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Posts posted by dpeevh

  1. Record day at the gate for a non post season baseball game at CCH and biggest day ever at Gruber's Grill. According to Coach Michels, they think they have raised over $10,000. Not too shabby!! This will be a yearly event with rotating teams but CCH and NCC will always be the last game if you heard his thank you speech before the last game.


    Also, pretty damn cool that the Ryle frosh team ordered shirts and wore them before their game on Saturday!! Classy.

  2. B Ball fan, to answer your first post, my guess is that the vast majority of the 37% are republicans or moderates. I doubt many, if any liberals believe it to be a hoax.


    As for me, I am a repub and as I stated in an earlier post, I believe the climate is changing but not trusting the people who cram it down our throat, I am not sure if we have as much to do with it is as we are led to believe. De forestation by man definitely does not help though and that will be a bigger issue in the future as many "undeveloped" countries look to grow. I believe in 20 - 30 years you may only see lions, cheehtas, etc... in a zoo. Why a trip to Africa and the plains is on my bucket list.

  3. Perhaps I could or would believe in global warming if on a day to day basis the national media didn't have an agenda that they push so much. I no longer can watch it. Heard of the gas prices lately? Heard how many soldiers are dying overseas or seen a running count of how many days we've been fighting an illegal war? Of course you haven't because they have their man in office and cant or won't make him look bad.

    If I could take what they call facts as actual facts on global warming and believe those to be true, I would wonder if there really is something to what they say. No doubt the weather is different than it was 20 years ago but I don't know if that is man made or just cyclical. I sure as hell can't believe our great national media. Right Dan Rather?!!

  4. Unfortunately I didn't miss one home game from 1990 through 2002 and I have no idea where this team is headed this year but I can promise you one thing that is certain. This team is a hell of a lot closer to the Super Bowl than the 91 team was!!



    So futurecoach, simple question...do you think the Bengals will make it to the Super Bowl this year?


    The Answer to that simple question will tell you if they had a good free agency this off season.


    My answer, no. They did nothing to get better from last season in free agency, it's been over 2 decades and they are no closer to a super bowl than they were in 1991

  5. You would make a terrific GM. Wait, realistically you wouldn't. I hope your post was a joke. Nothing like panicking after 9 games when they have a WINNING record and have played 3 of the better teams in the league. I would say the bigger concern is the injuries they are racking up.



    Let's be realistic............Catcher (either Hannigan or Mes doesn't matter) but looks like their average will be under .220 and maybe under .200. SS Cozart headed for a .220 season and maybe under .200. LF Heisey........... .220 looking likely if he has to play everyday. Maybe some hope to break .220 if he gets sat alot.


    Add in Joey Rose errrr Votto and his .280 average with a lot of walks and singles. Jay Bruce hitting .150 some months and .450 other months.


    So what do Choo, Phillips, and Frazier have to hit for the Reds to have a chance?


    .300? .325?

  6. Broke my leg in similar fashion a few years back playing basketball. The pain was unreal for about 30 seconds and then shock took over and I was talking and even joking some. I'm sure that is what Ware was going through when he was encouraging the other players. The pain is still there but adrenaline takes over for a short time. After the shock wore off, the pain was astronomical and I'm sure it was for him last night also when they got him back in the training room and into the ambulance. After all these years, I've kind of forgotten the amount of pain. What I've never gotten out of my head was the sound. It was like a shotgun going off. I will never , ever forget that sound.


    Best of luck to the young man in his recovery and best of luck to the Cards. Not a Pitino fan but keep it in state.

  7. Getting clocked at 89 does not mean he throws 89 consistently or even near that. I got clocked at 88 my senior year but threw 83- 84 most of the time. Also, some guns are faster than others. Does anyone really believe Chapman threw 105 in San Diego? Lets' put it this way, the young man throws harder than most in the 9th region if he's in the mid 80's.

  8. Coach Wirth has every right to test the waters at other institutions. There may be financial opportunities or retirement perks available outside Park Hills that Cov. Cath. simply cannot match. In my opinion nearly everyone would support the efficacy of Coach taking whatever steps he deems necessary to provide for his family.


    What I think some may take issue with is the matter morphing into "the Park Hills mafia is chasing him out". Coach Wirth enjoys very solid support. Colonel Nation would be very disappointed to see him go but would understand....(see Rodenberg, John).




