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Intentional Foul

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Posts posted by Intentional Foul

  1. Bubba's coach of the year...a toss up between Coach Fraley and Cooksey.

    Fraley because he has to become a Pat Riley with his abundant of "Young Guns" (That would be a good nickname for the Royals-

    "Young Guns"...Shooting to Win) sometimes Big Bubba amazes even himself.


    Cooksey because he had only one starter returning and the rest had very little or no experience at all, no one can deny that Rex has done a great job with what he has.


    I dont see Fraley as COY not because he is not deserving, but because he is Rose Hill, some are saying here we go again, but like I stated earlier in this post. I believe that Coach Euton had to share COY in 16th Regional girls last year, she should have won it hands down. State runner -up but in some peoples eyes that just wasnt good enough. COY is a joke as is POY. These two catergories should be voted upon based on several stats just not winning games and scoring. Who does more for their team than Alex Barker? I am not suggesting that he is POY. But who does more? If you remove One key player from every team in this region that team is still going to win its share of games, you remove Alex form Fairview this year and they cannot win without him. He is the unsung hero in this region. POY will be political and will probably go to VanHoose, he is good but Barker does more for his team than any other player. COY....I honestly dont think either one of my picks Cooksey or Fraley will win it, because once again it is political. I just want to make this clear about my pick for POY, I am not saying he is the best player in the region, there are several better than him, EUTON, JACKSON, VANHOOSE, FAULKNER, I am just saying he means the most to his team.


    I agree that the problem with these awards is that there is no set criteria. Are we talking about the best individual player in the region (even if on a losing team) or the player that most helps his team (but may not necessarily have the best talent or stats)? In other words there should probably be 2 awards - Most Valuable Player (for the player that most helps a team in the region-voting would probably be more subjective to account for intangibles) and a Player of the Year (for the best individual talent - voting would probably be more objective looking at overall stats)

  2. I think it will be determined by which school wins the region. If Russell wins, it will be Fortman. If Rose Hill wins, it will be, most likely, Queen. If Rowan County wins, it could be Barr. Of course, like last year, politics will enter the picture.


    Area POY, a more distinguished achievement, could follow the same pattern. Laura Terry got it last year.


    If a player from Rowan were to be POY IMO it would have to be Hughes. She is the heart, soul, and leader of that team!

  3. As a parent of a child here in the 10th region. I dont recall any Basketball coach having a gun to there head and making them coach, I have seen well over 1500 ball games in my lifetime. I see coaches wearing FREE shoes. I see coaches wearing FREE shirts. I see coaches wearing prob alot more free stuff we dont know about. I dont ever see a coach PAY to get in a game. I see coaches think that they are ON TOP of the world and they are better then alot of people, Go back to the old days when Coach Leon Willett and Hutch coached. Now those were the days. I dont recall all those fancy clothes and shoes.. As far as the KIDS, There is only one team in the 10th region that will prevail and that is MASON COUNTY. So some of you coaches do need to remember, These kids all are human and there are alot worse things in the world then taking a little heat from a parent. YES I have coached, before you get to tore up. Its as simple as this If you cant take the heat. get out of the kitchen. You can shake a tree anywhere in the 10th region and 20 coaches will fall out.. Just may all not be SUPER COACHES


    Yes, coaches do get some perks such as free shoes and shirts, but this is NOT why most people take high school coaching jobs. I don't believe that most coaches are even doing it for the extra salary (although I'm sure there are some exceptions). Over the long run with summer camps, summer leagues, scouting during the season, etc... some coaches I know probably lose money if you look at the time invested, gas money, car wear and tear, etc... Yes, I know that many coaches get mileage paid for, but many of the coaches I know never turn the mileage in to their AD. These coaches know that this money comes out of their athletic fund. They would rather the money go to the program than reimbursement to pay for their gas.

  4. That is all I am saying guys. Freethrow, well put, those are both programs that push coaches out on the streets like stray cats. The fact is, you have to hire a coach who you know understands the game and can teach the game on a comptetive level. Outside of that, most of winning and losing rests with the guys who have to play the game. Now true, coaches take the wrap for the loss column and actually do at times lose games for their kids. I will tell you that much of winning and losing has to do with how well the program deals with parents,grades,girlfriends,missed practices, egos, different talent levels, etc.

