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C-TOWN #12

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Posts posted by C-TOWN #12

  1. I love it.....every loss is the coach's fault and every win is because the players stepped up. Obviously there are some issues surrounding the girls basketball program which i believed will get addressed in due time but is there a need to have to hear the same thing over and over again after ever game?


    Has the coach made mistakes..sure she has. Have the players been 100% committed to what they are supposed to be doing...no they haven't. The fault lies with both parties! It doesn't help the players, team, school or community to continuously read the same crap posted by some of the same people. Everyone just step up, tighten up your belt, quit pointing fingers and figure out a way to make things better.



    It was known how to make it better a year ago, but it didn't happen.

  2. Exactly, WV has some real good talent at the 7th and

    8th grade level. If Rosen can develop these girls

    the future looks bright. I know it's tough for seniors

    to be out done by underclassmen but that's basketball.

    If they don't like it, get in the gym and work at your

    game. Nothing is given it's earned.



    Please!!! It's not the girls that need to be developed.

  3. Conner is 20-2 on the year with some big wins. I don't think many people expected them to have the success they've had this year. They lost three starters from last year's team and two 6'+ girls didn't come back to play this year.


    Their success comes from Warfield getting them to play "team" basketball.


    Congratulations girls on an already successful year! Keep the wins coming and good luck in the postseason.


    I agree totally!!! Conner is fun to watch. They play team basketball, and while they have some real individual talent, it's the team aspect that makes them sucessful!! Keep up the good work!!!

  4. I don't need to watch the game film. I saw it for myself. The whole complexion of the game changed in the 3rd quarter when the younger girls weren't able to handle the Holy Cross pressure. There's a time to play the younger girls but that sure wasn't it. In games like this when the team is winning at the half, don't ditch what got you there and go to the inexperienced guards. Again, I must say, that I'm sure there was a reason for the coach's decision but I don't know what it was. If she started off the second half with the starters and they don't produce, then go with a different line-up. If it's not broken then don't fix it and since Walton was up at halftime, I don't think it was broken. I would also question your assessment of Dixon being dominated by #22. If she had been dominated, she wouldn't have scored 11 points (2nd leading scorer) and had several rebounds. She wasn't in foul trouble (didn't foul out) and played most of the game. I'm really not sure what game you were watching but it wasn't the same one I was. Again, there's no need to watch the game film. I agree with your quote about if the seniors can't win then go young for the future but last night the seniors were winning and there was no need to go young. It cost them the game!



    Here Here!!!! A lot of the losses have been blamed on the Seniors. But I suggest to you it starts at the top!!! And the top has not proven to be worthy!!!

  5. I agree. I also thought there was way to much subbing in the first half. Walton had Holy Cross on the ropes and could have taken a big lead into halftime, but their momentum was lost when they started subbing. When you have a good team like Holy Cross down like they did you have to keep the hammer down, until a player has to come out because they have to have a blow. That coupled with the start of the third lost the game for Walton. Great effort by Holy Cross making a comeback.

  6. I have no beef with the seniors, just saying they need to take a bigger role in keeping the team focused. Younger players look up to them and they will learn by what they see. If the seniors aren't stepping it up then the younger girls will not either. In regards to warm-ups, I don't know how many games you've watched, but if you watch the better teams they take it serious and get focused on the game. It's not a girl's thing across the board and most do not cut up during warm-ups and those who get prepared win. I'm glad they won, just saying I'd like to see more leadership from those who should be providing it.


    Attitude reflects leadership. It starts at the top.

  7. Not sure what your definition of a good win is, but I guess a win is a win. Looked to me like Walton did everything in their power to throw this one away. Good thing Dixon hit her free throws down the stretch. Give credit to Grant and their Coach. They never gave up.



    Give credit to Walton they came back after a hard loss and beat a well coached team!

  8. Being a fan of small school basketball, I love the All "A" Classic, but I have seen a lot of teams struggle after the All "A". If a team loses in the All "A" Regional, and doesn't have much of a chance of winning their District Tournament because of the talent level of the big schools, then how does a coach keep them playing hard and improving game after game? I have even heard some coach's say that after the All "A" they start building for next year. Any thoughts??
    I would think you wouldn't want to show a give up attitude. Not good for current players or players coming up.
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