kentucky, and I believe that Coach Estes has done a good job in the rebuilding of the program. That being said after watching the debacle at Green for a quarter or two, and realizing that Young is a good player. It will be a running clock in Danville when the Eagles get off the Bus. The Ads are too physical and fast. The Eagles do not have the people in the box to compete with good 2A programs and that showed against Green that is supposedly out of talent, but against 1A I think they will make a deep run. Estes needs to schedule upper level 1A's like Hazard or Paris, it is quite evident Bardstown, Green and Danville should not be used as measuring sticks. Best of luck to the Eagles the rest of the way, they will do well in 1A.

  3. Not to beat a dead Horse, but if you are going to say that -1 yard rushing to 548 in a two week period of time for Taylor County is not coaching then someone needs to have a reality check. Taylor has had great players and if I remember correctly won the District just a few years ago, and had chances to Win in the playoffs. Problem is they have been a political program - you play based on who or whom you belong to. Coach Hilton is WINNER and will play people where they need to play so that the team is successful (what building a program is about) not an ego thing for a player or coach, just for the sake of the program.

  4. Horse, looks like there is still talent at Green. The Matney kid without question has proved that he is as good as everyone said. The rains got taken off an he was allowed to run the football. Looks like the Green County of old. Sometimes you just have to do what your talent can do. As said earlier. It is not that the talent level changes much it is more doing what your talent can do. Taylor County went from a -1 yard rushing against the Eagles to 548 against the Hawks, doing what there talent allows them to do.

  5. Horse, so your telling me that Coach Griff gave up his best group of talent with 10 starters on defense and 8 starter on Offense returning to someone to lose with? I checked with a former Middle School Coach and it was (6) Davis, Brewer, Sears, Bro Matney, Pierce, and Bridgewater. And on Jaggers, what is meant is no coach would have given him an opportunity as a Freshman or Sophomore.

  6. Talent Level down at Green? Remember they have a sophomore class that has 6 players that played in the Kentucky/Tennessee All-Star game when in 8th grade. Furthermore dominated the Eagles 38-7 in Middle School. So we are saying that Downs, Bridgewater, Anderson, Taylor together were not as good as the Young kid is now. Green beat C-Ville for the first time just 8 seasons ago coming off a 2-28/3 year stretch with only 4 Seniors. I agree Campbellsville has worked hard and has out worked Green, but the talent never changes at Green. Look at Will Hodges track program WINS/WINS/WINS with average athletes, but he makes them great. I just have to disagree with the talent level. If the Jaggers kid would have been anywhere else but Green he would have never made it to the field until he was a Senior. Those guys down there use to put hours in the weightroom and it showed on the field and on the track.

  7. I do not think it is coaching, nor do I think it is talent. I think that Griff knew the culture and what he could and could not do. I played against him from Little League on, and he coached as hard he played. His teams toughness and loyalty to the school and program was evident in his players and staff. With that being said when Tucker left so did Griffs support. The weight room, little league football, and seven winning seasons got him nothing in the end.

  8. MTV birthday party for C-Ville student. This started the slide for the Eagles. I think Bridgewater/Downs/Anthony Anderson were all held under 100 yards total offense to a Green County team that had a combined 2-28 record in the previous 3 seasons. The thing is I know Middle School is Middle School, but for Green To get beat 48-0 in a JV game to a team that they beat in Middle School two seasons ago 38-7 there is something wrong in DRAGONLAND. I did not see this landslide coming.

  9. Discipline!Discipline!Discipline!, getting thrown out of a game when you are ahead 36-0 is not the players fault. This arrogance will cost the Eagles big in this game and others to come. Personally I think Campbellsville has huge potential and always has had. They have always destroyed Green in Middle School - Bridgewater, Downs, Bryson Taylor you name it and I mean by 38+ points, but Green has always had the edge in High School. I will not make any insinuations, but the fact is that Campbellsville has always had more talent. The MTV Game sticks out in my mind. C-Ville beat Green the year before about 56 points and the next year Green beat Campbellsville that virtually had the same team. I am tired of the excuse being made if we should coulda woulda.

