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Posts posted by Dixiefan1

  1. Unfortunately, Clyde and Rocket you are both correct. The problem is probably 90% of the exposure goes to the top teams, (like EYBL) which encompasses only probably only 10% of the total of all the total teams at a big tournament like Battle in the Boro for example, meaning the remaining 10% is spread around to the other 90% of the kids that play in them. Not very good odds for the kids in the 90% bracket. And with little to no opportunity to even compete for a spot on one of those top level teams, I think a lot of players and parents begin to wonder if it's worth it. And to be honest, I am one of those parents. It's disheartening to see my kid go out there and leave it all on the floor, score, defend, play team ball, and see MAYBE one college coach sitting there IF ANY AT ALL watching. You can say that I'm just looking at it with "daddy goggles", but the numbers don't lie. Fortunately, we have spent the time gathering video, emailing coaches, and having my daughter call coaches, so that she is garnering interest from several schools. So I guess partly what I'm saying is don't rely solely on summer ball to generate interest from colleges for your players.

  2. The whole process is a myth. Sure your Boley's and Robbins and Berger's are going to get D1 offers, they are no brainers, but I know several kids on teams that are almost as good that are flying so far under the radar it amazes me. I see kids tweeting and posting of visits to colleges and home visits and am just baffled how some get the recognition and some don't.


    I do too...

  3. I also think Grant will surprise some teams. I think they will be included on this top 10 list by the end of the season. Lindsey Kinard and Abby West will make a strong inside-outside duo.

    I'm not going to go that far as far as top 10 is concerned. I agree with your statements about Kinard and West. I expect Ezel to step her game up this season, and the little guard Homer keeps improving. The keys for them I feel is what they get out of their other forward Shelby Gutman(not sure of spelling). She looked very good at times in AAU ball this past summer and plays hard. The other unanswered question is how Ruebush comes back from her knee injury. If all these things have a positive outcome they will make some noise in the 32nd. Good luck to coach West and the Lady Braves.

  4. Anybody have the ratings for both players and teams in the 14th for this season?


    Knot Central

    Perry Co.

    Leslie Co.


    Breathitt Co.

    Letcher Central

    Estill Co.

    Owsley Co.

    Lee Co.

    Powell Co.



    J. Higgins KC

    M. Gibson OC

    K Waugh KC

    L. Profitt PC

    E Griffith Leslie Co.

    H Caudill Haz

    H Kash Lee

    A Brewer BC

    O Bates BC

    S Hall PC

    S Hall Let Central

  5. To me always disappointing when people post negative comments about individual players. To me these are young women doing their best both athletically and academically and to point out a perceived weakness as onean adult is just sad. As I have always stated thank the good lord these dedicated young women do not read this crap!!!

    I completely agree with your post. However I'm a little puzzled as to why you felt lthe need to post on this thread. I reread the entire thread any did not see any comments that were negative or downgrading to any individual player, or really any team for that matter. Again, I totally agree with your comments, just wondering why this thread.

  6. I believe she's playing in the team camp today with HHS. And I know for sure that the HHS coaches would not even think about playing her if it wasn't cleared or they hadn't received approval from the HHS executive administration that it was okay to proceed.


    Not arguing with you RC especially because you know the inner workings at HHS, but as you know we went through this last summer and we were told that during June school ball technically a player can play for whomever they want..because i can guarantee you that eventhough she maybe already enrolled at HHS theres no way her eligibility has been ruled on yet by the KHSAA...we started the process in May of last year and the ruling didnt come down till August. I understood the move from Grant to NDA...was told by her father that it was for academics....do I believe that? probably NOT...Because if that was the case why make another move? Regardless, you are right she will make an impact. And i will say this with absolutely no animosity against Jenna or her family, I dont see them (KHSSA) making her eligible unless they physically move into HHS school district, because if they dont and she is deemed eligible, that will show the hypocrisy of the KHSAA, becsuse we were told the only way my daughter would be eligible to play last season since she had already played varsity was a physical move into the school district.

  7. We can survive it, ok player, NDA has a better team.

    Funny thing.... This is what you posted about a year ago..."Jenna will make a big difference this year. Her shinning stars team had a couple NCC girls on it. I watch them play a few times and they looked pretty good. They picked up the Brock girl from dixie"

    And also many posts about the Brock girl from Dixie....so 1) Martin goes from making a big difference to just an ok player, and 2) you seem very intrigued about the Dixie girl for supposedly sounding like an NDA supporter or parent, i.e.; the "We can survive it, ok player, NDA has a better team" comment. Just saying.....

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