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Posts posted by Rainman11

  1. I agree. I think this tournament will recover because Eddie runs a well organized event, but it may take a few years. There used to be tons of teams per age group.


    Losing certification didn't help, but he did get somebody last year to use for the certifcation purposes. The biggest issue is the NCAA date change in July on when coaches can be out. There is less time now, which means other tournaments are occurring at the same time as the Hoopfest and teams are again choosing those other tournaments for a second year in a row. Eddie Ford's tournament used to be pretty much the only game in the town in the area before these date changes.

  2. Scott County is a team that doesn't adjust to other teams and always plays one way. That's their strength, but when you don't prepare for that like the regular season it makes it very tough to play them. They will be good again, as always, next year but this weekend is not the indicator that they are the team to beat in the 11th. I wasn't there but I am guessing teams didn't play Gilbert (who keeps getting better btw) as close as they will during the season.


    I think Henry Clay will be fine without Grundy, but that is of course a big loss. For those that don't know, Teddy Ware left HC and is playing at Scott County.


    Last year, PRP beat Scott County in the semifinals but I can't remember who they played in the finals. I am thinking Henry Clay, but I may be wrong.

  3. Just in from watching a few games...DeSales and Mercer County were the best two teams I watched today. Milan (Ind.) looks like a nice veteran team, as well.


    The Milan coach just got thrown out of the gym...turns out, you can't show up the refs, even at summer camp.


    Which coach for Milan? Norman Dale or Shooter?


    Milan is where the movie Hoosiers was inspired from, for those that don't know. Real small museum in that real small town. Had to visit, though one day in my travels last year.

  4. The Magic were not even in the top 2 in their pool, so for your statement to be remotely correct, both teams they lost to in their pool should have made it to the Championship since you think they were in a "STACKED" pool.... However neither team they lost to even made it past the first round of 32 teams during Tournament play in the gold bracket??? Doesn't sound too "STACKED" to me.... Both teams Team Manimal played and either beat or lost to by 2 made it to the Sweet 16 and the elite 8 of the Gold Bracket. Fact's are facts and one fact is true. The Magic 15's are really not that great. Most players on their team are 1-2 years older than kids on other teams around the state. When they were all younger, these boys had a competitive advantage, but all of those kids have caught and surpassed these boys now. Sorry to say but it is true.


    Please read my post again. Wasn't specifically about last weekend, it was a general comment about a tournament setup. I have no idea if the Magix are the worst or best in the state.

  5. We need Don King as the promoter of the Magic - Travelers game. :popcorn:


    I don't blame the Travelers for not going to Ft. Wayne. Kids do need breaks. And I doubt they didn't go because of the Magic. Odds are they wouldn't have played each anyway.


    I think it would be a great game. Magic definitely have the better guard play, but I think the Travelers would have the advantage on the inside. But, neither is hurting because they probably won't play each other this year.

  6. I am pretty sure they are competing.... And they do control the bracket they are in. It is based off wins and losses during Pool Play. Louisville Magic had too many losses during pool play to make it into the Gold Bracket, therefore mitigating them to the Silver Bracket. I think they lost 2 out of 3 games during pool play.


    I have been around AAU for many years and the bracket you play in can be very deceiving. Just because one team made Gold bracket and another Silver doesn't necessarily mean one is better than another. One teams pool could be stacked and they get pushed to a lower bracket due to that. And a team could win a bracket and make Gold, then get blown out in a first round game. Have seen it all the time and every weekend in every tournament for that matter. The only comparison of 2 teams is when they play each other. All other results are irrelevant.


    Having said all that, I don't understand why their is so much competition AGAINST each other. KY teams should want each other to do well and simply applaud them when they do.


    It seems there are more high quality teams in this state than quite a while and it's great to see them do well. I am out of the mix now, but still use Twitter every weekend to catch up with local AAU teams results and I am always hoping they can go deep in tournaments. I always wanted to beat the heck out of local teams when we played, but wanted to see them win otherwise.

  7. That's the recruiting game and this is how it works. No matter how good you are and whether you have committed or not, ANY good coach is ALWAYS looking for your replacement. While Q may be a lil uneasy with the recruitment of other guards, including the dynamite JC PG coming in next season, I don't think he will waver and shy away from the competition. I've known him for years and he and his "camp" are diehard UofL backers so I'd be surprised if he de-commits however it could happen. Just the nature of the beast that is recruiting.


    Quentin is certainly good enough to compete with anybody in the country. He shouldn't have to worry about competition.


    Besides playing against better competition each day in practice, a prep school will also offer more time to practice. Kids should improve. But, keep i mind, not all kids go that route for that reason only.

  8. Why Hargrave Military and not Huntington Prep or Oak Hill or Monteverde? How does the prep system work? Can he just say I want to go there and then go? How good is Hargrave?


    Hargrave is coach by former Scott County standout A.W. Hamilton. They are very good. Jake handshoe of Montgomery was there last year. Pretty much all their kids play college ball somewhere. Two of last years kids will play at Louisville next year and they seem to have a pipeline going to Louisville, where Hargrave former coach is now a Pitino assistant.


    I believe Grundy is going there for renewed discipline. I expect others to depart from there, but not necessarily Cunningham and Green, although I heard rumblings about Cunningham that are now probably gone with Happy going to KY Wesleyan.


    Good luck to Trey. Sky's the limit for that kid, but I do believe this is a step in the right direction for his overall growth as a player.

  9. So, I heard that Calipari's son is on this team...? Can anyone confirm this? If he is, then I have lost respect for this organization.


    According to tweets by dyaste yesterday, Cal's kid is on the team. I agree this is a major stretch, nut I think it's a smart organizational move. Why not get Cal to some of your games.

  10. I believe so. I also believe AAU allows for 3 grade/age exceptions on each team but I believe Brandon is still not considered a grade/age exception.


    I believe AAU went to the grade rule last year and the 3 exceptions is no longer. But, that rule was always only for high school or lower ages anyway.

  11. OR, it's possible that today was Wireman's daughter's 9th birthday party and then his grandmother collapsed and was rushed to the Saint Joseph ER and later admitted.


    Chill out bro.


    Why has this becomes Wireman's responsibility anyway? If you want to know that bad find out for yourself.

  12. It was in our paper tonight that he WOULD be back next year.

    Sweet Sixteen: Fate helped secure Madison Central's first state title - centralkynews.com


    Feldhaus has no plans of stepping down while on top of the proverbial mountain.

    “I'm ready for next year,” Feldhaus said. “I'm not done. We have eight seniors, but I'm a basketball coach. A lot of people say this is the time to retireicon1.png (but) the only thing I know how to do is coach basketball. We'll get us another good team next year and keep on going.”


    Good. I was hoping what I heard was wrong. Don't ever want to see great coaches move on.

  13. I don't know if I can see this unless it was him going somewhere else. He is still young enough to where he doesn't have to retire.


    You could same the same thing about Renner.


    I heard going into administration on Feldhaus, but who knows. If he was ever going to leave this would seem like the year and going out on top.

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