  10. Coaches, like Roy Kidd, Dudley Hilton, Chuck Smith are a dying breed, because of their demand of a strong work ethic. Most of these coaches have been successful because they placed this desire into their teams. It amazes me when people question Why? Most coaches just want to coach and help others be successful. The new breed is about their climb up the latter, not about their players. And I would say loyalty to a certain school or program has gotten many coaches fired today, because they thought the work they were doing was important. You win you get a better job, you lose you get fired.

  11. Turpin did a good a job and did not get any support. Played a very difficult schedule during the season, and was prepared when they went into the playoffs. If you look at the two schools Graves has coached at in the last 8 or 10 years his schedules have always been sub-par. I realize when you are trying to build a winner you need to have some WINS!. Even with Hart/Adair/Edmonson and so on it has not happened. If you get slapped by Boyle/Lex Catholic enough you decide to change it or except it. It is apparent the superintendent knew to pull the program off of life support. This not being negative towards Graves, some people are not Head Coaches. I think it is great hire. He will do great things as migration begins, because everyone will want to play for a winner.

  12. Made this call last week in the Vote for C-Ville/Taylor game. Superintendent wants to compete with the best. He has been able to do it in Academics, Basketball, etc. Sometimes it is not the single loss, but the attitude in that has gotten you to that point. He has played dodge ball as head coach as long as he has coached and where ever he has coached. Other than the District Games he has played no one. I hate this for High School Coaching, but it is a trickle down affect. What will be real sad is if the administration makes Graves the A.D., because the feel sorry for him, and this will not be good for the new Head Coach either. This guy is a great coach, if parents will let him coach, and will keep those babies out of the ER after every game, they have a chance to WIN.

  13. How does Taylor County dress 70 and only play 11 or 12 players. It is hard to believe that Taylor cannot find 11 that can play. It seems to me that a change is needed. When you play the worst teams in Central Kentucky year in and out, and still have a losing record then it says a lot about the leadership of the program. If Taylor County played Campbellsvillle schedule then they would not WIN a game. The District Change is coming and I think Taylor County is a diamond in the rough. If they make a change at the end of the season, then I would think they have a chance to start a new. Again, I am talking about out of District opponents. (District games are suppose to be hard.)

  14. I have competed against Coach Haskins many times. Most people in the outside world just do not get it. It is not like your finesse sports, and it takes equipment. You can get a lot of work done in shoulder pads, full speed, safely, and it makes you heat acclimated. (Either make the summer dead and I mean dead) Put a Strength and Conditioning Coach in place for every sport that is monitored by the AD, and make every athlete get so many work outs prior to August 1st. Start Practice for all Fall Sports Aug 1st, and for all Winter Sports October 15 and I do not mean to say we are having open Gym and we are not practicing. It is time KFCA to move football outside the KHSAA and I would say things would be much better. It is a system of issues from teams playing to say we have a team, to programs that can WIN no matter the class. It is time for a shake-up. Do not blame Jack, because he knows how to keep players safe and get them ready to play in the HEAT.

  15. We live in a Double Standard Society: If a coach at a school that is expected to win or a Traditional makes a statement that is in appropriate it is viewed very much different, than if a coach from a school that is trying to build a winner makes a statement. My new high school coach back in the mid 90's asked the opposing coach of a school that had just won two titles back to back to speak to our team after a 50+ butt kicking. While not very popular with parents/admin it turned our program into a WINNER!!!. That coach said the same things our coach had been saying. Weight-Room, Off season, and preparation. Sometimes the public does not need to enter the inner circle of trust, because they have not paid the price of what the players or coaches have paid.