    People in this day in time are too quick to blame coaches when the kids dont perform up to the expectations of their parents. Sorry it is just true. Take your buddies or pals that you know from Morehead. Did they play, did they reach their expectations as players. How about this one, are kids even supposed to question or claim to understand what is going on around them with the coaching staff? How many times have you heard disgruntled kids say, "coach doesnt know what he's doing?" How rediculous is that. That coach probably forgot more than that kids knows about the game.

    I just hate to see people bash programs. It makes it hard for the kids to ever completely buy what the coach is selling if in the back of their minds they know that my parents think coach is an idiot. That is all.


    Truer words never spoken!!!!!!!

  5. This could be a closer game than people might think. Sexton could be a matchup problem for the Lay Royals. Either Terry or Queen could effectively guard Sexton, but this means the risk of foul trouble for one of them. Keeton is also a good scouter and he will have some kind of junk defense to throw at Queen and Terry. That being said, with this game at Stewart gymnasium, I have to say Rose Hill by 8.

  6. Rose Hill in complete control of this game and never any real doubt as to the outcome. This game really resembled more of a scoring fest where both sides were content to let the other team score. Congratulations to Emily Queen who became the 16th regions all-time scoring leader. I don't have the official stats but Queen seemed to have at least 30 points and 20 rebounds. Elliot did have quite a few uncontested 3 point baskets which kept this game from really getting out of hand.

  7. ....I'm not sure why it is important where I graduated or anyone else graduated from high school. Look at Ashland's bench, how many of them are Ashland graduates? So why does it matter? My alligance will be with my children, period....


    Why can't people have more than one allegiance? Some of us are just fans of good Kentucky basketball (both boys and girls). I think Rickyp puts high school sports into the correct perspective with his last sentiment!

  8. ...I would agree that Buddy Biggs has Ashland playing a different style, and that it was time (if not past time) for a change in the head coach. I haven't really been keeping track of how Mike Flynn has been doing this year, but like you, I wish him all the best...




    I too believe that Biggs is doing an excellent job at Ashland, and yes it might have been time for a change. But, I'm with Francis. I will always remember Mike Flynn as a classy individual and an excellent basketball coach who truly cared for his players. Getting to the Big Show is not accomplished by accident and it wouldn't surprise me to see Flynn there again in the future.

  9. Someone told me that Webb went down with an ankle injury in this game and did not return. Any info on how she is doing? I believe that West plays Ashland tomorrow (Monday). Will she be ready to play? It would be a shame if Webb is hobbled the last games of her senior year. I believe that she has been the heart and soul of West this year. You will not find a more athletic and hardnosed player in the 16th region than Webb. She has truly become a leader for the Lady Comets during her career at West Carter.

  10. Although Scooterbob and I don't agree on this issue I think its inaccurate to say he is attacking the kids at Ashland. He has strong beliefs about how this vote went. The way he sees it Boyd and Ashland benifit by seeding, Fairview and RH benifit from blind draw. Therefore by his biliefs the only school that gave in against their best intrest was RH. If he is attacking anyone it is RH.


    As for the question about how many coaches are from Ashland, the answer is two. I myself am one of the biggest Rose Hill supporters and fans. I live in Ashland also. I don't see what difference that makes.


    I understand that Scooterbob is upset with RH's seeding vote - I also agree with him that it doesn't benefit the small schools of the district in most years. My comments deal more with how Scooterbob always seems to get a negative shot in against the other area schools EVEN when he is displeased with the actions of his own school. To me this is not what high school athletics should be about.

  11. Good win on the road for the Kittens. Although I know that Coach Keeton is not one for moral victories, I also feel he should be recognized for the nice job he's done with Greenup the last few years. Anyone playing Greenup this year better be ready for a dogfight. Keeton's girls are well coached, play with teamwork, and fight to the very end.


    Bailey, with whom do the Kittens end the last few games of their season AND......Do these girls EVER get a home game. They are definitely the road warriors this season (I think theve only had 3 or 4 road games). According to the ADI the Kittens are 15 and 9 - a pretty respectable record for such a young team with so many away games. Bradley must be proud of what his girls have accomplished this year after the last 2 difficult seasons.

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