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Posts posted by Eastside

  1. Wasn't there an article basically accusing Saint Xavier and Trinity of doing this a couple of weeks ago?


    Listen, any program that's largely successful for any length of time is very, very shady to say the least. The only one that I'm almost certain is clean is the DeLasalle program in California.


    I love high school sports but I find it very offensive that schools poor in so much money to their athletics and simply ignore other aspects such as academics, fine arts, and music.


    On the small school side, Danville... has had a more than solid program for years, arguably decades, one should not generalize that a school is "Shady" because they are successful!


    I assume you are close to the DeLasalle program to be certain they are clean.

  2. Painting with the broad brush of generalization aren't you? Many fans have used the schedule as an excuse but not all. I've acknowledged that Boyle has played a difficult schedule but I've never said they were any better than their record. BTW, I'm a Boyle fan.


    It's disappointing to see the Rebels fall this far but I was told from the first of this season that size was something this Boyle team lacked (not to mention speed). So to hear the full wishbone doing damage, I'm not surprised. I hope and have the goal for Boyle to compete for the title every year but I'm realistic when the production on the field doesn't match expectations.


    I think Coach Smith picked the right time to leave! He saw what was coming!:flame:

  3. Macon is a very talented player who is being looked at by several D1 schools. He doesn't have huge numbers this year due to the fact that Danville is such a run-oriented team. Personally, I'd like to see his talents utilized much more often on the offensive side of the ball. He's a pretty decent defensive back also.


    Macon is a stud! Tough to be a receiver on a Danville team. They haven't passed for over a decade! But this kid can play!:flame:

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