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Fan In The Stands

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Posts posted by Fan In The Stands

  1. I took a look at the scores of the 5 games E-Town has played and the LEAST number of points they gave up in a single game was 41 if I remember right. A couple of games they gave up over 60 points so I would think that they are averaging around 50 points against per game. I don't want to count anyone out but it could be a nice day for the BW offense. I would like to see them working outside more and getting Vocke into space. No fumbles...please....by anyone.


    I agree, Beechwood should win big and I agree even more with the fumbles comment.

  2. ^ Agree with all Clyde except Beechwood did not try to get Vocke outside enough. They need to run that stretch play a LOT with Vocke, just like CCH did today with Gray. When either of those guys get one inch of a seam, they are gone.


    The CCH D was fundamentally a better D than Beechwood in this game. The Beechwood D let Gray get outside but CCH did not let Vocke. The CCH D was better prepared for this game.


    The Beechwood D did not do a good job wrapping him up. Basic fundamental tackling works better than the reach and grab method. That's how shoulders get hurt anyway.


    My guess is that Beechwood will make adjustments and get back on track because you can not give up 40 points and expect to win a state championship.

  3. I watched Beechwood practice for about 30 minutes today. I must say their QB was very impressive in practice, hard to believe he wasn't the starter last year. With that said and after seeing CovCath play last week, I think CovCath looks more well rounded as a football team. Size, depth, and just overall a little better than Beechwood. However, CCH just came off a tough game with Boone and they have Highlands next week so I wonder if they could be looking ahead. I can see it going either way but I lean CovCath.


    The Beechwood QB is a very good QB and a large number of fans agree with your disbelief that he did not start last year.

    If he had the opportunity to gain valuable game experience last season it would certainly helped this season and who knows, maybe even extended last season on to a potential state championship but we will never know.

    I agree, CCH has a size advantage and a depth advantage. No news there.

    As hard as the CCH coaching staff has tried, I would think the thought of the Birds coming up next week has entered the minds every player and fan.

    Turnovers and/or penalties, as always, could tip the scales in this game. IMO, this game will all come down to who wants it more.

    I predict Beechwood in the upset by a conservative 7 point margin.

  4. The question f the thread is who "should" win. The answer to that is the 4A CCH with the huge line and deep roster "should" beat the 1A team with minimal depth and two starting lineman out with injuries.


    That said, this just might be a close one with either team winning by 7 or less. This could even be a game won by 3 with the outstanding kickers both teams have. Definitely one to be at if you are a high school football fan. Hopefully the weather (heat) will be better than the last home game.

  5. If a 1A team can turn the ball over that many times and still beat a 4A team in their own house that has to be considered a good win. Maybe it was ugly but in the end what matters is the score when the clock expires. Hopefully lessons were learned and corrections will be made.

  6. Agreed. Offer(s). He can do much better than UK but that might be where he fits best. Best wishes to him.


    I feel sorry for Dixie, they have as much talent as anyone around but they are very poorly coached. If Dale Mueller was at Dixie they'd be a state championship team. Towles not only appeared to be the better passer but he also looks faster than Pike while running. Towles will end up with a much better offer than KY IMO.
  7. A score is a score. If it's special teams, defense, turnovers, etc.


    Conner keeps giving up the big play and fumbling and throwing interventions.


    Until the mental mistakes stop the losses will not.


    Holmes Offensive TD's-1

    Conner Offensive TD's-7


    I believe that Holmes scored 3 other TD's. One on a fake punt and two on defense. That's the only reason the score was close the first half. The last 30 minute session was ALL Conner. This was after a 30 minute JV break. Conner's D completely dominated the Holmes offensive unit.

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