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Posts posted by bjknku02

  1. They say misery loves company so welcome to everyone here. I said it’s just a game just go to sleep. I fell asleep around 2am and got up at 4:30 and went to the gym. Forced my way through the workout.


    We can say without PJ we would t have been in the game which is true, but KSU didn’t seem to mind fouling him in the second half either. If you are a D1 player that gets to the line regularly there is zero excuse to miss 14 free throws. I’m sorry but poor free throw shooting is a Cal staple. As a team we shoot around 70%.


    I agree K State shot so much better than there season average but the Cats played like they had never been pressure before. How many times did we have the ball with the lead or tied scored and just played like fourth graders on each possession? We got out muscled and out hustled (besides PJ) from the opening tip. They got Knox and Shai out of there comfort zone and Quade once again showed his true colors in taking bad shots/bad decisions.


    Glad they got as far as they did and we can play the what if game every game every year. Question: after last night’s game who can seriously be considered as a first rounder? Not a lottery pick


    In my mind, just Knox and maybe SGA. However, SGA and Diallo will go pro and most likely be out of the league in 3 years or less. The NBA is a different animal and will eat these guys up. We will be reading a story about how there time at Kentucky was the greatest time of their life.

  2. Washington will get a lot of the blame, but the kid played hard and just didn’t have it at the line. Kid can play on my team anytime.


    Diallo and Green once again were no shows, as they were half the year and in many of the games the Cats lost.


    Not sure what that last play design was, I hope that was not the designed play.

  3. Quade Green had a fantastic game today. Great D on Sexton when he was on him, especially when playing denial. Was huge in the first half at times. Big three down the stretch and a great pass as the game winded down.


    Some may say that he's an awful college player. Don't see awful, sorry.


    Didn't watch the game, but will take your word for it. About time he showed up, him and Diallo have been MIA the last two months.

  4. Same here except he is going to end up with the Browns or someone like that. So he may look bad and people would be like see that's why Dalton was the starter. When McCarron won't be getting to throw to a Green every game like Dalton has had in his career. I thought McCarron would do well here. However to hard to tell how be will do elsewhere.


    If it is the Browns and Gordon is playing, he may have a better receiver to throw to than Greene. I do see your point though, it is the Browns, something will go wrong. :)

  5. I wonder if Cal still likes his team?


    Could we possibly see a NKU vs UK, 1st round NIT game?


    SGA and Knox played alright, but just do not have much help offensively. I know I get roasted for it, but what does Greene bring to this team, other than the fact he can make a stationary 3 pointer if no one is guarding him? I am sure I will get the same old excuses used for the last five game, but his stats back me up.

  6. Truly one of the greatest humans to walk this earth, hands down! The way he battled cancer for the last 8 years was amazing. Never once did you hear him complain, even though he was given every reason to. His speeches at the Holy Cross Hall of Fame induction, as well as the NKGCA Basketball Hall induction were truly remarkable. People always say it, but he truly was a Legend and will never be forgotten. RIP Claybird!

  7. He hasn't played the point guard role since mid December? If you have beef with point guard play, it should be with SGA. I love the kid but he often creates for himself.


    Quade Green hasn't played a true PG in almost 2 months (since he got hurt) so idk why you keep thinking he should be playing different than he is, because his role changed. Idk why you feel the need to harp on Greene, he isn't even remotely in the first handful of issues with this UK team.


    So your post validates my point. Green was brought in to be PG and has lost that battle. So now he moves to the 2 and you now have two guys who are handling the ball, both of which struggle to create for others. Hence, why this offense bogs down, especially with no outside shooting.

  8. The fact that you can't seem to grasp a player does get better beyond their freshman year. Is definitely reason for us to agree to disagree.


    He has 4 assists the last 5 games and they all came in the same game? I believe others are struggle as a result of him. It is amazing what a good point guard can do for a team. They help build confidence, which this team is sorely missing.

  9. I'm pretty sure Trae Young was recruited to run the team. We missed out on him, and got a talented guy in Green. We simply have just been spoiled here with pgs who were nba level talent right away.


    In fact I don't think Teague who played on the 2012 title team was any better than what Green is. Only difference is Teague had 1st round NBA ready talent around him in Davis, Jones, MKG, Miller, and a shooter in Lamb.


    It's not Greens fault he is literally surrounded by all freshman and not a single one is truly at this great level either. So yes calling him horrible is off based.


    We can agree to disagree. If he has to be lead PG for a UK team, Cal may as well retire now, there are going to be a lot of disappointed fans the next four years (including this year).

  10. So...that makes him an awful basketball player?


    Cats wouldn’t have had a shot to win this game last night if it wasn't for him.


    Greene was never recruited to be a John Wall. If you expected him to be, that says more about you than it does him.


    Point guards(s) are far from the issue on this team and yes, that's more cause of SGA. But him and Greene compliment each other pretty well.


    As a PG, yes the guy is terrible. He does not fit in well on this team. The PG gets individuals involved. Look at his numbers, there is no way you can argue he is a good fit, especially as a PG. I would hope the guy would have a good game every once in a while, dude is averaging near 25 minutes a game, with very little production to back up all the minutes.

  11. I think he's a nice complimentary player and I'd imagine that he'll only get better and tougher with a few years on him. Just seems far off from awful, whomever was calling him that a few weeks when he was coming off missing a few games.


    He was recruited to run the team and you saw who had the ball in his hands down the stretch, it was not him. Like the previous poster said, he is a Tubby Smith type player. This team needs a play maker and he is not that at this moment. Come back to me in 2 years and we can see how things are going. I get it, he is a freshman, but when you recruit like Cal and lose so many players each year, you can't afford to have a Freshman, 4 year developmental player running your team. In fact, at this point Cal sees it, he can't even run this team of misfits.

  12. Took in my first game of the year, they stunk it up. Faulkner air-balled a layup, Holland hit the bottom of the rim with his layup attempt. 24% from the arc on 25 attempts, at times they couldn't buy a bucket. Cut the lead to 4 with six minutes left but Nunn dropped a trey from deep. What's the story with that kid, seems like Illinois could use a player of his caliber.


    Check out Post #5 in this thread.

  13. I been a UK fan all my life, graduated from UK. Yet my fellow UK fans always confuse me. When Tubby was here people wanted the top recruits. The last few years people say they wanted and missed having talented guys who developed and watched them grow into a great team.


    We have a team this year with talent. We have a possible lottery pick in Knox depending how he finishes this year. We have other talented guys who are talented but will need to stay awhile and don't just walk on the court like Fox and dominate. Yet people still complain. No matter what UK does people will find something to complain about.


    Is Green as good as other pgs were their freshman year? No. Is he talented, yes! Is he someone that probably will be a very good pg for this team during most likely his three or four year career yes.


    It's very simple we have been spoiled here under Cal. So when a freshman doesn't come in and play great right away people just go right to they are bad. Yet forget players do get better. Green has shown enough flashes to believe he will be a very good college player here at uk.


    Well you made my point for me, he is not a superstar and that is what this team is missing. Cal has pretty much had a superstar point guard his entire tenure at UK, with this team he does not and they miss it sorely. They struggle to shoot outside and without a point guard to create easy baskets for others (aka: Fox, Wall, Ullis, etc.), this team will be in constant struggles. Cal thought Green was going to be that guy (for this years team), but he hasn't. Cal missed in recruiting, it happens. I can almost guarantee you he didn't recruit him to be his point guard 3 years from now. Not how Cal operates, especially knowing this team was going to be so young.

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