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Posts posted by dpeevh

  1. I was wondering about this, you can find an easy pick for a certain position, then you get overflowed at another. Here's a start, but mainly off the top of my head:

    C Bench (maybe Berra)

    1B Gehrig

    2B Morgan

    SS Wagner

    3B Brooks Robinson

    OF Ruth

    OF Mays

    OF Williams/DiMaggio

    SP Cy Young

    SP Walter Johnson

    SP Nolan Ryan

    RP Rivera

    RP Gagne

    RP Hoffman

    DH Thomas


    Great list. Schmidt at 3rd, Mantle or Bonds over Williams/DiMaggio. Sp is toughest. Ryan one of my all time favs but Maddux, Seaver were more consistent and R. Johnson just as dominant. One game I think I may take Gibson.

    I read article few years back where Bench said Ryan was unhittable when he had curve working but said it was never a consistent pitch for him. I would have liked to have had his fastball to fall back on though!!

  2. Did anyone else find the last bit of 3rd quarter as strange as I did? Holmes has ball up 2 with about 1:50 to go, goes into semi stall and then fires up about a 25 footer with 40 seconds left that wasn't close. CCH gets ball and even though they didn't score, Bolden picked up his 3rd late in quarter. I thought it was a big chance for Holmes to pick up momentum and instead CCH did without scoring a point.

  3. Old thread but I can not help but comment. I played with Paul Hlandon (sp) and he was high on his own list and the media. In reality he was an awful team player who care only about himself. He did not start until his senior year after Donnie Bieger graduated. I wish Paul had Donnie's heart.


    Best QB was Rick Thompson (early 70's).


    If you played with him then you must have played with Wolfe. And you don't rank him in your top ten?!!

    That first state team had heart personified with Mike on D and Bieger on O. Not a great qb by any means but my goodness, what a tough sob. Maybe the two finest leaders one team has ever had. Guys I know from that team talk glowingly of both.

  4. How did they get the shaft?


    If it wasn't for the money from Holmes and the district back in the early 80's the present Meinken Field would never have been built. As time wore on original agreements between the school district and the city faded away or were chosen to be ignored, both schools seemingly became dual tenants which was not part of the original agreement.


    Since the school district now owns the field, and will be providing upkeep to the facility, then I would say they should get first rights for varsity, b-team, and freshman games plus practice on off days at Meinken. If time is open outside of those parameters, I would imagine Holy Cross could use the field.


    I shall re phrase then. Holtz and Ryan deserved better. The field was barely playable at times the last few years and if not for those two it wasn't playable. Holmes did NOTHING with upkeep. Also, if not mistaken didn't HC pay for the concession stand installed a few years ago?

    If the school district is in charge of upkeep, I hope it is remembered a few years down the road that various local companies and organizations donated to this. It needs to be taken care of properly.

  5. From what I heard, it will be Holmes' field only. Two different people said that to me, but might not be true.

    If it is true, where would the Holy Cross home field be?


    I know for a fact that Holmes has control over the field scheduling wise but have heard that HC may play some games there but not nearly as many as they have been. Mike Holtz and Pat Ryan put a as much time and effort as they could the last 5 years- way more than anyone from Homes for sure - and got the shaft.

    Unsure at this time where HC will play. One thing for sure is neither will play there this year. Cordero Field?

  6. So he has 1 year of freshman head coaching experience and 2 years of assistant to linebackers coach experience. Sounds like a can't miss and as a fan of a rival school, I sure hope they hire this guy.


    Not sure you want this. Ted will get instant respect from the kids and they will go hard for him. He demands respect and gives it back if you earn it. That's been missing for a while.


    If he can get a staff with some experience and maybe some new faces like Don Bieger for one, I would hire him in a minute. He'll bring a blue collar attitude and a toughness that is what this program needs. I had a coach from another team say to me, I hope they don't hire Ted.

  7. I'm at the Y when the doors open every day(5AM) 6 days a week(7AM on Sat). I lead a cross training class 2 mornings a week from 5:45 to 6:30. Been doing the early workout since daughter was born 28 years ago tomorrow. Trying to lose 5 lbs, so I have going back in the evening to do another 3-4 miles. Daily workouts are just a part of my life. Here is an awesome inspiration, there is a gentleman in my class who gives all he has everyday and can do a Plank for 5 Minutes!



    Planks are great but man do I hate doing them. 5 minutes is nuts and I read somewhere that Rob Gronkowski does them 10 minutes at a time. That's unreal if true. I've gotten over 2.5 minutes and hope to keep climbing.

