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Posts posted by Eastside

  1. Well, I'd guess that the opinions of some are from those not old enough to be parents of kids of that age yet. I held my son back and he and I agree it was the best decision that his mother and I have made. It has helped him athletically, and he already was a straight A student, so there has been no benefit academically. But I will say this, he will now graduate a year later, and hopefully a year more mature. If I can keep him in my house for an extra year, hopefully guiding him as he matures to make better decisions for his future, well,,,,that's my prerogative. It seems that it wasn't that long ago when I left the "nest" off to college. But when I step back and look at all that has changed, the challenges that he'll face are even greater than the ones I faced. That year of maturity may be just what he needs to make better decisions and possibly avoid some of the pitfalls he'd have made a year sooner.


    Perfectly said! :dancingpa

  2. I don'y know who would have won but, it would have been one heck of an atmosphere for high school football. Much like the Boyle/Danville game. I really think area football here with Mercer and Lincoln rising up with Boyle and Danville is going to make for some special football here.


    What will Lincoln look like this year with losing their offensive coordinator and those 2 studs?

  3. Does anyone know if this Clevenger kid is related to Steve Clevenger, UK 64-68 and Mr. Basketball in Indiana early 60's?



    Ds 16's played a very tough DC ASSault who have picked up a couple of key players since Cincinnatti, and they have beat everyone up until tonight by 50+, DS went into game without Matt Clevenger who sprained an ankle earlier, that left Ethan Faulkner as the primary ball handler against a swarming DC ASsault team who has several high d-1 players. Ethan played a heckuva game and had 29 points, but it wasn't enough as the DS team lost 73-62, I look for DC Assault to win the tournament
  4. Agreed and if that is the reason, for making a regular season schedule with limited competition, I would think it extremely tough to advance through the playoffs and win.


    Survive and advance, is based off toughness and skill, which playing equal or better teams, increase the efforts of a program.



    Perfectly said gentlemen. Your top programs always play a tough schedule prior to the Distrcit games starting. I saw on one of the threads that Danville may lose 3-4 games early on. Win or lose those early games, it will make them tougher down the road... I'm sure there are several other teams that are playing a tough early schedule as well.

  5. With the Harrodsburg and Mercer merger (before the re-allignment).....where should have Mercer played last year....:sssh: Sorry if this has been discussed already, Im an outsider looking in:sleep:




    Im with you, 100%. People who arent around and don't know anything will speculate against Mercer, that's all fine and dandy. They'll just use all of the negativity as motivation, besides, theres nothing wrong with flying under the radar. Lastly, I thought Id throw this out there too for others who doubt Mercer this year...comparing this years Mercer team v.s the '06 team would be like comparing apples and oranges, in saying that, this years 2007 team will practically be the sameone lining up to play in '08. So, those who want to make that comparison will just be looking foolish, but theres always some in the crowd, just like in anything else, huh?! haha


    Oh, and thanks for the positive words AllUsedUp!:thumb:

  6. All the more reason to get the numbers up like Coach wants to do. If you don't have to play both ways, speacialty team etc.... and can focus on one side of the ball, you can rest when the other side is playing. Water breaks at practice will not make them soft, helmets off will not make them soft, it does not mean they are not ready to play. You're correct, preparation is important, but so are the facilities, equipment. Next time you have an opportunity, check out the college level, pro level, see what they do in the extreme heat. These precautions are smart and the right thing to.



    What I was referring to is the kids not being ready to handle the temps. I couldn't care less about the loss. What I am worried about is the kids remaining health. After Ryan died last year the team was forced to practiced in the gym the majority of the days leading up to their first game. The night of the first game it was about 95 degrees. One of the starters didn't see the field in the second half due to dehydration and cramping and had to be taken to the hospital after the game for IV, 3 others saw very little time in the second half, one player was throwing up on the field during an extra point attempt. It is one thing to move in doors in extra heat but these kids have to be adjusted to the heat to a point in order to be prepared for it.
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