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Jimmy Olson

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Posts posted by Jimmy Olson

  1. This was a District battle. The parents got well out of hand and took away from the battle on the field. I saw a lot of disrespectful parents when there was game stoppage due to injury. If your kid is on the ground or your kid has an issue on the mound with an injury, the last thing you want to hear are some people be disrespectful to the kid. That was the worst thing I've seen in many a years.


    How about game stats? Who pitched, any good hits, plays. You have to love the district games. A lot of emotions flowing.
  2. Actually it looked like his splitter, but I guess you would have to ask T Ganns. Either way he worked out of the jam. Cooper made him work though and he threw a lot of pitches. He got them on a few pitches up and was up in the zone more than I have ever seen him. Still got the job done though. Kudos to T Ganns!!!



    I agree, Ganns is tough..bases loaded 3-2 count and he strikes out the kid out with a curve ball to end the inning...
  3. Ra-Ra....I won't say that the kid did anything on purpose, but, I did see the hole in the players pants and it was at his thigh. His undergarment is what protected him from that being worse than what it was.


    In regards to the play at third we will agree to disagree.


    I will agree with Ganns. He is and has always been a force.


    You people... Coming from a neutral fan who went to the game today, that runner definitely by no means was intentionally trying to spike the kid. It was obvious (and I mean obvious) that it was under thrown and the shortstop came up to make a play on the ball and he crossed in to the baseline. It is still obstruction because he did not fully control his slide, however these posts about sliding high and such are non sense. The call at third was the correct call as well, but even if it wasn't the correct call, Boone still would have been up 3-1.


    Now for the actual game, I don't see many beating Ganns this year when he is on the mound. He is a force and attacks you non stop. The Dunn kid for Cooper also pitched well, had a fine outing just didn't have many bats on his side today.

  4. Dunn went 5 2/3 and I think Boone had 1 ER. Ganns went 5 giving up 1 ER. Dunn was the only player for either team to have multiple hits. Ganns and Dunn both doubled for the 2 extra base hits in game. Hits were at a minimum in this game. Boone 7 hits and Cooper 5.


    How about game stats? Who pitched, any good hits, plays. You have to love the district games. A lot of emotions flowing.
  5. Actually the call against Cooper at 3rd is what you call a bad call.


    Who has stats? Heard it was a 1-1 game until a terrible call by the field ump against Boone, which seemed to fire up the Rebels. A very bad interpretation of a rule gave Cooper a dbl play,but Boone tacked on 3 runs with two outs. Great Win for Boone
  6. Have the parent post it then. The actions taken by the crowd when injuries occurred were absolutely ridiculous. You NEVER say something towards a kid that has an injury. Bad enough it being a parent, but someone who calls themselves a coach asking to see cleat marks! SAD!



    I heard it was a low throw that had the fielder falling over to get the ball in the base path. A parent had it on film and the runner had a perfect slide and shows the defense player going down to get the ball into the base path. I know there is always three sides, home crowd, away crowd and the truth somewhere in the middle.
  7. Great weekend for the Jags. Glad to see Dunn getting healthy and velocity and pitches working for him against Boyle. 5 strong innings, 1 hit and velocity creeping back up. Sitting 88mph with movement on the FB. Did get to see the top pitcher in the state the last inning. Hit 92mph a few times. Jags didn't seemed phased which was good against 6'7" and solid build. Dunn led off and scorched the second pitch clock at 92 to lead off the last inning. Holland scorched another 92mph to score Dunn. Hope the jags to continue to put the bats on the ball.

  8. If I'm correct Cochran started, they brought in a lefty and finished with Vermeil. If I'm mistaken Birds my apologies. Jags started Chris Decker, then brought in Alex Simpson and finished with Jordan Biddle. All 3 Jags pitchers pitched very well and had solid defense behind them. Coach Collins went with the boys that played JV last season and all 3 proved to be solid on the bump. Once again all 3 boys did very well, but Alex Simpson stood out to me in this one. Good movement on the fastball and had a little breaking ball he would throw up there every once in a while. I really liked his approach to the game and the Highlands atmosphere. People turn out there to see their Birds battle consistently.

  9. Didn't really look at it as a game there "History". Some information was given per request. Look at him however you would like. It really doesn't matter. He's going to move on to the next level and that's all that really matters.


    So from your post #76-he beat CovCath his Junior year and Clyde added that he shut down Highlands this year. The answer to the question then is two teams...see how two can play that game?
  10. You commented who he had beat and I gave you some history. Just trying to answer your question. If you didn't want answers to your question I wouldn't have answered. It was a question correct? Yes! That's what I thought!


    No need to be defensive...if he is an ace, then he will win a district game, and lead the Jags to the regional tournament. I hope he does.
  11. Left the game after 6 as a freshmen beating Ryle 5-2 to get no decision. Left game with a lead his sophomore year no hitting Conner and up 2-0 after 4 to get no decision. Actually he beat CCH and shut them down his Junior year. Left game after 4 against Highlands with a 3-0 lead only to get another no decision. Conner and Highlands were both early in the year and was on a low pitch count. His last 2 games, Campbell and CCH were he ran into trouble was in the 2nd inning of both games. He has been gutting through a little injury the last 2 outings and has yet to get were he was against Highlands. He by no means is perfect and will have bad games. But, hopefully this will give you a little background and hopefully people under estimate him so Cooper can get to the Regionals this year. Not sour grapes, just felt a little history, no pun attended, would good regarding your comment.


    I have asked this question before having seen Dunn pitch several times, and also I realize baseball is a team sport, but who is good that he has beaten in his career? The young man has talent-don't get me wrong as evidenced by the fact that he will play at the next level, but again which good team has he beaten? Cooper has yet to play in the region since he has been there, and this is his last shot.
  12. I don't think you can base it off who has the best 3 or 4 starters. You can look at who has been favored to win the region the last few years, CCH, and they had very strong pitching staffs. What happened to them? You need to play well and have a little luck on your side at the same time. JMO!

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