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Posts posted by FormerCawoodTrojan

  1. Mike Jones and his son Micheal were very successful. Todd Central as an 8th Grader and Frosh and then on to Harlan High School where they won a couple of All A Classics as well as at 2 trips to the Sweet 16. I also think Michael led the state in assists a couple of years and still is either at the top or close to the state record for FT percentage.

  2. IMO. If I'm Osu I stay away from UM. I dont think 1 year away is enough time for UM to recharge. Just my opinion. We shall see what happens.


    i stay away from him for that reason and others. He doesn't paint a picture of discipline.

  3. Even though several UF players got in trouble, you got to give Urban credit. He sent uber talented Cam Newton packing for breaking the rules. How many coaches would have sent Cam away? Pretty sure the Sweater wouldn't have.


    I think they had over 30 arrests while he was in charge...several played nearly immediately. I don't think anyone can ever give him any type of credit for holding people accountable.

  4. Real talk, Rondo is a man. I remember when Wade's shoulder popped out and he cried and cried and was wheeled off the court in a wheelchair.(wuss.....) I can also only imagine what Paul Pierce would have done. Ambulance probably would have came on the court and they'd probably put a neck stabilizing brace in him but anyways.....I always liked Rondo and last night moved him up a lot on my favorites list. Guys that play through injuries such as a dislocated elbow display the type of toughness that is admired by me.


    I heard Pierce checked himself in the hospital later last night he was so scared...

  5. It is time for "The Vest" to do what is best and take his troubles with him. I think Ohio State needs to be on the phone doing whatever it takes to try to get Urban to replace Tressell. Then the University can try to sell the NCAA, that they have Urban to clean up the program.


    Urban to clean up a program? That may be the worst idea EVER. He held no one accountable.

  6. The Magic Scout that I hang out with watched practices at McD's and Jordan game and here was his take last night on the guys he was talking about. He is a former college player/coach and really has no allegences except to his former school. I wont give his school away, but he HATES VCU. :)


    Davis - Most NBA ready HS player in years and it isn't close. Said he had 4 blocked shots in about a 12 second span...two on each side of the rim...he said scouts were drooling.

    Gilchrist - Solid player, nothing spectacular, works his butt off.

    Wiltjer - Amazing hook shot and very solid fundamentally.

    Teague - Super fast and much better than his brother at this point.

    McAdoo - A beast that will be a star next year.

    Rivers - Can score at will - wouldn't want him on his team. Not well-liked. K will have a tough job getting him "in the group", but he will probably do it.

    Hairston - Nice game, needs a couple years.


    He said he hasn't paid his own money to watch a basketball game in 30 years and that IF the UK 3 came back next year he would pay to watch them and UNC practice. He then stated the game between UK/UNC will have more NBA Quality than the Knicks have this year.

  7. I never said he frowns upon his education. I am saying it isn't as much of a factor/important enough to him to keep him in school. Some folks on this board and not on this board make Brandon Knight out to be this 'education first' kind of person and to me that is a false belief. I never said he wasn't smart I just am not buying that he is overly concerned about his education because if he was he'd come back like Harrison Barnes did.:puke: Sure he is smart enough to go now but he is also smart enough to know that the NBA isn't going anywhere. It just seems to me that if he was that worried about his education he wouldn't be testing the waters he'd be finshing his education. Before he is 21. If he finishes before he is 23, which is possible, my hats off to him. If he takes classes during the lockout I'll be impressed and recant my statement. Why leave and take classes during the lockout though? Why not just stay and play ball and take classes?


    I agree with most of this post. I don't think we can make the assumption that Barnes is coming back for academics though. Not saying he isn't, as I have no idea about the kid. I've never met him. I think some people just love the college scene (I would be one of those) and some are ready to get paid. I wish we (UK) had some that loved the college scene more than getting paid.

  8. He wanted you to believe he was putting an emphasis on academics and you believed it. If he was that concerned about his academics then he would have announced immediately after the UConn loss he was coming back to school to complete his education.


    I think academics are important to him...and I dare say he will have his degree within 5-7 years, but that doesn't mean the NBA isn't more important. I hoped he would stay, but I understand the decision.

  9. I am going


    1. Jason Williams

    2. JJ Redick

    3. Grant Hill

    4. Shane Battier

    5. Christian Laettner




    Johnny Dawkins

    Elton Brand

    Carlos Boozer

    Mike Dunleavy

    Danny Ferry

    Kyrie Irving

    Bobby Hurley


    I have to have a bench as well. I can't just name 5.


    Great list...can't think of anyone to Mike Dunleavy's place.

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