  16. The quarterback that just WON the Super Bowl was a sub 3 star coming out of High School at 5'10. Tell this young man to aim for the stars. The problem is we never encourage young players to take a chance. Even if he walks on at a Big School then the worse he will be is 3rd or 4th on the depth chart at his position. Hope things work out for this young man. Encourage him to look at the NFL draft guys from this year and study their backgrounds, and he might be surprised how much he is like some of them. Best of Luck.

  17. It seems to me that they have had some big names with a lot interest. Usually when it is like this then they do not want to travel down the same road they have been. If they do not hire a WINNER this time then it is their own fault. What is interesting is that Travis Leffew vary qualified does not appear to be interested, and according to what the former coach said in his resignation is that they are in much better shape than when he took the position. Seems like to me that French did pretty well there, as Phillips, Jaggers, but the last four years without a winning season is playing on the minds of those making decisions. I wish them the best.

  18. Coach Brown is a fundamentalist and a very good one. Society is a fix it now. I know Brown will be very successful wherever he chooses to coach, but E-Town has had a finesse mentality since the early 2000's when I think Barnett was the coach. Making them physical they way he wants them will not be overnight, but he may have the horses to get on the edge. (Glasgow will have the worse team that they have had in 10+ years) Talent has run out, but they will still WIN some, but this should be a good game.

  19. If you look at everything that is in this post the most important thing was left out. (Scheduling) Larue when they were on top could not get a lower level 3A/4A to play or an upper level 2A to play. That being said this causes cycling in some programs. Campbellsville for instance has had to play up ever since the days of Perry Thomas. They beat people so bad in the mid 90's - 2000's that their schedule is still one of the toughest out there and it has killed good players coming out to play. If kids do not feel they can WIN, parents do not let them play. Many others mentioned I have seen the same thing in. When your a Campbellsville/Larue/Taylor/Green or any of these schools and your having to travel more than 30 minutes to get a non-district game then that is not the coaches fault that means if you will not play then put your pads up.

  20. I think Josh's love affair may come to an end at Larue Co. sooner than what most would think. It is just an opinion, but whatever happens with the Superintendent there will dictate the future of sports in Larue Co. While his stock his high it might be time to move. The talent their is not what it has been or nor is the support. His past principal is now superintendent at Garrard Co., and look who he hired a football guy. It may be better to be in a place that has no success in a while than in a place that you should win. Larue schedule is pretty weak and still go beat by a Campbellsville team that was average. Just an opinion.

  21. Thanks Dean for clearing this up for those that are not writing the checks. This was my sentiment early on when stating it is very difficult to tell teachers we do not have money for anything and turn around and hire someone with 200 sick days. I just stated that hiring someone that has stability and is a proven winner comes with a price tag that most public schools today just cannot justify. However, those that are serious about winning will, and hire assistants the will help with this.

  22. District is responsible for Sick Days. Again Number of days x your daily rate =______. So if you have say 200 days times 432.00 per/day would equal taking on .30 of this. So you are looking at 26,000 in additional expense when this person is hired in the first year. State is responsible for retirement in which you can roll all sick time into at end if you choose which would be more for you if you do not take sick day pay out by BOE.

  23. Chris Engstrand is the name that is being tossed around. He and his family have lived here since he was an assistant an North. Would be a very interesting hire. He has had several opportunities with different programs, but has not had the type of players to install the run-n-shoot system. However, they had the same philosophy with Todd and were not very successful/physical over the long haul with that system.

  24. If you hire a coach that has not retired, but is rehired they also bring their sick days with them. While it may not seem like much it can cost the district many thousand dollars. I do not want to get into the total but it may surprise some and the way it can impact that persons retirement. I am not saying any particular coach or teacher it is the same but it is a daily rate x number of sick days divided by .30. In some cases with coaches stipend and extended days can add up. Just a difficult climate to hire a coach that has established themselves, and today you do not see many reach the point of getting tenure in many cases.

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