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Mr. Reality

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  1. I don't know about Elliot because I did not see him play this season and he has another year to mature physically and emotionally, but there are 1000's of kids who did not get Div I scholarships that had this work ethic. It takes more than that. Honestly if he grows he sounds like a MLB with the mentality you describe.
  2. On huff.com right now, 2 houses are pending in Ft. Thomas- one for $23, 500 & another for $25,00. In Ft. Mitchell, the cheapest house for sale is $77,000.
  3. In NKY, there is no city a person can't live if he/she so chooses, even in Ft. Thomas or Ft. Mitchell!(they may not want to sacrifice to live in a smaller house, but that comes down to the individual's choice).
  4. Those are decisions made by the public schools themselves, which is very foolish. They can't blame other districts for THEIR OWN decision!!!!
  5. I beg to differ that enrollment is not such a factor in winning and Highlands is the perfect example- they are the best in NKY and one of the top 2-3 in the state every year and are an average sized school- it takes so much more than numbers!!!!!!!
  6. Wrong- far and away they are the best 2 programs KY has to offer and they do it the right way- if they continue to play OH's best they will be even better- Highlands even steps up and plays the "big boys" from OH which is saying something!! Just trying to add a little perspective. Until other schools start taking steps to improve, these 2 are almost never going to get beat. The gap is getting wider in their respective classes, not closer!!!!!!
  7. Since it seems as if these 2 schools are just going to keep winning championships in KY and almost no one can beat them, how many titles would they have in the great football state of OH in their appropriate classes???? No one will ever know for sure but I would guess less than 3- too much depth in OH!!!
  8. Parents should not talk to coaches- the player should talk to the coach about a problem!!!!!!
  9. At the beginning of the season, their entire plan should focus on "How are we going to beat Trinity or X?" Not Highlands, CovCath, or Dixie, but how are we going to beat the Big 2 and then work all season to perfect that system!
  10. Completing enough to keep a defense honest and win the game! A percentage is moot because a team could complete 100%, but if they only throw it 10 times a game or only throw 10 yard passes or less, then it is not going to keep a championship defense like Trinity honest or be enough to beat them!
  11. Straight ahead speed is nice for a RB but what is more important is lateral quickness and elusiveness; Elliot looks more like a pounder to me.
  12. It only matters if the head coach maximizes the talent and gets the most out of the players. I don't see that happening at a 6A school that can't throw the ball proficiently!
  13. Beechwood and Highlands both accept tuition students; all the private schools' students pay tuition; this is a foolish decision by Boone County Schools, not the rest of the state!!!
  14. Is the coach supposed the play the players that makes the parents and the fans happy????? No matter who starts, some parent is not going to be happy. No coach makes every fan and parent happy; CCH just has a bunch of people who THINK they know what is going on when in reality, they are like every other casual fan, armchair QB.
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