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Larry Warner

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Posts posted by Larry Warner

  1. SK will open the season playing Beechwood in the Skyline Chili Crosstown Shootout, Their schedule is not finalized yet when it is it will be posted. As of today Jan 13, 2011, Ludlow is not on the schedule. NCC,Holmes and Scott County have been added for 2011.


    Really? Cov Cath, NCC, and Scott County all refused to schedule a game with Ryle next year. I wonder why they chose to play SK?:sssh:

  2. I have not read where anyone said they were a top five team this year but if you want to check the final polls when they are released after the bowl games, I bet you will see them in the top five. I stated they are a top five program. I would be interested to hear your top 5 programs of all time, my guess is you would list all five SEC schools. Talking about living in a dream world.


    If you are talking about top five, wouldn't you at least want to keep it in the last twenty years? Going back to far can become nonrelevant after a while. If you go all time it would have to include Harvard.

  3. Team Feeder


    Campbell Co. Red Devils Cambell Co., NCC, Brossart and Highlands


    Newport Newport, NCC and Highlands


    Bellevue Bellevue, NCC and Highlands


    Dayton Dayton


    Raiders Dixie, Scott, Holy Cross and CovCath


    Spartans Beechwood, Dixie and CovCath


    South Kenton Simon Kenton, Scott and CovCath


    Bengal Tigers Holmes and Holy Cross


    Erlanger Lions Lloyd, Dixie and CovCath


    I didn't realize Ft. Thomas had so many feeder programs in the NKYFL.

  4. KCumbria....Sounds to me like you are someone holding a grudge? If you know as much about the booster organization as you'd like to have everyone think ..then you know that they are very dedicated people who volunteer their time to ensure that the football players of Grant County have everything they need (from the youth league through the high school). These hardworking people don't ask for "tolerance" or ask to be "tolerated". They ask for the same respect they give to be given back to them in return. They love Grant County Football and because of that they bust their tails twice a week year round working bingo to support their football program. Yes, they are extremely excited to see what the coming season brings with the coaching change(s) and contrary to popular belief....they did not fire the past coach. I'd say he hung himself!


    I would say that is a very one-sided view of circumstances. NO parent or group of PARENTS can have any influence on a program if it is to be sucessfull, whether they work bingo or not. From what I understand, work ethic and expectations have to be greatly increased in the Grant County community for their football program to become a sucess.

  5. Larry: It really is time to move on. A serious question: Did you hang a 3-2 curve ball against Highlands that someone drove for a grand slam, or miss a free throw in OT, or drop a pass in a playoff game? C'mon why do you bring up this stuff all day and all night long for over a week now?


    An answer, no. If you read my post, I have not bad mouthed Highlands. I have refuted some statements of some people associated with their city and program. There is a difference. Once again, the original point was that they have a much larger draw than Ft. Thomas, which I think has been shown to be true. I wouldn't have bought up the Ruby issue if I had realized that it would be illegal. I don't have proof on that issue and was not trying to incinuate wrong doing. I was once again only refuting a statement from a Highlands poster that Highlands doesn't get kids from across the river.

  6. I can't find an article, so I could be wrong about him helping other kids. Would it be illegal to help kids pay tuition to a public high school? Reguardless, I know for sure that there were other kids from Cincy on Highlands team around that time. I know that is not illegal. I bought it up because another poster tried to claim that Highlands never has kids from Cincy, not to claim Highlands was cheating. My argument had been that Highlands benefits from having a large area draw, which some Ft. Thomas posters seem to disagree with. Why I can't figure out.

  7. Since this is a blatant rules violation, did you turn your extensive documentation over to the KHSAA? Didn't think so. By the way, who is Ruby? Can we get him/her to come down here and help some of our kids with tuition? It doesn't have to be a lot. Maybe just a few thousand to our annual appeal.


    So you have to have extensive documentation showing that something happened for it to have happened?

  8. Okay, you're crazy.:D


    I know it's just a difference in thinking and there is no right or wrong on this issue, but as long as a kid is enrolled in a Ky school, he/she should in my opinion be able to participate in all extracurricular activities that every other kid in that school can participate in.


