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Posts posted by Govnah

  1. Well, you have addressed nothing. Several people I know who deal with Julien feel that he has the same attitude that you have, which fixes nothing. Just because he is now the boss doesn't mean he is right.


    On the one hand the officials have a very hard job. The officials get very little respect. On the other hand the officials have almost zero accountability. The small number of new officials coming into the system willing to get trained and take the heat means that many bad officials have a job because there is no one else. There needs to be a campaign by coaches to recruit more officials into the fold.


    One thing I have always believed in is that when the WINNING team is complaining about officials then they are bad. The WINNING team is not making excuses by blaming officials. I have heard more WINNING teams complain this year than ever before.


    It depends on where in KY you are speaking of. In Northern Kentucky, I have heard that they have really picked up their recruiting process and have gotten around 20 new officials a year. That's pretty good number. I can also tell you that the training in NKY is done by Matt Young. Matt puts in long hours training the new officials and evaluating the vetrans.


    Regardless of what the fans and coaches in NKY think, the officials in NKY work very hard and are very good officials.

  2. Davis isn't faster than Colosimo and he isn't stronger than Brilz


    He is faster than Colosimo! and he is stronger than Brilz. You would be surprised at who some of the stronger players are and which one's need to get in the weightroom. For some, playing other sports limits their time in the WR while the others have been hitting it for months. I totally advocate playing all other sports, but it typically means 5 less months of weights & FB conditioning and ya can't make up the time lost in the WR...IMO.


    Brilz and Bradley are probably the two options at center.


    Bradley's natural position is center and he's very good, but I would never move him from the middle of D-line. Hopefully no one needs to go both ways on the line again this year. Right now at center, I think it will be Lawless, Brilz, and then Bradley in that order.


    You seem to be in the know, I am curious. Who are the stronger boys on the team?

  3. What must Beechwood do to improve at QB and the line?


    In my opinion they have a very good junior QB (Taylor Davis) in waiting. He will be very very good next year. He is big, strong, with a nice arm. Hopefully, he will learn to run like Rigdon and Elliot. I think that is what the Beechwood coaching staff likes out of a QB.


    Their line has two guys returning; however, they have plenty of Juniors that can fill in very nicely (Lawless, Greenwieller, Brilz, Breley, Williams, Bradley). Some of these guys played defensive line last year but I guess they could go both ways or get switched over.


    I don't know who they will move to center this year. That is a big question for me.

  4. And I would assume you know all 5? Wait, I thought everyone is entitled to their opinions per another post of yours. I never said I didn't care for the official, but that he is not very good. This based on coaches from several teams and also from officials that do games in NKY. And, by what criteria do you claim all 5 are very good officials? Did you grade them? Did you watch all the games they refereed? I don't think so. Since you seem to know these officials, what are their names? You'll probably say it's against the rules to name people on BGP, but by naming you're not saying anything derogatory. Plus, I would venture to say you don't have a clue who they are. I think you seen my comment and had to say something derogatory. Again, thanks Govnah Blago!

    I know them.


    not all








    Anymore questions?


    Congrats to the gentleman that are working state games from N. Ky. All very good officials and all very deserving.

  5. So after watching Vocke, I came away very underimpressed, is he overhyped? He just seemed like a ordinary hs back but the wr who had 2 td's left me thinking, this guy is the real deal. Overall, Guhy stood out the most for either team and he does not get alot of attention despite amazing numbers


    'Overhyped' is an objective opinion. I think he is a good HS back; unfortunately, there were just no holes for him to run.


    #4 who caught the two passes is big and pretty darn good too; however, from what I am told, his first love is basketball.

  6. I would venture to say that qs is closer to the situation then yourself, so I would lean towards believing him. How close are you Govnah Blago?


    I am not close to the situation. Do not have a dog in the fight. Just a high school football fan with an opinion and I THINK a am allowed to post on here; but, maybe not.

  7. One of those seniors starting for the first time so perhaps inexperienced is applicable more than young. On the defensive side all juniors. The backups were all underclassmen. So out of the top 12 linemen who all played a significant amount, there are 3 seniors. Do you think the line will be better next year?


    Yes, I sure do! Deep too.


    He was out for 3 series (right at 20 plays).

    Which ended up costing dearly.

    If you want the tape ... let me know where to send it. (I already know that you won't want to verify the truth though)


    As far as your "Golden Boy" comments .... no one here (UNTIL YOU) has sunk to the point of naming players here.

    I am so impressed that you felt the need to do so.

    Please say all you want about the adults .... but when you sink so low to start pointing kids out--and make it obvious who they are ... you make it very obvious that your intentions are nothing other than spite.


    I can't say that I am surprised though .... this happens right on the sidelines in ear shot of the kids (I am sure you will make a comment about the coaches--but there are a few "adults" who make the coaches look like amateurs).


