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Posts posted by OptionFootball

  1. Dean Hood was the top Choice for the Vanderbilt Defensive Coordinator Spot as well as the Head Coach of Youngstown State. EKU wants to get on the big stage with the other Division I programs and may have missed their window of opportunity. At this point with a 5 and 7 year old Coach Hatmaker is doing what many do at this stage. He going somewhere where he can make a difference in a young persons life. At the college level after a while you realize that it is about winning and nothing else. He will have a huge impact.

  2. I have known Coach Hatmaker for over 20+ years and this is a great hire. He will make a huge impact because of the understanding of what the expectations are for a winning program. Coming from EKU they expect to WIN. I am also happy for a guy that gets to come home and make a difference in his community, raise his family, and make an impact in the lives of others. Best of Luck to Coach Hatmaker.

  3. Simply answering the two that I can answer:


    2) Short answer is a winning program but not one that wins the big ones.


    Long answser is he inherited a program that was coming off of a down year against a tough schedule, but a winning program with a history of modest success, much of it when they were/are away from Bowling Green. Prior to 2013 (the last year under the previous coach), Central had been to three straight region title games but lost each one. In the five years under Coach Rogers (2009-2013), the Dragons had reached at least the second round each time, again, with the three region runner-up finishes in the middle. Warren Central has not won a single region title in the six class system, owing heavily to the fact that they were trapped with Bowling Green and to a lesser extent Christian County. In all, the 5A Region 1 champion has played for the state title 7 of the 8 years under six classes, so it's not as if Central was losing to inferior teams. What he also inherited, however, was a program that has a dark cloud coming up on them at the lower levels, where redistricting and transfers have ravaged the talent pool. So a big portion of his hiring was tied to getting that system in order as well. He also inherited only one returning assistant coach, with the others either leaving to follow Coach Rogers, other opportunities, or not retained by Coach Feggins.


    5) I 100% believe he didn't see this coming. I listened to his comments at the team banquet just nine days prior and also knew of several initiatives he was undertaking moving forward.


    Dragon Fire - I appreciate the information. Most of the time people only can speculate and it is not fair to the person that is not being retained or the school that is in the position that it is in. It does appear that they were interested in someone that did not apply that may now be available. However, cutting someone loose with a 6-5 record verses that schedule says to me that it was personal. In addition, following it would be difficult as well. Good Luck to Coach Feggins.

  4. 1.) Who was doing the evaluation, and were they qualified?

    2.) What did he inherit (A winning or losing program)?

    3.) What did the admin expect up front (Winning Games, Establishing Discipline, or the latter Your football player is disrupting the English class.)

    4.) If it is a moral situation then it should have been dealt with in November, not now. This makes it look like there may be a coach or coaches out there they are interested in.

    5.) I do not have a dog in this, but I have not seen anyone on here blasting him or the school, so with his sincerity in his statement would lead me to believe that he did not see this coming.


    I am starting to wonder, with coaches getting out, is a sign that we are seeing that administrators just do not value what is learned in athletics anymore. As a past high school player, college player, and a coach at every level, that those children that are growing up fatherless will be losing more and more to this, and a society that feels that athletics is what is wrong with it. Football has given me everything I have, and has helped me to provide for a family of five, and without it I would have never made it. Those coaches that taught those lessons of life will never be forgotten, something that cannot be taught in the classroom.

  5. The timing and location are right, from another thread:


    Esters resigns as football coach at Barren County - Glasgow Daily Times: Sports


    Keep your head up Coach Esters.


    A little known fact that most might not know, but one of the best and most popular coaches in our state right now used to be the head coach at Barren County back in the early 90's and had several 1st round exits in the early 90's.


    His name for those wondering? Johnny Hines, current HC of the 2013 5A State Runners Up and 2014 5A State Champs, Pulaski County.


    To add to it, his OC for some of those teams? Les May, current OC of the 5A State Runners Up, Graves County.




    Guru - It appears this year more than any that coaches that are getting programs established like Esters, are not getting to carry out what they are building. It seems like that because it might take more than one assistant to Coach football that more and more teachers are being hired that will not coach, and administrators do not support football because of what it takes. It used to be the philosophy by my principal that he would not hire a teacher that was not willing to do something extra. He felt if they were committed outside the classroom to students then the personal investment would carry on inside the classroom. I hope that Coach Esters finds a great position, and best of luck.

