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Posts posted by ggclfan

  1. You all might want to know the whole story first. At this time last week they wasn't sure if Illoka was suspended or not. The other starting safety Shawn Williams was already out. Backup safety Wilson was also out. Dre was out, Pac man was out, Dennard was questionable with a knee injury. At the time that would have left them with Fledjehleam and Shaw at safety and Jackson and Russell at corner. They only had one corner on practice squad to move up. So yes someone on the team in a emergency may have had to move to corner. Which John Ross in 2014 was playing some corner in college.


    That was the only reason they consider him at corner for last week, only for an emergency. It wasn't for changing positions completely. Lots to get upset and call the Bengals dumb for. This is not one of them. They are dumb for not even dressing him though when he was healthy.


    Totally agree...if the Pats did this, Belichick would be lauded...


    I still want Marvin OUT!!!

  2. Another thing that is very interesting about the game is that those conditions may cost Vinatieri $500k. He has a clause in his contract that if he makes 90% of his FG attempts, he gets a $500k bonus. He was 22-23 before the game and missed two FG's during the game so he is now 22-25 - under 90%. If he goes 5-5 the rest of the year, he will get back to 90%...can you imagine if he has a 53 yarder in the last game for $500,000?? I would call that added pressure! He has proven he can handle pressure though...

  3. Colts scored late and went for 2. They converted and were actually done with their celebration and getting ready to head to commercial break. Then, all of a sudden, it was like..."wait, we think there was a flag..." They called offensive pass interference in a foot of snow and took the conversion away. Then they tied with a extra point kick.


    I was saying the same thing. That PI call was a joke. The block by the other WR was within one yard of the line of scrimmage so no PI should have been called. However, since I have Shady on my FF team, I was OK with the OT as he took one to the house for me to end it:)!


    I will say that the flag may have been thrown right away but buried in the snow so maybe the announcers just could not see it...terrible call though IMO...

  4. We used to hear the same noise out of Highlands. Trinity shut that noise up when they started playing Highlands in game type scrimmages. They were always blow outs in favor of Trinity. Same would happen with Covington Catholic. Trinity would win by 3-4 touchdowns most if not every year.


    I agree that Trinity beats CCH 19 out of 20 years (heck, maybe even 20 out of 20). But is this the one year that CCH could beat them? I don't know but think CCH could keep it close. And I am a Highlands guy.

  5. While I don't agree with what Mic did yesterday AT ALL and am not a Mic lover (I am sort of luke warm about him), I actually think UC would have a hard time getting a better coach than him if he left. UC is not in a good conference situation and is not the easiest school to recruit to. Mic is a tireless recruiter and just works his butt off from what I have heard. I actually think UC is probably fortunate to have him.

  6. 1. Clemson

    2. Oklahoma

    3. Georgia

    4. Alabama

    5. Ohio State

    6. Wisconsin

    7. Auburn

    8. USC

    9. Penn State

    10. Miami

    11. Washington

    12. UCF

    13. Stanford

    14. Notre Dame

    15. TCU

    16. Michigan State

    17. LSU

    18. Washington State

    19. Oklahoma State

    20. Memphis

    21. Northwestern

    22. Virginia Tech

    23. Mississippi State

    24. NC State

    25. Boise State


    Also, how cool would this 8 team playoff have been...


    5 conference champs plus Bama, Auburn and Wisconsin.


    Clemson-USC, OK-Auburn, Georgia-Wisconsin and Bama-OSU


    How could anyone NOT like an 8 team playoff???

  7. 1. Clemson

    2. Oklahoma

    3. Georgia

    4. Alabama

    5. Ohio State

    6. Wisconsin

    7. Auburn

    8. USC

    9. Penn State

    10. Miami

    11. Washington

    12. UCF

    13. Stanford

    14. Notre Dame

    15. TCU

    16. Michigan State

    17. LSU

    18. Washington State

    19. Oklahoma State

    20. Memphis

    21. Northwestern

    22. Virginia Tech

    23. Mississippi State

    24. NC State

    25. Boise State


    Not that it matters but how is a 3 loss non-conference winning Auburn ahead of a 2 loss conference winning USC in the final rankings?? USC is getting no respect...

