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DevilMayCare last won the day on June 4

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  1. Two round trippers in this one, the first by Corbin's Noah Cima, the other by O-Cath's Barrett Evans. Evans' was the more impactful of the two, as it erased a two run deficit for the Aces in the bottom of the 5th to make room for Moser's game winner four innings later.
  2. Mason Moser, in the words of Hall of Famer Willie Keeler, "hits it where they ain't" for the walk-off win.
  3. End of the 5th Corbin 4 O-Cath 4 One swing of the bat, and we have a new ballgame.
  4. Barrett Evans launches one with a runner on. We're knotted up at 4 in the bottom of the 5th.
  5. No further harm done. Middle of the 5th It's 4-2, Corbin. Brady Atwell leads off for the Aces as we head to the bottom of inning.
  6. Top of the 5th Corbin 4 O-Cath 2 Walker Landrum (triple) and Mikey Neal (single) have driven in runs for the Hounds this inning. Corbin still has the bases loaded with two outs, looking to significantly widen the gap.
  7. Middle of the 3rd Corbin 2 O-Cath 1 Elam singled in a run before the Aces induced a double play from the next batter to get out of the inning.
  8. Game 7 Top of the 3rd Corbin 1 O-Cath 1 The Hounds have runners at the corners, one out, and Kade Elam at the plate.
  9. We've seen some great pitching so far in Lexington. McCracken's Miller Green was in command today, throwing a complete game with three hits allowed and 13 Ks. We likely haven't seen the last of dominant pitching by the Mustangs, as Green is just one of several great arms at coach Zach Hobbs' disposal.
  10. I'm projecting quite a bit here, but Ryle is looking good for a run to the finals. The bracket is in their favor and they're playing as well as anyone in the state, save for maybe top ranked Trinity.
  11. After Eppley departed the game in the 2nd, McIntyre and Mann combined for 6.2 innings of work, allowing just two hits. Like @16thBBall Fan said, East had its chance, there were base runners, just no runs. This is still a season for the memory bank in Grayson. Most had Boyd County penciled in as 16th Region champion, but the Raiders had other plans. Congrats on a great season.
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