    At least we know who is grinding the ax now ...


    lol...silly, silly man....who did i name? I would never name names. I can read the rules too!


    Which game am I referring to?

  9. He must be missed.....somebody mentioned it here! :D




    How do you earn playing time on this team?


    Mistakes? You mean like jumping offsides multiple times? or, dropping more passes than you caught? or, receiving multiple unsportsmanlike calls because of your mouth? or, refusing to come of the field when your sub was sent in causing the coaches to use a time out? Just wondering because none of the players above lost their opportunity! We saw many of these same mistakes on Friday against Mayfield.


    I just don't like the way these teams are managed. I think they have gotten away from what Beechwood Football is all about!


    OUCH! I have seen all of those instances. Shoot, earlier in the season, one of the coaches sons wouldn't come off the field. They called time out, he came out of the game and BAM...he was back in....but hey, he is the 'golden boy'. Has been since he came to the school.

  10. I think a lot of this runs in cycles for small schools. As TP pointed out, it has been a while since Mayfield won a title. When you are Mayfield and Beechwood you expect to win a title every year. So you end up with a 10-4 record losing in the state semifinals. Two of the losses were to the favorites for state champion in their class and the other two losses were to 5A schools that won playoff games. One of the wins was over the state finalist and favorite in 2A and another win was over a 2A playoff winner. But at Beechwood, it doesn't feel great. And that is a good thing. I don't doubt that Mayfield was disappointed in their butt kicking in the state championship last year. When you are the top programs, that is the way it is.


    Beechwood will be back to more of a Beechwood size line next year. As to the line play dropping since Burnett left, all I know is three linemen off our 2008 team went to D1 schools, two on scholarship and one as a preferred walk on. How many times has that happened at Beechwood? The 2009 team's line had a tough time. They were undersized and the guys we had played hurt. This year's line was just young. They will be very good next year. Things do run in cycles and 2009 was a little bit down on the size side of things. That's just the way it goes.


    As to guys not sticking it out or coaches not developing players - I think some of the guys didn't stick it out because they didn't do the work they needed to in order to EARN playing time. Some of the guys didn't stick it out because of injury. Some of the guys ... it was other reasons. I don't blame the coaches for any of those guys not being here. That was their choice. The guys who did stick it out, they got the playing time their hard work and talent earned them. I can not think of one player on this team that didn't get a fair chance to prove they deserved more playing time. When you get your chance, you have to make plays. If you get your chance and make mistakes, it gets even harder to get another chance. That is just the way it is.


    These seniors came a long way from freshman year. Due to injuries and other reasons, they lost arguably the best 5 or 6 players in their class - players that would be key contributors this year if they were still playing. To make it to the state semifinals after all they endured says a lot for the guys who were healthy and able to stick it out. Football is more demanding than any other sport IMO. It is a credit to all those who compete in a program as demanding as Beechwood's so to those 9 or 10 seniors that gave everything they could to Beechwood for the past four years - THANK YOU! I believe you got the most out of your talent and you should be very proud of what you accomplished in your years at Beechwood. Not many players in the state can say they were a part of two state championship teams.


    3 seniors and 2 juniors on the line, I would not consider that young.


    Being Freshman, hardly makes you a part of the team, IMO

  11. Why is that classless? A man does not have a right to miss someone? I've see your post on here, if anyone knows about classless, it would be you.


    qs must be a frustrated coach on the current squad that wasnt good enough to be on Yeagle's staff. Every time Yeagle's name comes up, qs falls apart. He's a silly man with not much confidence.

  12. 14-7 at the half. Frankfort trying to run outside but having little success. Frankfort QB keeps lofting the long ball on 3rd down and their receivers have been able to outrun the Bw backs and make some good catches. BW seems to be controlling the line of scrimmage. Conditioning in the 4th quarter could decide this one


    If they are controlling the line of scrimmage, how is it that the offense only has scored once?

  13. Just a note also - the extra stands were welcomed and the improvements made to the wooden stands were a BIG improvement! Just a few helpful hints for Beechwood fans coming - 1.) bring extra hot chocolate or coffee in a thermos, cause both times Frankfort has ran out at half time and they serve in small cups. 2.) a flashlight for the porta potties so you can see!

    And the view on the visitor side is actually much better now with the above mentioned improvements - but a few Frankfort fans park their cars behind you in the grass and sit in their cars to watch the game, and at times were upset because the visitors were blocking their view by standing.

    Beechwood you will notice that Frankfort's stands will be more than 1/2 empty if they don't get some fans to the game. (Home stands are similar to Newport's stadium). I honsetly would love to see Frankfort fill their stands, what a great job to be in the Playoffs! Frankfort come out and support your team! Your football players are a very talented group of young men.

    But, I believe this game will go to Beechwood.


    I wonder if there will be more fans from Beechwood than Frankfort? I believe taht Beechwood will bring quite a few.

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