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Posts posted by GridIronWarrior

  1. Bourbon hasnt beaten anybody good all year. Not much of a suprise.


    Really trying to rebuild some desire and pride in Bourbon. Not really going after the big 5 to get them on the schedule just yet. We need to keep things in perspective, 5 wins in 6 years where 3 of them were in the last year. Bourbon has small hurdles to overcome. Sorry we don't impress you enough to consider us a decent team(which is what we are).


    One question: Do you consider Grant Co. good? To me, a decent 5A team, not as strong as I expected but the things I did like about the Braves- Desire, Heart and never giving up.

  2. Bourbon County people for the vast majority welcome the merge. Typically its the Paris people that don't want to. They have too much pride at Paris to admit that a merge would be a good thing. As far as students getting along, a good majority of high school students from both schools run around together. Paris boys date Bourbon girls and Bourbon boys date Paris girls.


    Someone asked earlier in the forum what constitutes a merge besides enrollment. A merge can take place or will be put in order by the state if the Paris contingency budget falls below 3% (I think). In Lehman's terms...they need to have at least 3% more than all their bills to run the school. Anything lower than that is considered financial trouble. By the way, 7-10 students per a class is not even close. My son has at least 15 people in each of his classes. Most classes over at Paris have at least 20. It's a smaller school, but not smaller classes. And Paris does offer college courses which are taught on Paris' campus.


    I agree totally with Deep. It is a political game of who would be in charge and control how things are done. The kids get along for the most part, other than school rivalry. My son goes to Bourbon and has many friends in the Paris school. It isn't about the kids it is about politcal power in the town.

  3. Yes the Colonels are young and they are learning how to win. Congrats to the players and coaches of the frosh and JV teams as they both won last night against Montgomery. I think both teams are 2 and 0 and the Jv has not been scored on. Keep working and listening to your coaches guys and you can build a PROGRAM.


    Absolutely. Congrats to Freshman and JV.

  4. Colonels have work to do. We fell into the old trap against Mason. We collectively shut down after one touchdown. From there we played like we were scared. Frustrating to see but can be overcome. Composure and desire is what the colonels need to be successful. Colonels never claimed to have alot of speed. We do have skill across the field, we are young. Can we compete, YES. With Holmes it is hard to say, haven't seen alot of tape on them. Colonels need to have faith in themselves as much as there fans do.

    We are behind them 100%. All I can say let's regroup, lick our wounds and beat Holmes!!!!!!!:thumb:

  5. Playing Solid D as usual. Mason Co O will be hard to stop. :thumb:


    Wouldn't call it solid D, more like less than stellar offense from the teams they played. Hold on to the ball is high on the board when playing anybody. If you don't protect the ball, you will lose.


    As far as the O, limit their time on the field and you will slow them down tremendously. I won't say stop but definitely put them in quick sand.

  6. Bourbon County does not HAVE a passing game. When the run is stopped Bourbon is done for.


    Bourbon does have a passing game. And there is one part of your quote I would like to emphasize WHEN. Surely you don't think Mason will shut it down? They have given up plenty of rushing yards in their last two games.


    Bottom line- Anything can happen, I wish both sides the best of luck and it will be a very exciting game.

  7. If Bourbon can compete with Mason County then they can arguably compete in their district; this week's game is a true measuring stick. Can the Colonels defend against a team that will give them a balanced attack or will they just beat teams that play the same style football as was played in "Leatherheads". Colonels should be able to run the ball on most teams they play this season. The question is can the Colonels pass the football enough to keep teams honest.


    I believe Coach P and the BoCo. squad has yet to pull out all of its arsenal.

    Coming from a stand point if something is working don't change it or even better, run what works UNTIL they stop it. Haven't looked at all the stats from the last 2 games but right now the run game is working. Do we really need to show future competitors everything in the playbook?:deadhorse:

  8. I didn't say Johnson Central was better, only that the gap between the two may not be nearly as large as some would be inclined to think.


    How badly do you think Boyle County and Bell County, clearly the top two teams in 4A, would beat the likes of Greenup County and Raceland?


    I dare say ... as badly as they would want.


    Why cant we just wait and see what happens on the field!

  9. Wow! They beat 2 crappy teams! Etsill might have been good last year, but they are not this year. And Casey County is even worse than them. Don't start drinking the kool-aid yet!


    Unfortunately the Bourbon squad will have to deal with this mentality from here on out. Forget the fact that they have already 2/3rds of what they did last year in considerably less time. No matter what they do, it will always be they played a weak team or somebody is not good this year. Not that they have worked hard and are continuing to work hard to get better and improve.


    How about we applaud a group of young men that are finally getting to taste a little success. And right now the flavor of the kool-aid is grape!!!!:dancingpa

  10. GIW, welcome to the site; and when you get a free moment be sure to check out the following link. And if you ever have a question, feel free to contact your friendly neighborhood mod.:thumb:






    PS - Paris is not on Mason County's schedule this year.


    Yeah, got caught up in khsaa site looking at wrong one. Any way still don't feel Mason is really that HOT.

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