    Not all were disappointed when Rodenberg left. Some might even have done cartwheels!!


    As for Coach Wirth, I hope he stays. I think he's a fine coach and a good guy. Also, I have heard he is a good teacher and let's not forget about that. Good teachers are not just a dime a dozen. If he decides to move on for football reasons or an in school reason, so be it. If the decison to move on is based on finances, I would question why he came in the first place. He hasn't been there that long.

  9. While I have not much to say in the conversation, who cares if they are talking about 3rd and 4th graders? We are all not as elitist as you guys who are critical. Glad to see several of you can put yourselves above those involved in the conversation.


    Wow! Thanks for calling me elite! Feel honored almost to tears. First time that has ever happened. Guess I'll have to have more opinions if that is ok with you. Thanks again. Btw, your name is quite appropriate.

  10. I'm not even sure if I was an "established" potty trainer in the the 3rd grade. Need to think about that for a minute. Yep, I was. I couldn't shoot a basketball and put it in that circle 2 out of 10 times but I could shoot for the potty and hit that circle about 85% of the time. Was real proud of myself too and knew that I was on my way to being a far superior athlete.


    I can't believe people are seriously on here talking about 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. Get a grip.

  11. Maybe someone smarter than me who has access to some info could answer a question: I'm curious as to how many teams have won their All A region and then gone on to win their region at end of the year and got to play at Rupp. It seems to me that playing in a big tourney mid season with good crowds can do nothing but help you get ready for the tourney at the end of the year and prepare you for the pressure.


    Also, how long has the All A been in existence and did they start it in baseball the same year?

  12. I don't have any skin in the game yet. It was just a statement of fact. You took it to another direction and you seem to be bitter about it. Many JV teams play only sophmores and the smaller schools have to play juniors. Another statement of facts.


    My oldest is six so I only follow from a distance. I just meant that it doesn't matter if they play juniors because that's why it's called JV. Ideally, frosh would play frosh, sophs play sophs and so forth but that's not realistic. You seemed to be upset about certain teams having juniors and judging by some of your other posts about jv basketball, I would have thought you had someone close to you playing jv ball.


    Didn't mean to offend if I did. Was just curious why anyone would care about what other teams do. All you can do is worry about your team.

  13. Who cares. It's called JUNIOR varsity for a reason. It is not illegal to play juniors and can only help the younger kids get better. If the juniors played significant minutes with the varsity and then came down, that might be one thing but I doubt this is the case. I am assuming your son must play jv ball since you know the outcomes of these games. Would you rather he play against lesser competition? Will that help him in the long run?

  14. Best:


    1. St. Henry. Great atmosphere and best field. 2005 region finals was unreal. Wish it was still there.

    2. Dixie. Neat park with short left field. Field has gotten rougher but still good.

    3. CCH. Great views and wood fence with different dimensions and easily best concession.

    4. SK. The bowl affect is awesome. Field much better than it used to be.

    5. Cooper. Getting better every year. Probably the best infield.




    1. Meinken. Awful.

    2. Conner. Does anyone work on it?

    3. Beechwood. Very little seating, all grass infield and have they installed a fence in center or right yet?

    4. Ryle. Not much seating, no concession and ALWAYS windy and wet or so it seems.

    5. NCC. The park is not bad and the people always seem to treat you great but the field is just not good.


    I haven't seen Walton's field but heard nice things about it. Had to leave it off since I haven't seen it.

  15. Grogan, who by the way will be going in the CCH HOF shortly, played 4 years from the get go. Maile played a week or two for jv, Screiver was brought up from the frosh team after 2 or 3 weeks, Isler played mostly jv his freshman year and was brought up the last few weeks and I can't remember if Blesser played a little jv before moving up. Darner did not play as a frosh.

  16. Can I ask a question somewhat unrelated to this game? In the article in today's Enquirer, the NCC coach says "we might have been a man down but give CCH credit". I read a basketball preview earlier this year where a coach said he'd take 50% of the blame for last season. Really?!! Who gets the other 50%? It just seems like bball coaches are always on the defensive or have to throw in that "but". Obviously, the injury was a big factor but why put it in print, especially in high school. Not a huge fan of UK but it's why I do love their coach. The heck with excuses.


    Admittedly, basketball is not my thing. I played football and basketball. I just can't see a Lynn Ray, Mueller, Maxwell or Krumpelbeck saying those things in the paper. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. Just an observation.

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