  6. Has Jtown or CJ announced the hire yet? Do you have inside sources? Don't know much about Coach Stonebreaker except googling his record. Is that the best they could get? Waggener is filled I believe.


    Marion County should be interesting. That job can be successful IMO.


    It is Corey Crume's job to turn down. He would be a home run for the school/community/and program. However, the turmoil created by Central Office would make anyone think that they would have good support. They have many assistants that are highly qualified there,but I do not think that any teach at the High School.

  7. Fred and Larry have both laid a very strong foundation at Metcalfe, but like most rural schools it is very difficult when you are competing year in and out with schools in the same class that might have 150-200 more students. I can assure anyone that applies for the position that it is much, much better position than it was when they started there. Best of Luck to Fred, great person and coach.

  8. If not mistaken while Adair has been on the upswing and I think that will continue, they as well as Hart County have only had about 10 Winning Seasons together over the last 35 years. They both have been typical Basketball schools, and have only had a program just to say they had one. Other than some success Robbins had in the late 90's and early 2000's at Adair they have had some talent but no consistency in coaching. I think Gay as well as Boone do well for what they are given. Edmonson County does one of the better jobs across the state year in and out in coaching what they have. If you do not prepare in this district every game will be a toss up, but I think Larue is the only school that will be able to compete with E-Town.

  9. Seems like a very good job opportunity for a quality coach. Given the job Jaggers had done and the stability he had carried on within the entire program, I would feel that being said and moving into a district with Adair, Edmonson, Hart, and Elizabethtown that there would be some big names that would apply. Knowing the Superintendent and Athletic Director, I would feel that if interviews take place it will be a coach that has been though this process and can build on the tradition as well as improve the program. Like said earlier any coach hired should look like Lombardi with the talent returning.

  10. No, but I would consider a state championship the ultimate success, the pinnacle, reaching the top.


    Other guy had three straight winning seasons at a program not really known for winning. Made region final. Set school record for wins. He should be in the school's top-five for wins, I would think.


    I'd say winning at a program not known for winning, and hosting playoff games (when they hadn't hosted a whole lot before) is major success.


    The true measure of success of a program/coach is what is done on the field. Many coaches talk around it but it is very hard work and time consuming. Most young coaches today have it difficult because of what it cost to have a family, and are not able to really put the time in necessary to build a program K-12. The reason I mentioned Duncan from the beginning is that he has done it, and raised his family. Opportunities will always come to those who do a good job where they are at, they do not have to look, someone will find them.

  11. When Duncan went to Murray no one wanted that job, and you can bet no one wanted the job at Logan. The talent thing always arises when a coach is not liked, but it is amazing thing is that he won for years their. It seems Murray had another great team this year and he was not their, maybe he just left them in great shape. It seems when someone's name is mentioned because of ties or they would be a solid hire that everyone wants to talk about them. Just stating that he would be a good fit, and is a good coach. By the way some coaches cannot coach talent.

  12. Horse, Drama, Doyle, I do not think him moving to E-town will have and impact. He did what anyone would do in that situation. Do what is best for you and your family. You can carry around hard feelings, but Louisville that was used like a condom by Petrino numerous times went and rehired him, because he was a winner. Sometimes when you are an assistant at a school unless you move no one will ever see you as anything else, and Phil Eason then John Sullivan, Newton had been the head coaches. Armes was hired later.

  13. Steve Duncan was a former coach at Larue that coached both (Sanders/Supt)and (Dawson/AD). Duncan has built programs everywhere he has been (Murray) and now on a rebuild at Logan Co. Would be a coach that could build a new future, but has a great history with the program. In my opinion he would be a homerun. If the administration is looking for someone that has ties with community, this would be a long shot, but a great way to heal some wounds.

  14. Men, social media has changed the way everyone runs a school system, booster club, and football program. High School Football Coaches are under a microscope and the one's that suffer the effect of this is the young people that play the game. Coach Jaggers has stabalized a program that did not have a good little league program,and without it(so in a rural school you go through cycles), and he is in a tough cycle. Coach Jaggers will move on and be fine, because that is who he is, a football coach (knocked down/get up) guy. Mr. Sanders (Supt), and Mr.Dawson (AD), are both quality leaders and want this program to succeed, because they were apart of it as players. Again, Coach Jaggers will be fine and he will find the perfect fit, because there are programs that need him. Remember there are two types of coaches, those that have won and gotten a better job and those that have lost and are looking. Again, I am looking for great things Coach Jaggers and his family.

