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Posts posted by Devil4Life33

  1. The wait is almost over! I cannot wait until Sunday night to get this season underway.


    Any speculation on which one of the series originals will die? Pretty sure it is someone still alive in the book and someone who filmed their scenes in Ireland.


    That would include, Castle Black, Winterfell and the Vail (or whatever the place Littlefinger and Sansa are at is called), I believe.

  2. Simple....Don't turn it over, win comfortably. Turn it over, it'll be a close one.


    West Virginia forced Maryland into 20+ TOs and they still were within 2 possessions in the final minute. If they can't turn you over, they can't beat you.


    My biggest concern with this one is a cheap shot like the decapitation of Tremble by Adrian where someone gets seriously injured.


    I love this point here. I only saw WVU play a couple games before the tournament, but in 1 game I watched in the Big 12 tournament it didn't look like they had any shooters outside of the guy who made all the free throws at the end last night. Can't remember his name. Just like UC, great defense is awesome and wins games, but if you can't score against this Kentucky team good luck knocking them off.

  3. I liked his comments about fighting the OHSAA (Who has ever fought the OHSAA and won?). Obviously, the OHSAA has a stronger backbone than does the KHSAA.


    I felt differently about those comments. I don't see that as a legitimate reason NOT to fight it. There is always a first time for everything and the kids deserve to be fought for. Who knows, they could win and set precedent for future cases like this.

  4. I simply asked a question and put my question out there. When someone says having a higher IQ would make a tremendous difference has me reading his comment differently.


    I understand what you are saying, I guess I just took it as that it makes a tremendous difference in the game itself, I didn't draw a connection to CC or their players. Maybe the original poster can elaborate

  5. I am confused by this statement. Because his kids are "smarter" it is easier to coach and what does CC have not very smart kids and Coach Russell's job is harder? Also if you don't think CC's team is all about the TEAM then you must not know this team very well.


    I didn't see anything in that post that suggested that CC didn't have smart players. I didn't even see CC mentioned in the post.:idunno:

  6. I lost a lot of respect for Bill Walton during the Kemba Walker/Brandon Knight draft coverage.


    He had nothing but good things to say about Kemba, who admittedly never read a book throughout his entire college career and made remarks about Brandon Knight that suggested he was only as UK for basketball and didn't go to classes the second semester.


    I thought that was terrible because if I remember correctly, Knight came into college as an above 4.0 student who already had a number of college credits and was almost a sophomore academically before starting classes in the fall of his freshman year. It just seemed like very unfair criticism and backwards thinking.


    I can't remember exactly what he said, I'll have to go back and check twitter if it will go back that far. Anyone else remember this?

  7. I may catch heat for saying this, but I also thought Holmes "bigs" were very selfish in the last 2 games. With the exception of #15 , every time the ball went into the post it was shot. I thought that several shots were forced up over much bigger defenders when they could've been kicked out for an open shot or to get deeper post position. I understand that when the ball entered the paint it was 5-7 feet from the basket, but at some point I would think that going strong against a defender who is much taller than you and who has stopped you several times before would not be the best option for you.


    Passing out of the post & re-posting is a skill not many high school kids do well. I believe the easier alternative is to turn and shoot no matter what the defense dictates. Also, this works both ways, you have to have the guards that are willing to re enter the ball. The post up game in high school and college seems to have diminished as a primary weapon. Its a pick & pop or pick & roll world these days.


    I completely agree with what you're saying and getting deeper post position may not even have been an option against the zone, but when the ball gets to the free throw line against any zone the players should be looking weakside for the open man IMO. I don't think any of their players outside of #15 even had that thought creep into their minds. Just from what I saw, if the ball hit the paint it was going up no matter what was in front of them.

  8. #14 Mullins for Holmes is going need to grow up a little if he is going to be all he can be for the Dawgs next year. I get coming out of the game, who likes that...but pouting and "hard slapping" his teammates for half a quarter in the biggest game of the year, unacceptable. It's not all about you, son.


    I respect #15 Moore for Holmes for trying to get his teammates head right and for Coach L for not budging, letting him sit and stew for a while. He eventually got back in the game.


    Quit making it about yourself. Play for your team.



    It seemed like almost every player that was pulled out of the game for them against Dixie on Monday night was "pouting" as well. I thought the same thing, this is a game where you are fighting for your life, there is no time for selfishness.


