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Posts posted by BleedBlue12

  1. I definitely agree that people make race an issue far too often. More so than need be really. However I can see where FKYW and GT are coming from on this one. Why do we feel the need to point out someone is well spoken when they are black, but not really when they're white? A white player is generally expected to be well-spoken. Not the case with black players. Like GT said, that's just the reality. Not taking shots at anyone in this thread who said it either. I know I do the same thing. I did with Brandon Knight for sure. I never even gave it a thought until now. Not once have I referred to a white player as well-spoken. Good food for thought guys.

  2. Not sure why Adidas would be so upset with Bazz going to UK though. Yes, it's a Nike school. It's also a place for Bazz to become a SUPERSTAR. If he goes to UCLA then he'll still be a big name player, but not on the same level as if he went to UK. Suck it up for a year, and your client's worth will grow exponentially. It would be better for Adidas in the long run.


    Look at Wall. He went to a Nike school and then joined up with Reebok in the NBA. Pretty sure they made out better than if he had went to a Reebok school (I don't even know a Reebok school to give an example).

  3. I'd go....



    1. 1990-91 UNLV

    2. 1996 UK

    2. 1991-1992 Duke

    4. 2006-2007 Florida

    5. 2012 UK



    That's my revised top 5.


    Solid list. I think this year's UK team was better than those Florida teams though. Here's my list:


    1. 1990-91 UNLV

    2. 1996 UK

    3. 1991-1992 Duke

    4. 2012 UK

    5. 2009 UNC


    Granted, I was very young when some of these teams played. I have seen some game highlights and read quite a bit about them though.

  4. Jesus. Idiots are throwing bottles at the fire fighters...


    This is true. I was there to witness it. Obviously there wasn't anything I could do to stop it, but the police got it pretty well under control. The scene was much calmer then what it apparently was on Saturday. As far as the garage on fire, I didn't see it. I'll upload a video of the scene tomorrow hopefully.

  5. Completely agree. There are others that were there for the long haul who haven't had their jerseys retired. Having one good year and leaving and then having your jersey retired waters down the whole concept. Doing that for anyone who plays for only one year is a joke. I say we retire Miller's jersey. He stayed for the long haul, has had a consistent career and has provided leadership for all the "one and doner's".


    I don't get how making an exception for one of the top 3 players to ever don the Blue and White waters down the process.

  6. Nope. I can't retire the jersey of any player that only plays one year. Can any player get into the baseball Hall of Fame with a 5 year career?


    Even if he accomplishes as much in one year as other greats have in their entire career? No other UK player has ever been the National POY. Davis swept all of the awards. He's on his way to a championship (hopefully). He is probably the greatest shot blocker in UK history. Those are accolades worthy of having a jersey retired, whether they be accomplished in one year or over four years.

  7. Last nights episode was good, not great. They needed to do some good preping to get things where they need to be. Digging Melisandre..


    About what I expected from the first episode. I enjoyed it, but mostly it just laid the foundation for the season.

  8. Looks like I lucked out not being able to go to State after the game. Roads were all blocked, so I just celebrated at my apartment complex with everyone. I'll be on University for the game Monday. As Capernicus said, my friends on that live on University said the scene was much better there.

  9. Like FKYW said... If my future kids aren't involved in sports, they better build one heck of a resume. My family is very sports oriented though, so hopefully that continues when I have kids. People who actively participate in sports are a little more prepared for life. They learn how to work hard, work in teams, respect authority, develop social skills, and improve their physical fitness. I never want one of my kids to pass up that opportunity.

  10. I think with this season it will put itself as the best show currently on tv.

    And if season 3 is done correctly, it'll be one of the best shows HBO has ever done.


    I've heard that Season 3 should be the best. I haven't and don't plan on reading the books for the sole purpose of not ruining the surprise moments in the show.

  11. I agree that you have to do the family thing. I feel for you though... It's going to suck not being in Louisville or New Orleans for this one. In the end, you'll have fun with the family. I always enjoy kickin' back and watching a game with my Dad. There may not be another UL-UK Final Four game, but there will be plenty of other opportunities to rage while you're still in college. Besides... Louisville is going to be one depressing place after Saturday anyways. :D

  12. I don't see why it really matters if he was lying or not. Personally, I think he did it to soften the blow to Jacksonville fans as Clyde said. No need to be disappointed in him. It doesn't make him a lesser person at all in my eyes.


    Side note: I was really impressed with his interview I saw on SportsCenter today. I believe he will represent the Jets well, whether or not he performs on the field. Here's to hoping he finds a way to contribute to the team.

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