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Posts posted by dinoradja

  1. One reason I still have a small bit of respect for Mark McGwire in spite of his clamming up at the Senate hearings on steroids was his standing up and being at the birth of his son his rookie year. He missed his final game of the season and ended up with 49 home runs when he had a chance to hit number 50. When asked about missing that opportunity McGwire said, "I will have other chances to hit 50 home runs but only one chance to be at the birth of my child." Family has to come first and I pray that nothing goes wrong during that child birth because he will have to live with that the rest of his life.

  2. No way the Cavs win this series, plain and simple. And lets please hold off on comparing James to Michael Jordan because it is not fair to Lebron. Right now James is an incredible talent and even has room to improve but there is no way that he is another Jordan, at least not now. Jordan would never had laid an egg in a finals game like Lebron did last night. And you know what? There is no shame in him NOT being Jordan because we may go many, many more years before or if we see another Michael Jordan.

  3. He still owes baseball at least something. Baseball fans have allowed him to become a very wealthy man. And it is not major league baseball or the Hall of Fame that has caused Barry Bonds' problems, he has brought every single problem on to himself from his actions on and off the field, whether it be trying to reduce his child support payments during the strike to his "unknowingly" taking banned substances, Barry can look in the mirror and see who is causing all of his grief.

  4. Incredible performance and I would put it in the top 10-15 without a doubt but I do have to say that the Pistons lack of double teaming and the lane being more wide open than the expressway did not hurt his cause any. And someone on here said LeBron never complained about getting murdered; no offense but he complains after every no call or each time he gets a foul called on him and he could have been called for pushing off with his off hand many times. He played 50 minutes and somehow is only called for three fouls. Like I said, awesome performance and it may have wrapped up the series for the Cavs because Detroit cannot seem to get it done in Cleveland.

  5. Duncan brings out the best in his players and his attitude is light years ahead of Kobe's, just look at how Kobe is handling things with the press right now. Without Shaq, Kobe does not get any of those titles. Duncan got his with an aging David Robinson and then with a team of good but not great players on the others. No doubt Kobe is very talented but he is not better than Duncan and while Duncan will most likely go down as the greatest power forward in history, Kobe will go down as a great player at his position but no way as the best of all time.

  6. Robbie Harris did all he could. Ended his career with an excellent effort, only gave up three hits and pitched his heart out. A really good kid who I see only great things in his future. Hopefully we will see him pitching somewhere on the next level.

  7. This is not me condoning any of these guys' actions. However, I know how I was at age 22/23, and I know how I would've acted had I just signed a multi-million dollar contract a few months back. Heck, I was poor as can be at age 21 and still got picked up for a DUI.


    Again, not saying I condone their actions, but I understand them.


    Sure, a single mistake and then learn from it. These guys make one after another after another, and with the blessings in their lives that they have I cannot understand why they want to throw it all away to live like some criminal. I guess if I understood that then I would be like them and thank God I can honestly say that I am not.

  8. I will never be able to understand why these athletes like Henry, Pac Man Jones, Tank Johnson and others like them continue to waste a dream life. Play sports, get paid millions to do it and not have enough sense to realize what a dream they are living so they live the thug life and hopefully will all pay dearly for their continued stupidity.

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