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Posts posted by patb63

  1. I agree with the online type publication....hard copy is too labor intensive to compile and publish, as well as too expensive to be profitable.


    An online version, while taking several "reporters" to assemble and an "editor" to organize into a format, would be an achievable sort of project. It could be done similar to the BGP newsletters and preview editions, just in a more frequent fashion.


    I'm not saying that BGP should do it (even though I think they're the leaders in high school sports reporting in KY), but I think that would be a good named organization to start with!!

  2. I'm rooting for the Rebels, but they'll have to play better than this past week!!


    For some reason, we just can't consistently make it happen for a whole game. Sometimes, it seems we're afraid of the ball (punt returns, kickoff returns, etc.), we're confused by the offense (secondary lapses, etc.), we're stuck in a rut (run it up the middle, AGAIN), or we just miss the play (not enough pressure on the opposing quarterback, etc.). Regardless, I want the team to give it their ALL this Friday night. It's win or go home time. You've worked hard this year, faced a lot of adversity and made huge strides towards keeping the tradition-building alive.


    No matter the outcome, keep you're heads up. If you've played your best and given all you can, there's no shame in the loss.


    Here's to this Friday night's game. May it be a good one for all the right reasons.


    GO REBS!!

  3. I think this is a very winnable game for Boyle...IF they don't overlook this MArion Co. team and play up to their potential. With Grant Tamme playing, I look for Boyle to be more consistent on offense than the last time these two played. And, if the defense plays at least as well as they have, it should be a winn for us.


    Here's hoping, anyway.

  4. jbwill2,


    I wasn't a part of the BGP ranking, but I too had questions about the rankings, especially Boyle Co. As with any poll of individuals, knowledge of the subject tends to cause one to think one way or the other. I believe the rankings at the beginning of the year were based upon the previous years performance, the shedule of opponents for this year and the general knowledge of each of the teams. This would tend to make teams like Boyle Co, Highlands and others be closer to the top. I believe Harrison Co was highly rated because of the expectation for this season.


    I don't feel the rankings were done to generate discussion....Lord knows there are enough other topics during the season to get that done. I do believe that the initial rankings were done based upon the generally available knowledge of the teams AT THAT TIME. Of course, that knowledge changed as the season progressed...and the rankings changed accordingly.


    If you compare the BGP rankings to some of the other rankings out there, I think you'll find that, overall, the BGP voters did a fine job. I fell like I got more than my money's worth this year with BGP, and I look forward to more years to come.

  5. Rebel88,


    The person making that decision was doing what they were supposed to be doing, coaching. The decision to go for two might have been made with information not available to us, or with knowledge above what we think would be "normal".


    The "huge" event of this game was that Bullitt East played a better game and won. I think that is the most important aspect of this game.


    I applaud you on giving BE their props (deserved, I might add) and want to do the same myself. For myself, I think our team did much better than anyone might have guessed at the start of the season. I've very proud of the way these young men pulled together to give us the season we had. I look forward to next season when we can build upon this year's accomplishments and try to achieve even more success.


    Hope to see you there, whatever the season brings.

  6. I believe Bullitt East HAS been flying under the radar most of this season. I believe they have improved from the past few years and are making a serious challenge in 3A this year.


    Now, if they win tomorrow night, they will deserve the respect of the teams they have defeated and it will be given. I believe that they have received the respect due them so far, as I'm sure no serious player, coach, or fan is taking them lightly for this game.

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