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Posts posted by Colonels_Wear_Blue

  1. When you roll into Monroe County you see the signs saying "Go Roe Go"!!

    It has become our battle cry!!!


    Years ago we would say.."who'd they say gonna beat them Falcons..who dey..who dey!!


    Just one of them funny sayings that no one knows where it came from!!!


    I think it came from Riverfront Stadium, circa 1981...


    Who-Dey Cheer

  2. Yeah that was all on the female kicker wasn't it. Not that she was on a team with a bunch of morons.


    I've told this story before. We had a girl kick for us. In one game she was named homecoming queen at halftime, did a great pooch kickoff we recovered and kicked an extra point. She also sang wind beneath my wings at graduation that would bring tears to your eyes. She ended up playing goalie at Centre College. One of my favorite people of all time.


    One of my least favorite songs of all time. :puke:


    (No offense intended, pigman.)

  3. Nice lot across the street where Cassidys once stood.


    You're correct. From what I understand about tailgating at Cov Cath, the ban came down from the Park Hills PD. That being said, the "Cassidy's" tailgaters could still potentially get shut down at the lot there since it's right at the Ft. Wright/Park Hills line. I'm not so sure of Ft. Wright's policies, as legally that lot is in Ft. Wright, but I think they have (sometimes) shut tailgating down in the past.

  4. If I may interject, Wildcat does raise a good point. You are saying, in my interpretation of your comments, that this year's team has a better chance of beating Highlands because the current coaches are stressing fundamentals, whereas the prior coaching staff did not. Frankly, I find that somewhat hard to believe. I'd think that any coach qualified enough to be hired as a coach at CovCath would understand the need to stress the fundamentals and would have done so. If not, then such is a very, very poor reflection on the administration at CovCath for allowing such coaches to be on staff. If that was the case, I'd be more mad at the administration than I'd be at the coaches. Furthermore, even if the CovCath kids are now once again being taught the fundamentals as you profess, they will be playing against Highlands kids that have been taught the fundamentals for every year they have been a part of the football program. Hard to make up that differential in one year.


    I think that the CovCath kids will play hard because of "pride", "rivalry" and all the other things you mentioned. Of course, Highlands players have a lot of pride, understand the significance of the rivalry, etc also. And when it comes to stamina and conditioning, I'd think Highlands conditioning program is every bit the equal to CovCath's, so I don't see those factors giving CovCath any advantage in this game.


    Bottom line is that if both teams play up to their talent potential and both teams come into the game focused, Highlands wins this game, probably fairly large. If CovCath has a chance in this game, it will not be because they have more pride, or place more significance in the rivalry, or are in better shape, or have been taught better fundamentals. In my opinion it will only happen if the Highlands players and coaches foolishly look past CovCath. While I have expressed some concern about that possibly happening given the X win and the national ranking stuff, I no longer have those concerns to be honest with you. I think the Birds are really focused on this game.


    If any thing, I'm getting the sense that the Highlands players are really fired up and wanting to make a point. They've read on here for the last couple of years that the reason CovCath has been beaten so badly by Highlands recently is not because Highlands was that much better than CovCath as football players and as a team, but rather because of the poor coaching done by the CovCath coaches and because of "personality issues" involving some CovCath coaches. The Highlands players have taken that somewhat as an insult. So with CovCath supposedly now having coaches that teach fundamentals and with the CovCath players now again "believing", the Highlands players are out to prove a point that the big wins of the past were due to nothing other than Highlands was much better than CovCath in those years and they are much better than CovCath this year. I hope my assessment of the mentality of the Highlands players is correct. I think it is.


    LN: I understand the point that you and Wildcat are trying to make. I guess I should clarify a little better. I wasn't trying to implicate that Cov Cath's last two coaching staffs didn't coach the fundamentals. What I was trying to say is that the present coaching staff is without a doubt concentrating more on the fundamentals than the prior two.


    I would have to agree with you that Highlands shares in the "pride" aspect (and so on), so I guess we'll have to see how those play out when pitted against each other tomorrow. Also, you make a very good point about the personality issues and poor coaching decisions that have been offered as rationalization for Cov Cath's poor performances against the Bluebirds in the last couple of years. I can definitely see that being cause for some additional motivation on the Highlands sidelines.


    Anyway, as I said previously, Cov Cath is definitely going in tomorrow as the underdog and as an unlikely victor. They have their work cut out for them to say the least. I'm just doing my part to have a positive/winning attitude going in, and to rally behind my team.

  5. Well, let me try to speak for the others...or at least some of the others on this one.


    Every coaching staff at CCH since Rasso has coached fundamentals.


    Highlands will win handily with their backup QB in place; CCH has beaten 4 teams that are NOT the best we've seen from these schools or even close to their best.


    I guess you're among the "some" that I referenced in my disclaimer. :rolleyes:

  6. Highlands wins this game Saturday without a tremendous struggle. When you watch the game Saturday the most noticeable difference you'll see between the two teams is how long their respective plays take to develop. Speed is often talked about when you mention Highlands, but it's actually explosiveness at the snap of the ball. Perhaps some might see speed and explosiveness as being synonymous, but I really don’t. When I picked Highlands over St. X I explained how I thought it would happen. Besides “its senior day”, “it's a rivalry”, “it's at Cov. Cath”, “they hate other”, “pride”, I would love to hear from some Cov. Cath. folks how they're going to get it done on Saturday.

