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New XC/Track 2008 Class Alignment

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  • 2 months later...

I don't get the logic. 10-11 teams per region, with no apparent regard for dividing up private all girls or all boys schools.


I guess there are two ways of looking at it. 1) you get better competition for the girls when you have more than one all girls school in the region with the same being said of the boys. 2) The girls team may not always have an easy path out of the region if the region is girl school heavy (same for the boys).


It seems there would be a pairing of a private girls with a private boys (of similar size) to keep form overloading a region.

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Some of these Regions wont have many runners for XC...as most schools dont have many runners.


So, what you're saying is it's OK to put one more big obstacle in front of the kids at those schools, where they probably don't get a great deal of administration support anyway?

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Some of these Regions wont have many runners for XC...as most schools dont have many runners.


I thought it was about the number of boys / girls attending a school not necessarily the number participating in the sport. If the region placement is based on enrollment and some teams don't have as many runners, then good for the ones that do. Theoretically a team only needs seven with the top five scores counted. :confused:

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