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Posts posted by LIPTON BASH

  1. Klay and Draymond are both free agents by 2020 if I am not mistaken. Their run won’t last forever. Dumping Klay and Draymond right now makes more sense than ever. Steph, KD and LeBron? Who is beating that?


    Now, I don’t expect this scenario to happen because I feel like LeBron stays in the East and doesn’t entertain going to the West unless he goes to San Antonio. My main point is that it is naive to believe that Golden State wouldn’t entertain bringing in LeBron if LeBron made it clear that he wants to play there.


    I agree with your general assessment except for two teams Boston and GS. Everyone else should and would take his call. Philly needs Lebron to catch Boston , Boston doesn't need anything to be favorites to win the east next year.


    On Klay and Draymond , unless I'm missing something all reports I read has Klay signing an extension and Draymond whispers already started. I also stand by Houston making no sense. Chris Paul heading to LA makes more sense than LBJ to Houston if he wants to win a title.

  2. If LeBron called Golden State and said I am dead serious about coming to Golden State they would not only take the phone call but they would run through every plausible scenario to get him at Golden State. They’d dump Klay and Draymond so fast......


    But why it makes no basketball sense. What combination could Lebron join that GS should fear. Also from a money standpoint GS is printing money, even more so with new arena.


    I get Lebron is the best player for now but GS has younger players and no reason to hedge.

  3. Put me in the camp that GS wouldn't even take a meeting with Lebron. To much downside for GS. I think Durant leaves before anything. But if GS had everyone back they have more to lose by taking the meeting.


    I say this because I don't thin LeBron wants to play for GS and would only request a meeting to cause turmoil in that locker room.

  4. I know we are going way hypothetical here, but Wade costs nothing. Melo is the X factor. He has a player option that overpays him to stay in OKC. He would probably lose $10MM or so hitting the open market. The other pieces in Houston are right up LeBron's alley (Capela will most likely be gone as he is due some money).


    Melo stinks at this point.

  5. I know Houston is mentioned a lot because they are ready to win now and Lebron and Paul are good friends. Right now I don't see it , they would have to gut most their roster. If I ranked where Lebron will be playing next year I'd order it as follows :


    1. LA

    2. Cleveland

    3. Philly

    4. Houston

    5. Everyone else


    I have the right to change my list as leaks happen.

  6. Here's the thing I've never understood. The court ruling only says the player is eligible. That doesn't mean the school has to let the player play. People try to skirt the transfer rules then get butt hurt when the KHSAA rules against them. If they fight the KHSAA ruling in court there's no way as a coach I let the kid play.


    If a coach ignored a court order I'm guessing he or she could get in trouble. Why would a coach who has players interest first foremost not play a player if court says they can

  7. That's what's being reported, so sure. How did the Diocese find out? It had to start with Holy Cross HS. Maybe it was a good cop/bad cop deal where the Diocese was totally cool with being the "bad guy". Either way, it's extremely hypocritical for them to pick and choose what is moral and what isn't.


    Diocese controls the catholic high schools it's that simple.

  8. I've also wondered if there is some underlying element why the speech was denied. Could it be that the student has pushed the envelope before and was not trusted? If so, should Holy Cross publicly defend themselves or stick with their high road answer that was given? Strictly based on the news article, Holy Cross/Diocese of Covington looks bad.


    It wasn't Holy Cross's decision.

  9. I'd be curious to know what some of the left out context is. I've really only seen and heard stuff from the students side.


    Because it's a student I won't post what I was told. Personally I would of had no beef if the student spoke . But if you go to a Catholic school there are guidelines you must follow that you wouldn't in a public school. If leadership can't trust that you won't create a spectacle then it's within their rights to censor you at a private institution.

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