    Fair enough hopefully. :)


    Well, let me try to speak for the others...or at least some of the others on this one.


    Cov Cath is by all means the underdog in this situation, and rightly so. I don't think I need go any further into detail on that. I think that a Cov Cath win in this situation is unlikely at best. However, at the risk of sounding foolish, how is any team to have hopes of winning an upset (particularly one in a huge rivalry game like this, against an immensely talented team like Highlands) if they don't have the mindset that they truly can win? I think, personally at least, as a part of the Cov Cath community and fan base, that if I can't offer some honest faith in my team and give them my honest encouragement that they can win, I might as well go to the game and cheer for Highlands on Saturday. Cov Cath's motto is "With A Spirit That Will Not Die" for a reason. We are taught to believe and to never give up. Maybe, jimmyjr, that is what's coming through, in a way, when you have a hard time seeing past the "senior day", "rivalry", "at Cov Cath", and "pride" comments that you've attributed to us. That being said, yes, there is some truth to those points.


    At the same time, Cov Cath has gone back to basics with this coaching staff. They aren't worried so much about the new offensive and defensive schemes brought in by the last two coaching administrations. They've been concentrating on coaching things like good blocking form and tackling form, running hard to the hole on offense, reading your keys and sticking with your man on defense. When Highlands explodes off of the line, Cov Cath needs to respond with good form, position, and foot-work. They're concentrating on keeping contain, and keeping their ends from getting hooked. Cov Cath's approach is to come at Highlands with good, solid football fundamentals, and to rely on the stamina and conditioning that they worked on in the off season to hold them through the game. Cov Cath will be coming in on Saturday with the attitude that hard work, good fundamentals, and never giving up will win them the game.

  7. In reading some of these post it sound like no one wants anything to do with the game on Saturday.


    Oh, I'll be there, you can trust in that. I'll be wearing my original issue "Beat Highlands" t-shirt.


    I've got a married couple that I'm very good friends with, both of whom graduated from Highlands. We make it to ALL of the Cov Cath/Highlands games, and the deal is, we sit in the fan section of whichever team is at home. I've had a few harrowing experiences wearing that t-shirt in the Highlands stands - October 2006 comes to mind. :banana:

  8. In 1983 Highlands was going for it's 3rd straight class 3A State Championship. They were 10-0 and had won 35 (?) straight games or somewhere around that number.


    For some reason, (rule has been changed since) they had to travel to Conner even though they were number 1 in the district. They lost 13-6 in a heartbreaking game, Bill Herman's last as the coach. Melvin Miles for Conner had 65 yard run to highlight this monumental upset. Conner went on to win what I believe is their only State Title.


    Since we are on the subject, would Highlands 1992 defeat of CovCath be the Colonel's "worst" defeat? CovCath had defeated Moeller that season and handed the Bird's a lopsided loss in their first meeting.


    The loss in '92 hurt pretty badly alright, but I would have to say, in my opinion, that the 0-3 loss to Highlands at home in the '95 playoffs was the worst Highlands loss that comes to memory for me. It's hard to swallow losing by just a field goal in the playoffs, and even more so when those three points were the only ones scored.

  9. JAR: I've been told several times that a person's life is truly a success if only one person's life was made better by them. I can tell you from both Andy's reputation and from the mutual acquaintances I have with him that his was truly a successful life, many many times over. I will absolutely keep Andy and your family in my prayers.

  10. Coming from someone who knows very little at current about either freshman team, all I can say is I know Beechwood is very limited in numbers and depth. I can only assume from the size of all the Boone county public schools that Cooper isn't lacking in numbers.


    It seems to me that based on the relatively undeveloped talent level of freshman football as a whole, the size of your team and the ability to throw as many players as possible at the other team is often the key to victory. I'm not going to guess at who wins in the end, but I see it being a tough game for Beechwood.

  11. The reason it's not distracting is simply the fact that the players and coaches are used to it. The parents and fans sit quietly and listen and watch what's going on. I think the kids actually enjoy the fact that there are a decent number of parents and fans interested enough to be there watching practice.


    I guess I can see that. If it's a regular thing that they're accustomed to, then yeah, I guess it's no big deal.


    I just think back to my pee-wee football practices, with guys' dads standing on the side of the practice field watching and shouting their own editorial (coaching) comments from a distance. I was always annoyed by it, to the point that I was very explicit in instructing my parents not to show up until the end of practice time...it made for a few long nights when practice was called short for weather.

  12. Two favorites of mine (and by favorite, I mean most hated):


    • conversate
      ” - To talk informally with another or others. Perhaps you should try some form of

    • orientate
      ” – To familiarize (a person) with new surroundings or circumstances, or the like. Try




    Also, I work in the construction industry, and I mean no offense to less educated business owners around - after all, they keep everything running in many ways - but I see some pretty interesting words show up in conversation and even written correspondence from time to time.


    I think the four most common would have to be:

    • "
      " – plural form of the word “joist”

    • "
      " – strangely similar to the building feature designed to direct smoke and exhaust out of a house

    • "
      ry worker
      " – somebody who would like to be a respected masonry worker, but gets stuck carrying mortar instead

    • "
      Sherman Williams
      " – the apparent step-brother of painting magnate Edward Williams, co-founder of the Sherwin-Williams Company

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