    Congrats to you on the early morning workout. Something I've never been able to do other than 10-15 minutes at my house. I'm jealous. Good luck with your 5. It always seems like it's tough to lose 5. If one lets himself go like I did this past year, the initial weight flys off but after that... My optimal weight is around 225 and I guarantee when I get down to about 232 or so, those last 7 will be the hardest.

  8. I bought a workout routine a few years back called kettle worx. It works out all parts of body. Has 10-20 minute workouts. I'll do something like cardio in am before work and in evening I'll do resistance or arms, etc...

    When I did it few years back I wasn't as heavy, just wanted more tone and trying to lose a little of the love handles.

    Now I'm basically doing more cardio/fat burn rather than toning. Work with 20 and 30lb bell. Not going to bulk up with this routine but can definitely tell difference after 3-4 weeks.

  9. If you only count bunt hits. However, if getting some extra hits caused the defense not to shift he'd be getting some more hits on balls to the right side as well.


    And if you let Trout continue to bunt his way on you'd likely see him steal 45+ bases again.


    I understand your point and I too get upset with Bruce at times for not going the other way either because he won't or can't. However, every manager starts a series with the idea that there is one player who is not beating them. The last few years that has been Bruce for the Reds because he has the most pop on the team and because Votto has not been Votto. Therefore, most managers would be more than happy to let him single his way on and will not take the shift off no matter how many bunt/infield singles he gets.


    As for Trout, he can have all the singles and stolen bases he wants as long as he doesn't beat me with a three run dinger. I'd be happy to basically give up a double to him every time and take my chances. On that team however your taking a chance with either Pujols or Hamilton behind him and that's scary if they're healthy.


    I actually love small ball but there are a few guys in the lineup who have to drive in runs and protect the rest of the lineup. Bruce should be one of those and I hope he gets back to it again this year.

  10. I got on scale about 6 weeks back and couldn't believe I had gained about 25 pounds since last April. I started working with kettle bells and lost 10lbs in 3 weeks.


    Now the question. I like beer. I will watch what I eat during week and limit beer but on weekends I like my buds. I find now that I'm just basically maintaining. Is it possible to drink and lose weight or should I just expect to maintain? Thanks.

  11. He cannot be serious, can he? If you don't want the other team to deploy a huge shift against you, take an easy bunt single 5 times in a row and they will stop. It drives me crazy when players don't. Jay Bruce could have bunted .500 or better last year but refused to. Why?? Is he too proud not to...but is OK hitting .210??


    So he could have raised his average to around .250 if he gets some bunts down? Not too sure that's why he makes 10 million+. If everyone should bunt on a shift then when Mike Trout comes up, I'd put my whole infield in the outfield.

  12. This was awesome. That team had the best attitude they had to be a blast to watch.


    For those of you who got to watch sports in the 80's-early 90's I can't tell you how jealous I am.


    Was a ton of fun and after game 4, the party in downtown was awesome and guess what, no fires were started and no riot police needed. Good clean fun.


    I was in my late teens, early 20's in that period and I didn't appreciate how good it was. You're right, I wish I could watch again. Lakers-Celtics, Pistons bad boys (done very well on 30 for 30 on ESPN), Oakland A's, Michael Jordan, Cowboys dynasty just starting. It beats what we watch today.

  13. Why would anyone overlook Conner this year? They are the defending 9th region champs and will have a big target on their backs. Cant use the no respect card this year. Difficult to repeat in the 9th. Anyone know who the last school was to repeat as champs?


    NCC in either 2010 and 11 or 11/12. Before that it was mid 90's CCH. Beechwood and CCH came close in early to mid 2000's with both going 3 straight times and both teams losing middle game.

  14. I agree Conner will be a player. Arlo is one of two best coaches in NKY (Coach B at HHS the other) and will have them ready. That said, Ross is a very big loss. You lose your ace and that moves everyone up a slot. I know Blaise has been good and will probably assume that role, but after that you don't know how kids will react when they are asked to pitch against the Ryles and Boones and Coopers as opposed to throw off games.


    I would have Conner in my top 5 and I think everyone in that district will be tough. As usual it will be the toughest district to get out of.

    Not sure I agree with your assessment on coaches though.

  15. Where will Holmes and Holy Cross being playing home games this coming season?


    The person I spoke with said most likely back field at Cappel. That will make Meinken look like GABP!! Seen some knothole games there and rough does not describe it. Not sure what jv/frosh will do. Maybe one of the softball fields.

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