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Posts posted by homeofthewhopper

  1. You probably would shut him down... However that's a huge if on that team. That means you have to have a point guard that keeps Pangallo from penetrating. You really don't want to use your best defender on a guy who is just a spot up shooter, but the problem is he can also be the guy that kills you. I've been saying this all year if Connor and one of the other Breds are on at the same time they are very tough to beat. If there are more than that on like they were against Highlands then this team can beat anyone.


    On the other hand... They can very well lose to anyone as well. It's all about which team shows up and how they shoot.


    That's generally the case that it takes more than one player to beat someone. I guess that's why there are five on the floor.

  2. I don't think Conner from NCC will do much in the tournament. I know he had a big night against Highlands, but I don't think he is good enough to do that on consecutive nights. He is a good player, but teams will be putting some of their best defenders on him. I just don't think he has proved that he is good enough to do what he did against highlands in consecutive games.


    Agree but somehow he's been getting 4 or 5 3's a game for several weeks now appears to have added a ball fake that's working. To tell defenders not to leave him gives Pangallo a layup. What's the next option? If Meyer stays hot NCC will be dangerous!

  3. The Breds have been playing well since the ALL A state tourney and Connor must be shooting 40% or better sinse then and Pangallo has been playing extremely well. The difference in the Highlands game was Meyer. If he plays 1/2 as good against Dixie as he did against Highlands and the play the way they've ben playing I'll say NCC by 10 plus.

  4. I haven't seen him more than 3 times but when I do see him I've left thinking what was all the hype about. He's not a very big scorer. I never see him as an outside threat. He's a very good defender though. Am I missing something? Have I just seen him on bad nights?


    He's got great handles but struggles to see the floor and then it's usually to late. I don't think you're missing anything.

  5. No team is going to outscore Holmes in a high scoring game. It's already been proven against Highlands and Scott Co. Bryan Station was able to beat them in an uptempo game early in the season, but Henley made the proper adjustments in the rematch and blew them out of the gym by not pressing and forcing them to beat them with half court sets.


    Only way I see Holmes losing is in a low scoring game where a team slows the ball down to limit their touches offensively. Holmes is just too good to keep them from putting a 10-0 run on you, when they're getting a lot of touches and opportunities to score.


    Well I think that's what I said "slow them down because no one can stop them":thumb:

  6. NewCath could've beat anyone last night. That said, there were times that Pangallo was talking Highlands press 1 on 3 and winning, and I think it will be much more difficult against Holmes should both teams win...


    Agreed and Holmes will be all over Pangallo and he tends to force alot. NCC doesn't set screens at all? Might need to add a few against a team like Holmes (if they get by Dixie)

  7. Newcath shot the ball pretty well from outside the first time those two met, and Holmes still led by 18 heading in to the 4th quarter. If not for a late run by NCC when Henley began subbing out Rico, JJ, and Pittman, the score could have been much worse than the final 12 point deficit.


    I agree that a hot shooting team will be able to play with Holmes, but not many are going to be able to play good enough defense to stop the Dogs offensively.


    With a team like Holmes most good coaches will tell you we're not going to try and stop them because nobody can!!! We need to outscore them while trying to slow them down.

    Holmes is no doubt the best team in the tourney but NCC is the best shooting team and the trey will be the difference maker for them(NCC) as they showed last night, they just don't compete very well on the inside against teams that are the same size or bigger.

  8. Holmes, in general, seems to never have a good student body crowd on hand and that disappoints me as they have one of the premier programs in the state. Thats not a knock on them at all just an observation....


    Couldn't agree more Holmes students should get behind their team they've got a very legit shot at winning the sweet 16!!!! What else do they want?

  9. Breds scored almost 30 points in the third quarter. Grant Pangallo was fantastic tonight with the drive and dish while also scoring 17 or 19 himself. He might be my favorite player to watch play in the region. Connor had 18 I believe and was lights out in the second half.


    How come the 36th doesn't have a tournament MVP?


    How about Meyer, Connor, Pangallo 36th district MVP's:dancingpa


    What a show!!!!!!

    Connor 5-9 from the arc finished with 19

    Pangallo 17 pts. 14 yes 14 assists

    Meyer 17 pts 11 rebounds!!!!!


    Congratulations on a great team effort!!!

  10. I agree with old guy here. Most kids at the middle school age while perhaps good players cannot compete in high school, develope bad habits such dropping hands because the bats to heavy, straining to make the throws because of distance and the runners are faster so they rush. These just a few things. At least their parents can brag about them though.

  11. Agreed. And I'm not trying to bash Bellevue, they are a solid ball club, but if we point out the games they won and almost won, we have to point out the bad losses such as Silver Grove and Ludlow.


    that's a very goodand fair comment about Bellevue


    Conner will be ok but I don't think they'll be a major threat in the region IMO

  12. One thing I know about Coach Faust is he doesn't look at it like "leading his team to VICTORY". He takes that as a compliment I'm sure, but this is a team of 8 seniors. When he has had a large amount of seniors in the past his teams have done pretty well. He expects those seniors to be prepared and have the experience needed to "lead the Cru to victory".


    well then I guess we agree that somebody is going to lead the crew and they'll come out on top!!!:thumb:

  13. I know what you mean by that last comment. I've seen this St. Henry team and they really have a good amount of talent. Speed is as good as any SR GUARD in the region. He can flat out stroke it. But if he doesn't give them 20+ it seems like the entire team stuggles. Camron needs to put this team on his back. Zumdick has to step up and play big. Joey Swikert is a very underrated player and the heart of this team. Scotty Volz didn't even play his soph or junior years, but at times he looks like the best player on this court.


    I feel like St. Henry will take care of business and hold Bryan under 20 and win by more than 15+.


    I totally agree with your last comment but it seems like even though Bryan get's his 30 or 40 Villa struggles? I'm sure Coach (the best in NKY)Faust will be ready and lead the crew to VICTORY!

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