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Posts posted by Devil4Life33

  1. I agree with trading Rose for the success of the team, but do you think they take a big PR hit if they do that? The Chicago kid that they invested so much time and effort into his rehab, I can see that being a polarizing move amongst their fan base.

  2. He did play great and so did the Cavs. They done what they needed to do to win but with Gibson being ejected, I thought the Cleveland player should have been ejected as well. Not sure what Gibson done to start it but the Cleveland player had Gibson in a leg lock and Gibson went to get out of it and both benches cleared. Complete Bogus.


    Were we watching the same game? I didn't see the benches clear, only the coaches come onto the floor and things broke up pretty quickly. Look like everyone involved was pretty aware that if they escalated things it wouldn't be good for their future in the series.


    I would've been good with a tech on Deladova and a flagrant 1 on Gibson. I could also see a tech on Brooks for running in and pushing JR Smith. Other than that, nothing to see. Looked more like May Pac 2.0

  3. Let's be honest here, no one has a clue what they are going to do from here on out. They have changed so much from the books at this point.


    Are they introducing any new characters this season besides who they've already shown?


    My brother in law and I had about a 2 hour conversation on where we think the show is going from here and I'm excited about being surprised.


    Can't wait for the fighting pits to be opened, hopefully next week.


    Also, I love how they play on the Holidays. Last season they shot Tywin on Father's day and this season Danny gives her children a little gift on Mother's Day. I loved that scene with the Dragons.

  4. The battle at Winterfell is setting up nicely. I found Roose Bolton's speech to Ramsey to be almost the exact opposite of the one Stannis had last week, but still loving in a creepy sort of way.


    Also, did you notice what I thought was a little hint about Jon Snow early in the show? When Aemon and Sam were talking.

  5. I got pulled over by an off duty police officer once on 471, I had stayed behind him the whole way until I switched lanes to get off at my exit. I then slightly passed him as he was clearly going under the speed limit. He got behind me and hit the lights. When he got to the car he says, "I can't have you showing me up"


    I was completely flabbergasted by that, as I was not showing anyone up and with a cop in clear sight I was very careful not to go over the speed limit or even approach the actual limit. He let me go, but not before wasting both of our time for a few minutes. I still don't understand him baiting me (IMO) then pulling me over probably 100 yards from my exit. Completely unnecessary

  6. As far as the spoiler, I don't know if it confirmed that theory entirely. One half of it is definitely true, but I am still not sold on the other half. There are some details that make me think differently. It's hard to say anything without spoiling.


    Highlight below for my thoughts lol.....SPOILERS AHEAD (Maybe)


    Could he not be the son of Robert and Lana and have rightful claim to the throne? I know the Raegar storyline is more intriguing, but the dark dark hair and Stannis' affection for Jon make me wonder if she wasn't already pregnant with Robert's baby when she went with Raegar. Since Stannis "sees something in him" could it be he sees his own bloodline and just doesn't know it? I know that doesn't really make sense because Robert and Lana were not yet married, but the super dark hair throws me off. The starks have dark hair, but not black like the Baratheons and the Targarian blood line would have to show through just a little in his hair color, right? Please forgive me if I have spelled everything wrong...

  7. Agreed. I just can't imagine both being gone this early in the season. Maybe one survives? :idunno:


    I feel the same way as you. I had accidentally stumbled upon this spoiler on one of the fb posts because all those people thought they were cool to have watched the leaked episodes already. I will not be opening the comments on any more GOT fb posts.

  8. Ser Barriston and Grey Worm in one episode? Dang, the Harpy aren't messing around!


    That sucked, but at least they didn't close the door on them completely.


    They did take some fools down with just the 2 of them though. One of the best scenes of the season so far IMO

  9. I haven't read any of the books, so anything I say is pure speculation.


    I'm curious about The Mountain. He has to be coming back in at some point, and what sort of monstrosity will he be.


    For whatever reason, I feel like Theon Lovejoy has a big surprise part in things.


    I think Cersei is about to cause utter chaos. She's evil. Maybe The Mountain will kill her. That would be poetic justice.


    I'll be honest, I haven't read the books, but I Wiki'd the crap out of them haha


    You might just be on to something with Theon. Earlier in the thread it was suggested that he might get the ax, but maybe it will be he who does the axing. I can't really see it happening because of what I know about his sanity and how he snaps back with it at one point in the book, but outside of Cersei dying a slow and painful death, I would love nothing more than to see Theon exact his revenge on Ramsy Bolton. That dude has been the biggest creep since he was introduced into the show.


    I think you may be very pleased with the story arch regarding Cersei if they keep it close to the books. Who knows what direction they will go though.

  10. ^I saw a few posts on Twitter last night about a significant character from the books that hasn't been in the show so far. Anyone know who that is? I couldn't think of anyone.


    I don't want to give any spoilers, but if it's who I think it could be they show up in Episode 10 according to IMDB.

  11. My money is on Theon. I've read the books and his storyline seems to be just a way to explain what is happening with Ramsey Bolton and the north .


    That wouldn't bother me too bad. I know that he will have at least one chapter from his POV in the upcoming book and he is supposed to tie back in with Bran at some point, but I don't think it would alter the story too bad if he were to get axed.

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