  15. This is not a surprise at all. I watched a high school game this past year just as fan. Team A threw the ball at least 35+ times in the first half. and Team B ran it at least 35+ times. Two very different teams. Team A was never flagged for holding one time, and Team B was flagged 6 times. Maybe the game should be called nerf, because it is starting to appear that physical teams in which football is physical sport seem to picked on by officials. IE Belfy/Central both physcial not many flags.

  16. This one is pretty interesting. It doesn't have Ft. Knox in 1A, though.


    Just looking at all classes from top to bottom as far being stacked 2A is loaded. Even with Bardstown moving up, you have powerhouse Mayfield, and probably one of the Top 2A schools before last realignment in Monroe County. This class to me is a super class. Outside of the Top 10 in other classes there are no tradition rich programs, but in 2A if not mistaken I think of 32 teams there are 15 different programs that have won a state championship or multiple one's. When you do look at Fort Knox at one time they were winning titles.

  17. 33, while College Coaching is very lucrative to some it is not that way for all. Coach Smith coming back to the High School level should speak volumes to the Win get a better job, or lose and get fired mentality. I had two very close friends that were on Tommy Bowden's staff at Tulane when the went undefeated, back in the late 90's. Both of them left jobs to go because of promises made. When he took the head job at Clemson he was told that none of his staff was qualified enough to Coach at a big time program like Clemson. Also taking full advantage of getting a lifetime retirement from one job, before taking another.

  18. Central Kentucky or South Central Kentucky is very difficult to evaluate on a year in and out basis. The last two years it appears that most of your programs that have tradition in the previous 8 or 10 years have struggled. Larue has had a tough schedule and there have been situations that they have had no control over. I would think that the future is very bright there for Coach Jaggers and his players. The new district alignment should also take some of that schedule away with Adair, Hart, Edmonson now in District. If they can beat E-Town, which I think they can they may find themselves in a Regional Final, kinda like Corbin. Best of Luck to Larue.

  19. Urban Meyer pulls the Rick Pitino!! Meyer is not getting in Shine at Ohio State, and the BiG 12 is never in any discussions on the Final Four. I think he makes the move back to the SEC. However, the SEC is better from top to bottom when he was there before, and do to the fact that so many of his past Florida players have had so many off the field problems this could be a long shot.

  20. Does Nelson County have the same AD they had then? I was thinking that Broaddus had been AD for at least 40 years. Without the support of the AD no program will succeed. Not to mention Spalding (Baseball/Football), Brown/Football, Minor Hardin. As far as Link goes, I think the football people would say when he was Superintendent at Graves County that he was the weak Link. Brown was a good coach before Nelson and after Nelson, and if he can be successful with the AD at E-Town then he is a great coach.

  21. Marion has a great group of coaches that have worked many years under Coach Robbins. His leadership in developing coaches has enabled this program to maintain much success even during his illness (example of true leader.) Also Coach Tommy Simpson that is a legend stepped up when Coach Rob got sick. Any of the assistants on the staff are very qualified to lead this program, and would do a great job. Transition was made through Coach Robbins giving his coaches leadership roles the entire time they Coached. He will be greatly missed by his players, and the school/community and staff.

  22. Coached against him several times, had some wars, but the thing I can say that his teams were always prepared and he coached with tremendous passion for the game. Not only did winning mean a lot, but teaching young people how to be successful in football meant a lot. Today if you are passionate about the game and coaching young people then you sometimes are mis-understood. I learned more about coaching football by competing against great coaches like Coach Haskins, Both Coach Jaggers, Jimmy Reed, Sam Harp, Dudley Hilton, Ken Roarks, Ray Graham, Jerry Perry, Perry Thomas, Larry French, Chuck Smith and many others. One thing about that crew they all coached and still coach with passion for the game.

  23. Physical! If so Hazard! If it becomes Finesse it will be Campbellsville, the weapons that Hazard has are good, but the Young kid may be the best Hazard has seen in awhile. He has the ability to take the game over by his self (Div I) potential. Also the quarterback transfer they got has made them at least two touchdowns better. Should be a good game.

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