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Posts posted by afi100guy

  1. Need more details! Buzzer would have stopped play. Basket should not have counted and whomever had possession would have in bounded the ball at the point the ball was at the buzzer.

    The clock operator is considered an official as is the home scorekeeper.


    Buzzer sounded on a missed free throw. I guess the clock operator thought it went in and was bringing in a sub. Play stopped and Mason picked the ball up and scored. The refs counted the basket and it was Camels ball. Camels would have won in regulation had this not happened.

  2. Camel freshman are now 6-2 after losing to Mason tonight in double overtime. The Camels were led by Nate McGovney with 18 points and Jeff Skinner with 12.


    There was an inadvertant buzzer towards the end of regulation that led to an uncontested bucket for Mason. I would think that should have been a jump ball. What is the rule on that?


    Props to the big man for Mason (#32). He had 21 points.

  3. How's it strange???? The statement was made that AAU basketball is about...."developing better men". That is a joke! The majority of the people that are involved with AAU could care less about "developing better men". It's all about winning...at all costs! Don't get me wrong, winning is the name of the game,that's why they keep score. But don't try to hide behind the cloak of AAU and tell me it's about developing good sportsmanship and developing better men. If that was the case, we would do away with any age exception players and play everything straight up. And you wouldn't have people stretching the rules.


    This is how I see it and my last comment on it. Not a joke in my mind at all. I coach a 11U team and each game I do everything in my power to win. Yes, we have 3 grade exemptions (good, smart kids with early birthdays who are not 6 foot tall :thumb:). Yes, the score does matter. But, all 9 of my players play and our focus is on improving them as basketball players and as MEN!! That is what I use AAU for. That is what AAU was designed to be. For those that use AAU for something different, I truly feel sorry for you. I hope that you enjoy those meaningless trophies from BCI, Hoops or wherever. What lesson did you really teach? As for me, I can go to sleep each night knowing that I am doing my best for my son and his teammates. And in a few years, I can sit back and smile as I watch the MEN that I used to coach lace them up in high school games. Now that will be a good day.

  4. Why do we constantly have this discussion regarding what it should or shouldn't be?????


    The rules are the rules, play by them or don't play........... We're talking about AAU not KHSAA. No disrespect to catfan or bluenation, but the argument that "it's not fair" or "it's not right" plays into an attitude of entitlement. We should teach our kids to deal with the circumstances they are dealt and teach them to learn how to be successful inside of the rules. That's what sports are all about anyway. Teaching kids how to be successful, regardless of the circumstance.


    Again, no disrespect, however, it gets tiring to see the same thing hashed over and over every time about this year. Let's talk about AAU basketball, the teams and the players, - NOT THE RULES we agree or disagree with. The latter is no fun!




    Bravo, Boomer, Bravo :thumb:


    I could not agree with you more. The rules are what they are. Lets just focus on what AAU basketball should be about, developing better basketball players and even more importantly, better MEN!!

  5. With a roster like that they really should stop playing in the Div. 2 circuit... I'd like to see how they'd do with some of the Div 1 teams... They should go for bigger and stop playing down to some of these teams around NKY...


    It is very difficult to do that in early AAU season with the school ball conflicts. You also have to travel over an hour to find games as Ohio AAU season does not start until March. And, that is a lot for kids and parents ($$ and time).


    With that being said, it will be difficult for them to compete with the likes of The Ville and KY Elite. The Wolfpack are a high level D2 team which showed in their runner-up finish in last year's D2 state.

  6. Freshman Camels move to 6-0 tonight in what was a tough game with Holmes with a lot of turnovers. Holmes hit a half-court shot at the buzzer to get within 2 points. The Camels were led by Nate McGovney with 12 points. Jared White and Josh Claiburn added 9 each. Tough matchup against NewCath on Thursday.


    #33 and the PG Rez were both very good players for Holmes tonight.

  7. Am I wrong or is Campbell dominating the freshman level right now?


    The Camel freshman are playing very good ball right now. They are a very well coached team and play tough in your face defense. They are 5-0 and have beaten Pendleton, Scott, Lloyd and Ryle by 20+ each. And, they are playing without Dalton Kennedy who should be back soon.


    They have two tough games this week with Holmes on Weds. and NewCath on Thursday. Both games are home.

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