  8. The thing that excites me (as a Tiger lover) about the last couple of days is not that he is playing well but HOW he is doing it. First, he looks like he feels good...not just saying it but it looks like he is very comfortable. Second, he is driving it LONG. He is consistently hitting it 300+. That tells me he is letting it go and not holding back...again, you cannot do that if your back is not feeling good. Third, he seems to be over the chipping yips, which is HUGE. Yips of any kind can be very hard to get over. He actually chipped one from on the green yesterday...he would not have even considered doing that last year. If his putting speed was not so bad (simply hitting too many putts too hard), he would probably be about 10 under. Correcting his speed on the putts is much easier than the yips though. I really do think if he stays healthy, he can be a top 10 player again. It is a huge IF though when it comes to golf and back issues.

  9. Michigan is missing two things...a quarterback (they literally have nothing right now) and a big bruising running back (every Big Ten team needs one).


    They will be fine next season. I'm not upset about going 8-4 with no QB.


    Do they have a stud QB coming in next year? If not, why will they be better?

  10. This times 1,000. Can't understand why he didn't do it.


    5-5. 242 points scored, 242 points allowed. As Stephen A. would say - a walking piece of mediocrity.


    It wasn't Jerry's decision when to take the suspension. It was Zeke's and the NFL player's union. Now I am sure Jerry let Zeke know his opinion but the decision on whether to appeal and potentially delay the suspension was not Jerry's.

  11. As a general rule I'm against the death penalty. This is one of the exceptions. This guy should have been dead long before I was even born.

    I almost posted this exact same thing GNKY! The only thing is that the murders occurred when I was a little kid...I was already born

  12. Do you ever ponder NFL Logic, and wonder why it has zero to do with what real, live logic looks like?


    Two recent examples that scream out to me, but I would appreciate other exasperated NFL fans to add to this:


    • The NFL owners — despite the objections of the league's most powerful owner — are going forward with a contract extension for the most reviled commissioner in pro sports history. With a nice raise. It's like they don't even realize the correction that is coming in terms of how much the network contracts will go for next time, as well as the fact that Amazon/YouTube/NetFlix/Yahoo and others figure to be bidding next time.


    • The Should-Be San Diego Chargers are trucking a Buffalo team that was on the inside track to end a playoff drought of darned-near two decades right now because the Bills decided today was the day for a change from their quite adequate and occasionally spectacular regular QB to some rookie named Peterman, who responded by throwing a gross amount of INTs in just one half.


    NFL Logic: It's not like real logic, and you don't have to be Spock to spot this stuff.


    Jim, I am not a big Jerry Jones fan, but I have no idea what the owners are thinking renewing Goodell's contract AND WITH A RAISE! I would think plenty of very qualified candidates would do that job for $10MM...or certainly $20MM...and they are paying Goodell $40-50MM!?!?? Pure insanity IMO. I think the owners are afraid they will not be able to agree on the next guy so they will just stick with Roger even though he really has not done anything right since the last CBA (he totally won the last CBA - but I think most guys in his shoes could out negotiate the players' union - the NFL has all the leverage).

  13. Everyone on the Bills coaching staff should be fired. Just a baffling decision.


    This decision was SO BAD (and I was saying it before the game), that I could see this blowing up the locker room. If I am a veteran player and the team is 5-4 and a playoff team if the playoffs started yesterday...and you bench Taylor (who is by my estimation an average starting QB - not great but not bad) for someone nobody has ever heard of and had never played a regular season NFL game...I would think (1) you are giving up on the season for some insane reason, (2) you are just an idiot or (3) I would at least wonder if race was involved. I doubt race had anything to do with it but when a decision this crazy is made, I have to admit the thought crossed my mind.

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