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Posts posted by o-line

  1. Right:thumb: You only chase points when you have to...


    Wrong! Always know where you are, and try to manage the score the entire game! You never know when it might come down to that last conversion decision making the difference in the outcome of the game. :creepy:

  2. Both teams made mistakes. UK overcame theirs.


    I really am loving this though. All the stuff UofL fans blast UK fans for saying, and who's saying it now?


    No excuses boys. Half the country had the Cats picked. This was no fluke, and UofL didn't give it away.



    I don't know about "Half the country" going against the odds, mobaar, but a few did and would have won some big big bucks if they had bet. ;) Great post though!

  3. I think you and I are one of the few on here who understand the point system in the game of football.


    There is NO difference in a 1 point lead and a 2 point lead! If your team scores and it puts you up by 1 point common sense would tell you that there is no need to kick a PAT and just be up 2 points because a field goal still beats you. You might as well not even send your kicking team out there.


    The same concept applies when you talk about being up 5 points as opposed to 6. Being up 4 points after a TD is basically the same as being up 5 because it still takes two field goals to beat you. If you are up six points then two field goals ties you. Big difference between a tie and a win.



    It appears you are right about that, Pap, since most everybody else has either chosen to ignore it, or they simply don't even think about it!

  4. What about the U of L penalty with 9 minutes to go when Brohm sneaked it in but it was called back? and Louisville doesn't kick it they go for it and don't score. That would have made it 35-33 U of L, but instead it stayed 33-28 UK. Not making excuses or anything, just saying IMO Louisville should have and could have won this game.


    Are you not familiar with the term that begins with, "If a frog had wings....."? It would be interesting if a series of games were played, as in baseball, but, in football, that's why the game is played. You can only hope to learn from mistakes! :thumb:

  5. Personally I think the matchup of White/West Virginia will have more of a bearing on his status than last night's game. Last night's game was big for us instate people, but the national audience is more concerned with Louisville vs. West Virginia. West Virginia is the #3 ranked team in the country and some polls had them preseason #1.


    Not as much now as they would have been. ;)

  6. Brooks should have lost this game.


    3 Times he should have went for 2 instead of the extra point and a 5 point lead. What the heck was he thinking??????? This could have changed the whole complexion of the game.


    UK did play great, and I really hope that isn't the peak of the season because their are many big SEC games in the wait.


    But for those of you who say Brohm is out of the Heisman race, and Woodson in. Seriously, who is going to win the most games out of the two?


    I think we all know the answer to that.:rolleyes:


    Both coaches did the same thing, Pap! Choosing to go for the 2-pt. lead instead of 3 was even worse? How much sense does that make, even if he wasn't confident in his team's ability to convert?

  7. Just got home...I am beat....Awesome game to be at. The atmosphere was UNREAL. Kentucky played a great game, Louisville played a terrible game, simple as that. The defense is ridiculous. I really don't even have words for it. The Cats finally got their big win against the Cards. Congrats UK fans. :thumb: I'll be pulling for you guys the rest of the way.



    Both teams had their moments. The kickoff return for the late Cardinal TD, when Jones chose to take the play off for some reason(?), was one of UK's bad moments! :sleep:

  8. If I can figure it out, I'll get you a copy. Only thing I'd ask for might be the money to cover shipping, other than that I wouldn't ask for anything else. I'll try, but I can't make any promises. You should try recording the next showing at 9AM tomorrow...


    It's also being replayed, again on ESPN Classic, at 9AM next Sunday, 9/23. :thumb:

  9. Little was huge! :ylsuper:





    But David Jones had me worried after he let his man get outside him on that kickoff return for the TD! I would think he had been taught better.... even though coming from West Virginia! :eek:

  10. This is absolutey correct ! :thumb: I do not think that Pikeville will win the game but kudo's to the Panthers coach and AD for scheduling the game. I will be pulling for the class A Panthers.



    I, too, will be pulling for the Panthers, rambler, for obvious reasons. And I hope that the Panthers can give the Knights a better game than we did a few years ago at their house. :thumb:

    And PoppaBear, you will be surprised with the number of changes in 20+ yrs., even if you don't have an occasion to travel south of Pikeville, with US 23 now 4 full lanes all the way past Jenkins, and connected to the previously existing 4-Lane in VA. :D

  11. There's been some pretty good football today on Sunday Ticket in HD, and that's what I've been doing. The Raiders were struggling until the pick, and then the TD just now pulled them to within 3, while the other two 4 o'clock games are good one's as well, so it will be a while before I check for messages again. But I posted what I felt were appropriate responses to a couple of posts, and just took the time to check my messages, but see no reason to revisit the same territory again. I will be more than happy, however, to reply to any PM's, although later tonight.



  12. Since these teams were realigned to the same district this year and aren't used to playing each other, and you're not accustomed to playing at Josh Francis Field, it's understandable that you expect P-burg to enjoy home-field advantage with respect to officiating. It's actually quite the contrary. :sleep: P-burg has, historically, rarely enjoyed such treatment and, while this game appeared to begin with warnings from the officials for the players to refrain from any actions other than playing football, I fully expected to begin seeing P-burg getting flagged often since there has never been a lack of intensity from players coached by John DeRossett, which is understandable since he played for, and was also an assistant to, Coach Haywood before his tenure began at P-burg. He believes, as does Coach Haywood, that football is, and I expect as long as each are able to draw a breath will continue to be, a physical game! And it's obvious that neither emphasize finesse in game preparation. So I was surprised to see the Wildcats appear to deviate from the game plan they used during their scoring drive. Although, after Coach D & Coach James, more particularly, effectively adjusted the defense, the Wildcat offense appeared to struggle and were unable to consistently move the ball again as they had with their early TD, and appeared intent on attempting to intimidate P-burg's players instead of trying to find another way to utilize the obvious athleticism they have. So they don't appear to emphasize finesse over physical play either. And the tackle of the Blackcat running back, from behind, deep in the end zone while already having applied the brakes, confirms that. And you must have had the uniforms confused, since the 2 fumbles you mentioned were obvious, but were committed by the Wildcats. :thumb: But I've had have trouble sleeping on any given night for the past few years, so the game had no bearing on whether it allowed me to "sleep a little better." ;)

  13. I was at the game, and had a pretty good view of the field. The officials appeared to speak to a few players from both teams, especially shortly after Bath Co. scored their TD. But there were a few players in blue who didn't seem to be satisfied with simply making plays, and were flagged for their additional efforts. And the penalty called after the horse-collar tackle of the P-burg running back after crossing the goal line, and 10 yds deep in the end zone, ultimately resulting in two penalties enforced on the ensuing kickoff, while somewhat rare, is something I've witnessed on mulitple occasions from officiating crews in other areas of the state. And the penalty after a play had ended up on the sideline right in front of the center of Bath Co.'s players and staff, with the flag coming out after the official appeared to have an exchange with either a player or a staff member(whether it was in regards to that particular play or something else, only a few would know), wasn't all that unusual since P-burg, by that time, had the game well in hand and was, more than likely, attributable to frustration since Bath's lone, early TD was a direct result of a very efficient passing game effectively adjusted to by Coach DeRossett and his players. So, unless you're accustomed to officiating crews not penalizing for obvious infractions, most other officiating crews would have called the penalties these "same officials" called. Bath Co. has some very athletic players, and should concentrate more on playing football than engaging in the extra-curricular activities. :thumb: Good luck the rest of the year!

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