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Posts posted by hja1224

  1. We know what we have with Dalton, not a super star but better than average.


    All I know is that he is only in his third year and has led a dreadful franchise to the playoff's in both years he's been in the league. This year he has beaten Big Ben, Rodgers and Brady and went on the road and beat the Bills where no Cincy QB has done since 1985.


    I don't care who his teammates are and if they had more to do with the wins or not. Other Cincy QB's have had some good to great teammates with them and they didn't get the wins that Dalton has gotten.


    Now, I agree, he needs to keep getting better but too many people have forgotten the not so long ago past where this franchise wasn't even competitive. He is still considered a "young" QB and I think he will still improve.

  2. Two years in a row where Conner sweeps the county. Not bad boys. Congrats.


    I guess that is something to be proud of, especially anytime you win. But Boone has their worst team of my lifetime, Ryle looked very bad and I honestly thought before the season that Conner would have a running clock on Cooper this year. I don't see any of the Boone County teams making any serious noise in the playoff's. Conner has the best chance to win a couple games if their pass defense stops looking like swiss cheese.

  3. Barker made some nice throws and has the size but I still think Pat Towles was better in high school and he can't even stay on the UK roster so I'm not sure how Barker will do there. I hope he does great and is the savior everyone is expecting of him but if Towles is #3 on depth chart and the top two look as bad as they do then I'm not sure what to think. The only hope is maybe Barker reads defenses, etc. better than the ones currently at UK. I wish him the best.

  4. Bruce is like 0-11 with 6 k's versus Liriano. I hate to say it but Ludwick has hit him as good as anyone but he annoys the heck out of me right now watching him bat. I'm rooting for Hamilton to pinch run, steal a base and score the go ahead run on a Frazier hit. As bad as Frazier looks at times, he is one of my favorites because he seems to really love the game and is having fun despite his limitations at times. Go Reds!!

  5. August, I believe, is the month his father passed away a few years ago and he seems to always have trouble during this time. If you remember, he took off the entire month to get his "head straight" and to deal with the one year anniversary of his dad passing a few years ago.


    I talked to Welsh one evening a couple months ago and I asked him about Votto. He says Votto is just a hard guy to figure out. He says he comes to the park about 2pm, hits about 200 balls off a tee, takes batting practice, then goes watch film for a while. He says everyone in the organization has tried to tell him you can't swing that much every single day without it starting to work against you at some point. I'm surprised his shoulders haven't broke down by now.


    Basically, Votto is just a strange dude but I would rather someone put in too much work at his craft than go through the motions. For me, he drives me nuts watching him play at times. His defense has riverted back to where he swipes at a ball in the dirt versus getting his body in front. He seems to "guess" at the plate too much for his talent (his very awkward swings on some pitches are the result of guessing, IMO). He, and Choo for that matter, take way too many called third strikes. If it's borderline on a two strike pitch, then you need to be hacking and the pitches are atleast borderline if they are called strikes.

  6. I will be pulling for the Jag's and I don't know much about their overall team this year but it didn't sound very good from the Dixie scrimmage. I don't think some people realize what talent they lost from last year. I hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling it may be a long season if the Dixie scrimmage is any indication. The most important part of a team is line play and the QB and the Jag's will have a huge difficulty replacing last years players at those positions.


    I hope to make it out tonight to cheer them on and hope they prove me wrong.

  7. We just went through this with our Grad. We checked with his school and told them he was wanting a Mac (I'm sure he heard they are the best so he wanted one :) )... The school say the Mac would work but they have Dell so he went with a Dell and loaded up on the memory and a 2 or 3 year warranty.

  8. Cooper lost more than anybody as most starters went both ways. I know they have some skill guys coming back but that D-Line was nasty and they have no one close to Tyler Morris at QB from what I have heard. I would like to see this game being close and exciting though.

  9. I haven't followed them a whole lot but I was in school there in the 80's and I think you have to have Melvin Miles on the list as he had over 2000 yards and won their only State Title. Of course, that Senior class was loaded and he had a lot of help. There were some serious athletes in that class (they also won State in wrestling with that class).


    While I thought Stellman was every bit the QB Barker is "on the field", I think you have to have Barker as one of the three as he has accomplished so much "off" the actual playing field and has probably garnered as much attention as any NKY QB Nationally.


    There are so many others that could have an argument for the third spot and I have not seen most.

  10. Freshman threads are always interesting to read. The enthusiasm and big dreams abound. Freshman ball is where talent still wins the vast majority of the time. Any projections of what freshmen who have not even played a freshman game together will do when they are seniors get a chuckle out of me. I have been right there as well, singing freshmen praises as the next best thing. But so much happens and players develop and grow differently over those 10-12 years that it is fools gold to put expectations for senior year results on unproven freshmen.


    My unsolicited advice - back your boys, praise them when they have success on the field and just enjoy the ride. Don't hang visions of grandeur on them but keep big goals in front of them. Let them prove to everyone who they are and don't get caught up in the spitting matches - and there will be plenty of them when you have success. Focus on the kids and ignore the naysayers. Do this and I predict you will get the most enjoyment out of these four years of high school football.


    I remember singing the praises of the Cooper boys as Frosh a few years ago and as Senior's they made the State Finals so sometimes it works out, but as a whole, I agree with you.

  11. ^His last outing was a complete game versus St Henry and other times could have gone longer if needed. Lawhorn has done very well this year and will be ready to relieve.


    The run differential shows, imo, the quality depth of Ryle. When other teams get to pitchers 3-7, they struggle where Ryle is still strong.

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