    I may catch heat for saying this, but I also thought Holmes "bigs" were very selfish in the last 2 games. With the exception of #15 , every time the ball went into the post it was shot. I thought that several shots were forced up over much bigger defenders when they could've been kicked out for an open shot or to get deeper post position. I understand that when the ball entered the paint it was 5-7 feet from the basket, but at some point I would think that going strong against a defender who is much taller than you and who has stopped you several times before would not be the best option for you.

  9. Just curious, but caught fire from whom?


    Maybe that's not the right description, but I saw some posts in the game thread about that call and there were plenty of people in the stands who didn't agree with the call. That call in particular was being talked about long after that game had ended. Being there for all 3 sessions so far, that was the most disputed call of the tournament to this point.

  10. From the couple 9th region games I saw, the 16th region refs weren't too good.


    There are 2 out of the 6 that have probably made 75% of all the calls so far in the 6 games that have been played and then one of the other 4 caught some fire for the call he made on Saturday that almost sent Cov Cath home, but other than that I don't think they have been bad. I think they were pretty consistent last night in the late game.

  11. Tony was a role player who was at best the 4th or 5th best player on that team. He was good and no disrespect but Ronny was the engine and the star .


    I'm not disagreeing with you on this at all and wasn't trying to talk up Tony B's talent as a basketball player. I am saying his leadership was the key. The next year they brought in a kid that was arguably more talented than him to replace him in the starting lineup but couldn't match their success from the previous season (not at the All-A or the Region).


    I think back to more recently when Newport won the region beating a stacked Holmes team who was primed for a repeat. The Collins kid was not their best player and was probably 3-4 option at best, but without his leadership and coaching on the floor there was no chance of that team making the run that they did. Everyone can look back and say that undoubtedly Demarco Foster was their best player and engine, if you will, but without Collins that team falls apart IMO.


    I am just asking the question, did New Cath have that guy the past few years? I don't really know the answer, but from watching them several times I am not sure that they did. Yes, this group of seniors was extremely talented and by all accounts a very hard working group, but when they got down early Friday night I didn't see anyone on the court that pulled them together to regroup them or who had the "refuse to lose" type mentality that I think all teams need to make a deep run in the post season.

  12. I have video of the last possession by Dixie if I can figure out how to post it I will. That being said not sure what Dixies plan was waiting so long in my opinion Moore and Schreck where getting to the basket all night long beating Holmes guards off the bounce causing Avery to have to hedge over and help giving Dixie easy put backs all night, why not do the same thing at around .30 and take your chance on defense hoping Holmes forces a 3? Rather get beat on a big time shot on a big time stage then a turnover.


    Is that 3 seconds or 30 seconds? If 3, then I believe that is exactly what they were trying to do.

  13. How about someone from NCC? Anyone?


    I think it was a successfull season overall but in the grand scheme of things...it has to sting that the Breds continue to have a ton of talent and great coaching but cant get over the hump and win the 9th Region.


    The last time they won they rode the back of Ronny Dawn. I honestly think last season was their best chance to win it. Having McDonald, Schulte and Weyer was one of the biggest frontlines in the state.


    I know Ronny was a HUGE part of that team that won Region his junior year, but IMO Tony Bagicalupo (however you spell it) was the key to success. The next year they returned 4 of 5 starters and had a nice player transfer in from Grant Co to replace Tony B and couldn't get it done without him. He was a great leader and like another coach on the floor. I don't claim to be an expert on New Cath basketball, but is that what this group of Seniors was missing? Perhaps they just haven't had that guy to rally them when they needed it most these past 3-4 years?

  14. Can't remember if it was his junior or senior year, or who it was against, but I saw Ronnie Dawn drop 50 in a game played at NewCath.


    I saw Ronnie drop 54 in an All A Classic game in Dayton, it was against Beechwood I believe. It was our senior year 2001 and we were getting ready to play after them. He was puling from one step past half court. Most I've ever seen in person.

  15. And if the coach made some move to put his team in good position to win I'd say so . LC went 2


    That part of my post was not directly as you per say, just an opinion on what I've seen in this thread. Also, I wasn't talking about giving a coach credit when you don't feel he deserves it, I was more talking about acting like when they win it is in spite of his coaching. To me that is having it both ways.

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