    The schools in Ky border counties will possibly have an advantage if they can attract out of state students, but that's life. If we get so Don Quixote-like focused on chasing windmills in the quest to deliver that mythical "level playing field", we will eventually require every school to have the same number of assistant coaches, spend the same dollars per player, require all facilities to be the same, etc. etc. If a team loses to a team that has some out of state impact players on it in a state game, life will go on.


    I'm in to state titles as much as any one, but making sure that no school has any advantage over another school as they both attempt to win a state titles should not be what drives our management of high school athletics in Ky.

    I feel where you are coming from. However, I disagree. I think that schooling, and high school athletics, should be a function of a state for people that live in a state. I don't believe that a kid that lives in a surrounding state should be able to go to high school in our state, let alone compete in athletic competition. Its more of an opinion issue than anything. I think Ohio took the correct steps to intercede in what Faust was doing across the river. I would also say Covington Catholic fans feel the same way.

  9. Have you ?


    Highlands has D1 players on a regular basis , but how many of those are tuition paying D1 ?


    Give us some numbers !


    Once again, lets not confuse tuition with being from out of the area. However, I will give you some names that jump out at me. Lorenzen, Smith, Hamblin, Mitchell, the kid from Simon Kenton that was Mitchell's age, and for lack of academic prowess to recieve a scholarship Frisk. I am sure there are more, but I obviously don't know the history and situation of every athlete in their program.

  10. So now you think Highlands is drawing football players from out of state ? Tell me Larry , what states are they coming from and what are their names ? :rolleyes:


    First of all, I never said that Highlands was drawing kids from out of state. Funny you think I was even refering to Highlands when I was talking to LN. Since you mentioned it, however, there were a couple of kids out of Cincy earlier this decade who Ruby paid for their tuition, so don't try and act like it has never happened. I was talking about how I don't think out of state kids should be allowed to participate in KHSAA athletics, which was mostly centered toward Louisville privates who have Indiana players every year. BTW, the players that I refered to at the top were around 2001,2002, and 2003 and I don't know their names. Also, I will repeat that the out of state discussion is a rule issue, not a Highlands issue.

  11. Curious to know why you feel that way? Are kids from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia somehow genetically superior to the kids from Ky? If kids from outside the state can attend high school in Ky and compete with Ky resident kids for academic scholarships, Valedictorian, the cheerleading team, the debate team, band positions, etc. etc., why not athletics? If athletics is an important part of the educational process and we should be supporting anything that helps educate the youth of this country, why not athletics? As long as they are paying their way and not burdening the tax payers of the state to pay for their education, I've got no problem with out of state students participating in athletics. But maybe I'm missing something. Help me understand why you feel the way you do about athletics or do you feel KDE should just totally ban out of state kids from attending school in Ky?


    Call me crazy, but I think Kentucky High School athletic events should be for students who live in KY. Dont get me wrong, I don't think out of state students should be attending our schools either, but that will never change. So to answer your question, yes, I do think the KDE should ban out of state attendance. However, I don't think it would ever happen.

  12. [/b]


    Yes we do and no, not normally. You continue to overestimate the impact of a very few players vs populations of a couple hundred more. Close the district and give HHS 200 more students with the rest of 5A and it really, really would be sick after the coaches had 50 more players for 4 years. Not even close in the impact yet you continue to ignore this. Your fantasy isn't funny, it's sad.


    Once again, you estimate that someone having 150-200 more boys in their high school gives them that many football players, which is ridiculous. When a child comes to your school to play football, he is definately going to be a football player. To say that you don't normally have D1 athletes is equally ridiculous. Have you checked the list of D1 athletes that have attended Highlands in the last fifteen years? I would have to ask how many schools in this state do you think have had more?

  13. To those in the small town of Ft. Thomas who in this difficult economy have lost their jobs, but are doing everything in their power to keep their kid at HHS for education and football, I answer your question. You assume that everyone in Ft. Thomas is rich and wealthy. You have made your point! There are 120 kids in Ft. Thomas who earned a state championship ring, and many more from NCC that did the same. Move on with the next subject![/quote


    As long as I have made my point...:walk:

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