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Posts posted by BleedBlue12

  1. Yeah, but can you do it when the pressure's on and the results of a loss is the wet two-finger slap across the wrist?


    I'm pretty clutch, so I think I could pull through with the victory. I've won for some higher stakes, such as not getting stuck in the backseat of a Trans Am for a long road trip. That would have been brutal.

  2. I used to beat the heck out of the guys at foosball. Wonder if I "still got it"?


    I can't think of anything I think I'm great at, really. People seem to like my cooking...maybe that?


    I'm considered an expert in my line of work. Does that count?


    That just reminds me of an episode of Community. :lol:

  3. Numbers have always made sense to me, especially percentages. I'm also really good at thinking in three-dimensional terms, which applies well to my major.


    I have great hand-eye coordination and reflexes. I hone these skills by snatching flies out of the air with my thumb and pointer finger, or snagging beer pong balls as they bounce off of cups.


    I very very rarely lose at Rock-Paper-Scissors. No clue why. I'm just good at it, if that skill actually exists. It keeps me from having to do a lot of things I don't want to do though. :D

  4. Sorry, he just never moved the meter for me. Every season he played I never thought to myself Martin is one of the top 2-3 backs in the league. And if there was a season like that, there were not enough of them to be in my hall of fame. Extremely good player.


    Parcells was the biggest snub of the day. Beyond Charles Haley.


    I suppose LT wouldn't make it in your Hall of Fame either then. LT finished in the top 3 rushers in 4 seasons (11 season career). Curtis Martin also finished in the top 3 rushers in 4 seasons (11 season career).


    I don't really know if you consider Tomlinson HOF worthy or not, but many many people do. In the same amount of seasons, Martin rushed for more yardage than LT. They both finished top 3 at their position the exact same amount of times.


    FWIW I do think LT has the better career because his TD numbers are off the charts. Martin's TD numbers are comparable to other HOF RB's though, so it is not a stat that can be held against him. HOF should be about your overall body of work. Only 3 RB's in history (I'll give 4 because of LT) have ever produced more over their career than Curtis Martin. To argue that he was never a top 3 at his position in a given year is just wrong. The stats back me up.

  5. It's actually a common theme I run across in conversation when discussing football. The lack of respect for a man who only trails Emmitt Smith, Walter Peyton, and Barry Sanders in terms of RB production absolutely astounds me. It's not like he played for an abnormal amount of years to work his way up the list. He was just incredibly consistent in his production. I was wrong by the way. It was actually his BEST overall season that took place at the age of 31, rushing for just under 1700 yards on the season and winning the rushing title. Not sure how many 31 year olds have achieved that.

  6. My first thought as well. :thumb:


    I believe Charles Haley deserved it the most of those left out. Carter just behind him. Curtis Martin? Come on, man. He was a nice player for a decade, but I never viewed Martin as any type of transformational player. Just always above average. Not Hall worthy.


    You can't be serious about Curtis Martin. He is one of the top all-time rushers, and had one of his best seasons right before he retired. Believe me, I know I am quite biased towards my favorite all-time player, but to act like he is undeserving of the Hall is a travesty.

  7. What do you mean when you say both games were lost in ways that shouldnt have been lost? Thats football.



    I hate seeing 49er fans cry about the Bradshaw play too (not saying you are). It was the right call. The ref blew the play dead before Bradshaw fumbled.


    I was just saying I thought the games deserved a better ending. Moreso the Raven-Pats game really. It was a great game that deserved to be played out in OT. Not lost because of a shanked chip shot. I understand that it's football and things like that happen, but it's not a great ending to what had been a great game throughout.


    As far as the fumble, I think the beef is more with the ref blowing the play dead so quickly. It was a pretty fast whistle, surely you can see where it would cause some fans to be upset. I'd say more often than not that play would've been played out a few more seconds than it was and the fumble would've counted. I'm fine with the call the way it was though. Similar to a block/charge call in basketball that could've gone either way in my mind.


    I hated seeing one special teams player cause so many problems for one team though. His mistakes cost SF the game, as they lead to multiple easy scores for NY. Credit to the Giants for the second fumble because whoever knocked it loose made a great play on the ball.


    In the end, both teams that won were deserving. I'm not truly a fan of any of the teams involved, so I was just enjoying the high quality of football being displayed.

  8. Congrats HB. I actually was pulling for the Niners in this one because I would've loved to see a SF-NE Super Bowl (true offense vs. true defense). I also really feel for the SF fan base. Terrible way to fall short of the Super Bowl. Both games yesterday were lost in a way they shouldn't have been lost. Sort of ruined what had been two incredible games to watch. Regardless, I will be a Giants fan for the next two weeks. There is no team I loathe more than the Patriots, and I am a fan of Eli, Cruz, and several other Giants players. Going to be a high scoring affair in Indy.

  9. The only other option when you have two officials calling opposite fouls is to wave them both off. You'll never see it changed.


    Why is there no option to go to the monitor and make the right call in this situation? As you said, it is a very rare occurrence so it's not like taking the time to review it would really affect the flow of the game.

  10. I've taken BIO 102. Very, very easy class. With Krupa, right? I hated his class and really thought he was a loser, but it was an easy A.


    I'm actually in Gleeson's class. He came in and played a ukulele on the first day. Girlfriend took him last semester so I already know what to expect going in. Should be the easiest A of my life.

  11. BIO 102 - Human Ecology (Finally an easy class to boost the ol' GPA)

    COM 199 - Presentational Communication Skills (Again... Thank God for an easier class)

    CME 420 - Process Modeling in Chemical Engineering

    CME 425 - Heat and Mass Transfer

    CME 432 - Chemical Engineering Lab I

    CME 006 - Engineering Profession


    Only taking 13 hours this semester since I've been on an internship for the past year and have been out of the school loop. Trying to slowly work my way back in.


    3 semesters left for my B.S. Chemical Engineering degree. Hopes are to get in the industry (Still looking for an industry internship this summer... Fingers crossed) and work towards an MBA after gaining a few years of experience in the field.

  12. I've got a ton of peculiarities, but I'll only list a few for now:


    1) With Skittles, M&M's, and Gushers, I always leave one of every color for the end and eat them all together.

    2) When driving on the highway, I make a guess as to what time I should arrive at my destination. I continue to check the mile markers, time, and my speed to ensure I get there at the EXACT time I guessed. If I am off by a minute, it usually puts me in a bad mood.

    3) I have to keep my wallet in my front pocket so it can't get picked. With only two front pockets, my phone always has its own pocket while wallet and keys share the other. The exception is when I have a hoodie on, in which case my phone goes in the hoodie pocket and keys and wallet get their own pocket.

    4) I have to press the lock button on my key faub until my car honks twice.

    5) I am right handed in everything I do, but I eat with my left hand.

    6) When I eat a poptart I have to eat the crust first, then the bottom part (no icing), and finally the top part (with icing).

    7) When eating a bologna sandwich, I eat the outer area first to form an inner circle which I eat last.

  13. Great for first person shooters, allows you to hear stuff that you wouldn't usually hear. Definitely makes the games more realistic, plus you don't have to bother others around you with constant gunfire and explosions.


    I'm excited. I'll be opening these tonight and spend the remainder of the evening playing some MW3.

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