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Posts posted by Devil4Life33

  1. He was the barber in Gran Torino and the art-on-the-postage-stamp Husband of the female cop in Fargo.


    He also played the Police Officer in Gothika. That character is super creepy and I kept thinking back to that and the fact that he played Drew Carrey's brother who was married to that hideous woman that worked in his office on the Drew Carrey show.

  2. Hudl Stats thru the Tag A Game feature is really improved especially the tablet version. It still isn't as complete as Statcrew but gives you most of what is needed for media, khsaa. Things that we use in Statcrew that aren't on Hudl stats are drive charts, play by play reports, a lot of the more in depth team reports and game by game comparisons, and to combine seasons for career stats. One bonus for Hudl for coaching staffs is that using it for stat already gets the basic game info into Hudl to speed up game break down


    I use Iscore, and while I will agree that it was difficult at first and definitely not intuitive, after working out the kinks I think it works pretty well. I have a spotter who writes down the yard markers and numbers of players involved in the play in case I need them, but I have gotten good enough that I usually don't need him unless there is a flurry of action and I get caught up in cheering.


    Overall I would give the app a B- and would suggest tracking a scrimmage or a game from video before using it live.

  3. I finally finished the series a couple months ago. Absolutely loved it! Went through 1-4 very fast and then slowed down on season 5, not sure if I slowed down because it wasn't as good as the previous seasons or if I was trying to prolong that final episode as long as I could. I feel like that show could've went on for 15 seasons and I wouldn't have been mad.

  4. Haters gonna Hate I guess. Your reasoning sound a little petty to me.


    Maybe, but I am not talking about their play, rather my reasons for liking one more than the other. They are both tremendous basketball players and by the time LBJ's career is over I think it could be like splitting hairs to decide who was better. And when those hairs are split, this will always be part of my thinking, petty or not.

  5. This doesn't have anything to do with their play on the court, but for me if has everything to do with their likability...


    The fact that Lebron stepped out of high school into a $100 million shoe contract without ever really having to "earn" his way into the NBA always sticks in my mind. An 18 year old kid (man-child) who was the richest man in the building (outside of possibly the owner) was a completely different scenario than Jordan was drafted into. Money is absolute power and Lebron has always been the "boss" no matter what his coaches have done. He has shown that repeatedly this year with his changing of Blatt's plays and what not. Talking publicly about calling his own number at the end of that game is pretty damning to me, but maybe that's just me.


    I can't think of specific instances where Jordan threw his coach under the bus publicly, but not saying it didn't happen. I'm not sure it would've happened early in his career and not sure he would've done it to Phil either. The money Jordan got early in his career isn't even comparable to what Lebron earned walking out of high school graduation.


    The irony of that situation for me is that Lebron never sees that shoe money or the big contracts without Jordan paving the way for it. Lebron's quitting against the Celtics in game 6 and the way he handled "The decision" will always stick in my mind and be why I will never like Lebron more than Jordan. I do think he can catch him as the GOAT, but for me his accomplishments will have to surpass everything Jordan did. I guess I give Jordan a pass for leaving the game for what was going on in his life at the time (murder of his father) and the fact that he actually walked away from the game and didn't quit on the court.


    This might not mean anything to the rest of you, but to me I always think of Jordan's talent as man made and Lebron's biggest asset as God given. Maybe that's not fair to Lebron, but that's how I think. I'm not trying to say Lebron hasn't worked hard to get where he is, but my perception will always be that Jordan worked harder, had less resources and was less of a pure physical specimen so all that factors in for me.

  6. I don't think he gets a pass. He has always got the pass because he hasn't had the roster to get deep into the playoffs. Not sure what people think about Blake but he has definitely turned into a consistent offensive player. Back to back triple doubles in the Spurs series shows he is even more than just a threat offensively.


    I think the Clippers roster was built around Paul and it is definitely good enough to make a push to the Finals. They didn't make it and some of the blame has to fall back on the leader, apparently the other stars don't mesh with his leadership style. If you can't make your teammates better or rally them when needed as the unquestioned leader of that team then I think it falls back on you (CP).


    I have always considered him the best pure pg and 1 of the smartest players in the game. Have to start thinking maybe I am wrong, or maybe he just doesn't have what it takes to push his team to the finals. Can't be considered elite if you can't close out a 3-1 series with a 19 point lead in game 6 with 14 min to play.


    Stockton at least made it to the Finals when the league was absolutely loaded. Kidd made back to back finals with a poor man's current Clipper roster. I don't buy the excuse that the talent around him isn't good enough.

  7. I watched it, I didn't like it but I watched it. Knew it was probably coming but kept waiting for something to happen to stop it. The fact that the screen went black and the final credits rolled with no music right after was also very ominous.


    Have I said that I hate what they are doing with Sansa?


    I also read some fan reaction on Twitter. Lots of unhappy people.


    I've read some "fan" reactions that have just made me laugh. I understand the scene was disturbing and horrible, but that is what is supposed to happen after a wedding in this show's era (not forcibly of course, but she did not say no or resist at all because she was playing her part in the Game of Thrones). I just find it absolutely hilarious that 5 1/2 seasons into this show of moral ambiguity, repent casual sex, incest, war, betrayal, etc., that this is the scene that has pushed people over the edge? I mean are you kidding me?


    I have already stated that I didn't like the scene, but I get what I expect from this show on a regular basis. If you have been watching the entire series and now have a problem with them going too far, I just have to ask why not when Dany and Khal got married? Or several other scenes that are just as bad if not worse. Just seems like an odd time to be so disgusted by a scene when you should know something like this is very possible every single episode.

  8. You guys are a tough audience. You can see all of these story lines coming to a head and the aftermath of them will open the next season. Stanis will be invading Winterfell w/ the winner announced the next season w/ Littlefinger doing what he can to destroy his army. Tyrion will meet Dani in the last episode. No idea what is happening w/ Jamie. I imagine that we'll see the white walkers in 2 episodes as John races to save the wildlings. The last 3 episodes will be adventure packed. the next episode will be more along the lines of the last couple, just getting the last pieces in place before attacking.


    I guess you are right when I really think about it. I usually go back and re-watch every episode and see things I might not have picked up on the first time. Most of the time I have a new appreciation for each episode the 2nd time I watch it.


    I just feel like last night was pretty boring and like someone else had said, one of the worst episodes ever. It doesn't make matters better the way they left us last night. If you can feel good about anything after watching that final scene there might be something wrong with you lol...Maybe that's why I am so down on last night's episode in particular.

  9. I don't even get the significance of the Sand Snakes/Jaimie Lanister storyline. It is bringing nothing substantial to the show and wasting screen time. I could do without that entire story arch outside of Bronn.


    The most intriguing thing to come out of last night's episode was Littlefinger IMO and how he is playing both sides of the "war." He is pretty much the most interesting character at this point because I have no idea what his plans are.


    I'm ready to see the fighting pits opened, a war at Winterfell and Aryia's development. Other than that I feel the show is spinning its wheels right now. Only 4 episodes left for a whole lot to be resolved.

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