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Everything posted by marvel

  1. 1. What's Planned Parenthood's percent of profit for contraceptives vs. abortion? 2. My point exactly. They don't need government funds to run their organization. 3. This goes along with point #2 . If people with a conscious will give to community centers who provide these services, this problem is taken care of. You claiming that without government funding, these programs will vanish is a fear-mongering talking point, playing on peoples emotions.
  2. Why are conveniently ignoring the part where the lady referenced making a profit? "And if they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that....Every penny they save is a just pennies they give to another patient. To provide a service the patient wouldn’t get."
  3. Few questions: 1, What percentage of services do contraceptives account for? 2. Do enough people not care about Planned Parenthood providing these services to the poor that they won't donate to PP? 3. By declaring that without government funding, poor people won't have birth control and therefore will be popping babies left and right, do you think you're playing into the whole "emotions running amok" theory?
  4. Did you watch the video(s)? One woman joked about purchasing a Lamborghini with the income. Kinda hard to do that with reimbursements. Also, when the abortionist talks about "doing a little better than break even," you can't help but think they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing. Full text of that convo: 2. What were they doing that was illegal? Maybe that's part of #1 . Here's what federal law says about selling fetal tissue: 42 U.S. Code § 289g–2 - Prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue (a) Purchase of tissue: It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce. (e)(3) The term “valuable consideration” does not include reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue. Here's what California law says about selling fetal tissue 125320. (a) A person may not knowingly, for valuable consideration, purchase or sell embryonic or cadaveric fetal tissue for research purposes pursuant to this chapter. (b) For purposes of this section, "valuable consideration" does not include reasonable payment for the removal, processing, disposal, preservation, quality control, storage, transplantation, or implantation of a part. It seems to be illegal to sell across state lines and it seems to be illegal to sell beyond "reimbursement" costs give their "break even" comment. . That 3% number is a farce and a way for them to dodge the fact that they perform 30% (330,000 a year) of all abortions in the country. National Review had a good article: Planned Parenthood's 3 Percent Abortion Statistic Misleads | National Review Online They perform as many Pap tests as abortion and almost as many abortions as breast-care screenings. And only 17,000 prenatal services (so PP performs 17 times more abortions). They perform abortions. They then take those babies, carefully dismember their limbs, harvest their organs, and sell them. The most recent video showed a PP employee grabbing the limbs of an aborted fetus ready for sale. Anyone with a shred of humanity won't relegate these unborn babies to just a 3% stat and act like they don't matter. Funds are fungible.
  5. Adoption is a much better and loving alternative than destroying the life.
  6. Also, Planned Parenthood's only valid "criticism" being the video is highly edited. Here's the completely unedited version of the video. All 2 and 1/2 hours of it.
  7. Is Deborah Nucatola in fact Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services? I have yet to hear Planned Parenthood or any of those news outlet claim that's not her.
  8. To summarize, Planned Parenthood admits being the middle man in an organ harvesting operation of dead babies. Anyone with a shred of humanity -- no matter which side of the fence in the pro-life debate you fall on -- should acknowledge its grotesqueness and seek to shun these practices from a civilized society. The lady in the video was enjoying fine cuisine and a bottle of wine whilst talking about the price ranges of liver, lungs, and the heads of babies for goodness sake.
  9. I mean, honestly, it's not that hard to believe that Planned Parenthood was involved in organ harvesting from dead babies. Shocking is the last word I would use to describe it.
  10. ??? You must not have Googled hard enough. The Blaze, Breitbart, The Hill, etc are covering it. Not sure what to tell you. Planned Parenthood just released a statement on their organ harvesting market.
  11. Undercover Footage Captures Stunning Claim About Planned Parenthood | Video | TheBlaze.com Chilling: Listen to a Top Planned Parenthood Doctor Talk About Selling Aborted Babies? Body Parts, While Eating Lunch - Cortney O'Brien Planned Parenthood Doctor: Clinics Sell Aborted Baby Parts | The Daily Caller Planned Parenthood director admits to selling fetus body parts | Daily Mail Online Planned Parenthood Accused In Viral Video Of Selling Fetal Parts By Right-Wing Activist Group That Hired Actors
  12. Is this not reason enough for Congress to stop handing over tens of tens of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood?
  13. Pretty disgusting. Talks about selling the lungs, liver, and even the head of killed babies after abortions. Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood's Top Doctor Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies | LifeNews.com
  14. Will it ever be appropriate to remove Thomas Jefferson statues or any other Founding Father who owned slaves from the Capital or National Parks? Despite these people contributing significantly to our "heritage," they did own slaves and can be considered offensive and divisive to many. Where is the balance?
  15. Why didn't General Grant free his slaves upon becoming General or even after the North won? Saying one side fought for slavery and the other fought to end it is disingenuous IMO.* *not saying slavery wasn't a factor for war, specifically in the deep south.
  16. What Mellisandre said to Arya in season three (wasn't in the books): "I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes... eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again."
  17. That's absurd. He's been fighting the NSA bulk collection of data since he was elected. His dad opposed it back in the early 2000's when it was originally voted on. The Paul family has a long history of fighting this gross violation of the 4th amendment.
  18. Its not just about phone records. Your smart phone device is linked to your gps (location), emails, facebook messages, google search history, financial information, what you buy through your bank (if you have app on your phone like a Chase banking app), text messages, etc. The PATRIOT Act allows the NSA to collect in bulk and store that information without ever getting an individual warrant.
  19. I provided you with articles showing the NSA bulk collection of data has never actually been a major factor in stopping a terrorist attack.
  20. LOL we're on a blog where most people hide their identity. There's a reason for that. People value their privacy. Why don't you publicly disclose on BGP your name and perhaps some family members? Also. will you email me your email and facebook login and passwords please? I'd like to scroll through your internet activity. You have nothing to hide, right?
  21. Everything on my phone. It contains virtually everything about me.
  22. I have a serious problem with another government agency collecting my most sensitive and private information. We've already seen Obama's IRS and the DOJ go after political opponents.
  23. The problem is that the government has a unfettered access to these records and they aren't getting an individualized warrant. By the parameters you just set, the NSA isn't abiding by them.
  24. The right to be left alone is considered by some to be the most cherished and prized. The 4th amendment is just as important as the 1st, 2nd, etc.
  25. Yes, you actually are. You just googled "NSA foils terrorist plot" and posted the first article that fits your narrative without actually researching it. If you did, you'd realize that Keith Alexander, the NSA chief who made that claim, admittedly inflated those numbers: NSA chief's admission of misleading numbers adds to Obama administration blunders - Washington Times This whole debate is happening because the NSA or the FBI have not been able to justify the bulk collection of data. And the means for the bulk collection of data is what the Second Circuit court, the court below the Supreme Court, is what they deemed illegal.
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