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Posts posted by jwstum00

  1. I really don't know a single person with an STD...So the numbers in the big cities I'd bet are around half, if not more, have an STD, or these numbers are inaccurate....


    I'm sure you do know, or have aquainted with, someone who has or has had and STD. You can't tell most of the time just from looking at the person whether or not they have an STD, and people who do have them aren't about to put there business all out there.

  2. Reproduction not sex is necessary for the survival of all human and animal life on earth.


    Are you saying teens are having sex for reproduction purposes?


    Is that the school's responsibility or the parents? I don't want the school to step in and teach my impressionable preteen child something that stands in stark contrast to what I am teaching at home.


    Basically, what you are saying is that schools should step in and tell 10, 11, 12 year olds that their parents are wrong and this is what they should be doing.


    What about the schools being responsible for teaching EDUCATION? The 3 R's rather than putting the schools in charge of teaching social issues.



    Sex is needed in order to reproduce, and I said in my last post that I don't think that teenagers should be having sex.


    At some point, regardless of what they've been told, some teenagers WILL have sex. That is undeniable.


    I am not against teaching abstinence, I am against teaching abstinence only.


    Proper sex education is a good thing.


    This is a little off subject, but what about the HPV vaccine? Should girls not get the shot, and just be told to not have sex in the first place?


    In my opinion it makes sense to protect them just incase.


    Same with education. Teach them how to protect themselves just incase, but STRONGLY encourage abstinence.

  3. Using that mindset we should drop the "Don't start smoking" mindset and just tell them to try and smoke safely.:rolleyes:


    There is only one surefire way to prevent catching a disease. That is abstinence.


    Not sure if it was this article or not but one of them I read on the subject said part of the problem is oral sex. Teenagers don't see oral sex as sex and partake in it when they wouldn't partake in intercourse. But they are partially catching the STD's through oral sex.



    That's what i'm saying. Abstinence only education doesn't teach kids anything about sex. Sex is a natural thing that takes place, that will not harm you if done correctly. Teenagers shouldn't be doing it in my opinion, but like I said there are a percentage that will no matter what is done.


    If they were actually taught that you could get STD's through oral sex I think that would help. The way it works now alot of kids are presumably getting infected without even knowing that it was a possibility.


    As for the first part. Smoking and sex are in no way similar. Sex is neccesary for the survival of all human and animal life on earth while smoking isn't.


    My point is that we should not ignore the fact that teens are having sex. They always have been and they always will be.


    I think I would like to see a "Preferebly abstinence, but if you do have sex here's how it works and here are the way's you should protect yourself" method taught to teenager's. I think that would work out alot better.

  4. You cannot deny the fact that UK has made one heck of a mid-season turnaround, and I have a feeling that come tournament time we'll all find out that the SEC isn't quite as weak as everone likes to think.


    This team executes down to the wire in close games, and to be honest I like them against Tenn on a nuetral court. They took them down to a last second shot one their floor without arguably their best player.


    That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if they won the SEC-T the way they're playing right now.

  5. GWB:





    ^^ Seriously though, read this one. It is entertaining at the least, plus the music is good. :lol:


    Im pretty sure you could find something on the web about anyone who has had any type of 15 minutes of fame claiming that they were the anti-christ. Let alone politicians running for the presidency of the US.


    I read the second one a few years ago and it about had me convinced. I think it was the cheesy music that got me.


    They make a pretty good argument though.


    Here are some more.








    This is all just silly nonsense, and it's a shame if anyone truly beleives it.

  6. Goodness, I am surprised that grown adults that we've voted into office to represent us can be so childish.


    The whole middle name thing is petty, immature, ignorant.


    In emphasizing his middle name people were hoping to cast Obama as a Muslim. Something that alot of Americans know nothing about and are afraid of.


    If it worked it probably could have swayed enough of the less informed voters away.


    It seems like it backfired though, and people have called them out on this childish immature tactic.

  7. Coach Fox has left for an opportunity in Iowa. A new Offense Coordinator should be named within a week or two.


    This is a very impressive coaching staff, very focused on winning, but not off the deep end with it. I believe Coach Frye is very comfortable in his role at a very well respected academic school.



    That is a very correct statement, and I think the coaches do a good job of balancing everything.


    Hopefully they can get the offense turned around. There has been pretty decent talent at Centre the past 4 or so years since I've been here, just never been able to quite get it done.

  8. Keep in mind that this was Shaq's first game with the Sun's. I expect them to get better as the team adjusts and find's itsself.


    Did everyone else notice how re-vitaized Shaq looked out there, diving for loose balls and whatnot. A re-energized Shaq is not what the rest of the leauge wants.


    I have a feeling Shaq is going to win another Championship before he retires.


    Just a gut feeling.

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