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Intentional Foul

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Posts posted by Intentional Foul

  1. After all the animosity and bickering by adults on this site during the season, I thought it would be interesting to point out that Laura Terry, Brit Faulkner, Jessica Fortman, and Chinwe Okoro have chosen to be teammates during the Gus Macker 3 on 3 tournament in Ironton, OH this weekend. I believe w/ the way these two teams played each other the past few years, this is a tremendous show of respect for each other by these four young ladies. Thank you for showing the adults what really matters. Good job girls.


    IMO, one of the best posts of the year. Good luck to the girls at the tourney. They will be a hard team to beat!!!!

  2. It's an awful big assumption to think that someone would take over the girls program with the understanding that Pete gets it back whenever he wants! You know what happens when you assume!;)


    I agree:thumb: Not saying this will happen, but if this situation actually does occur (however unlikely), there will be some behind the scenes dealing making. I don’t think Fraley would take a pay cut to be an assistant for the boys AND give up an opportunity to coach his daughter, unless his final goal is to take over the boys head coaching job one day. This, however, is contrary to all I have heard about Fraley’s future plans.

  3. Just to clarify-I meant that I also heard that Fraley wanted to coach his daughter in high school basketball, NOT that this "Euton to Boyd' scenario would actually happen. I personally think the chances of this happening are slim to none. But if it did happen, Fraley could coach boys for a few years and then still have time to coach his daughter in high school.

  4. Could be that Fraley will coach boys until his daughter gets to the high school ranks and then switch back to being girls head coach again. This could be part of the "deal". I personally don't think that this is going to happen. To many tumblers would have to click perfectly in place for this to become a reality, but stranger things have happened. At this point its all just speculation. If it does happen, the bad-blood that some RH-Ashalnd fans hold for each other will be replaced with a Boyd - RH feud.

  5. ... If this deal pan outs then Boyd County will for sure be a team to be reckoned with for years to come both in girls and in boys."


    IMO I think that Pete Fraley leaving the girls team would hurt Boyd's girls program more than Euton's coming to Boyd would help it. I'll be the first to congratulate RH in their success the last few seasons, but lets face it, having all-state caliber players on a team can make a coach look awfully good.


    Regarding the boys situation, this would definitely place Boyd's boys team head and shoulder above the rest of the region. But just think of the contoversy - My mouth is already starting to water thinking about all the juicy BGPs posts if this rumor becomes a reality.


    Can any RH posters lend any credence to this rumor?

  6. You may be right about a couple of things Ernest, but I have observed all year who starts the whining and it has mainly been you along with a few of your cohorts. If I have heard one RH conspiracy theory this year, I have heard a dozen and NONE of those were started by your "good neighbors". Your problem is, you just don't know when to walk away. Maybe you should listen to "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers.


    You have accused me on several occasions of many things over the past few months (all unsubstantiated I might add). You lump me in with others who you feel are threatened by RH and have called me a "poor loser victimized by that nasty little private school." I have nothing to win or lose, my job is to support kids in this area. And I do the best I can to do just that, regardless of what others may or may not think! Please, before attacking me in the future, check with some of the parents and coaches at RH and ask them if I am "anti-Rose Hill", I think you might find that most of them feel I have been more than fair and very complimentary of the Athletic Dept at Rose Hill. We ran special reports on several RH athletes, carried every game they have played in the region and state tournaments for the past 7 years and have supported several events such as the David Garnes Golf and Basketball Tournaments.


    So, in your words, "get your facts straight before you attack me". Have a great day and God bless you!!


    Good post Go radio. I have listened to many of your radio broadcasts over the last few years and I have always respected your professionalism and impartiality. Your enjoyment of high school basketball and your desire to support all area players is definitely apparent. I also agree with your take on some of the RH posters.


    Although I have not been a poster on BGP for very long, some may have the impression that I am a "RH basher". Actually nothing could be farther from the truth. Not being originally from this area, I support all 16th region basketball (boys and girls). I attended several RH girls and boys games last season and I even rooted for them on more than one occasion. I am just a fan of good basketball...period.


    During my time on BGPs I have also respected many of the posts from RH fans such as LRCW and Himmelfarb. Their comments are usually informative and accurate. They give their opinion, not to antagonize, but to prompt good debate. However, I do feel that a goodly number of RH posters continually criticize other 16th region teams and then claim that the region is against them when they receive negative responses. Even worse, these posters then claim innocence when questioned about their motives.


    Bottom line, constantly criticizing your “good neighbors” and then denying it is going to prompt some negativity toward your program. In essence you are cultivating the very thing that you claim you want to end.

  7. My goodness. I never realized that two trips to Bowling Green could cause such lasting and continuous pain. I just hope that losing those two regional tournaments hasn't marred you people for life but, alas, it appears that that could be the case.


    Let me recommend a nice bottle of Jack Daniels (Black Label, of course) to, at least, temporarily ease your obsession.:cool:


    Good luck to you, also.


    Looks like the gloves are coming off......:fight:

  8. If Rowan's Troy Thomas returns next season, I will have to say they will definitely be in the hunt. Rowan will have really good guards for next season with their pressure defense. Coach Thomas will get it done!


    Old Veteran, I agree that Troy Lee Thomas is the best defensive coach in the region. If he doesn't return, how far do you have Rowan falling in the pecking order (if at all)? Also how do you see the other teams faring in the 16th? Any darkhorses that could make a run for the regional title?

  9. Here are my picks in rank order (for what its worth):


    1) East Carter- good inside game, talented youth, good system

    2) Rowan Co.- great pressure defense, 4 returning starters, Thomas returns?

    3) Ashland- return 4 starters, good shooters, more inside presence in 2008

    4) Morgan Co.- Eagle, team oriented, hungry, inside game is suspect

    5) Russell- good tradition, can it continue without Okoro and Fortman?

    6) Fleming Co.- very aggressive, will miss Keeley, getting adjusted to 16th region

    7) Raceland- depends on Vanderhoof’s recovery

    8) West Carter- mass senior exodus, Stevens and Cox must carry load

    9) Lewis Co.- nucleus of team returns, very good guards, good home-court advantage.

    10) Elliot Co.- must continue improving, majority of scoring returns

    11) Boyd Co.- lose 4 seniors from sub .500 team.

    12) Menifee Co.- Williams returns and must carry offense

    13) Greenup Co.- Keeton faces uphill battle with Sexton and Gibson gone.

    14) Fairview- showed improvement at the end of season but has long way to go.

    15) Bath Co.- could be in for another rough season.

    16) Rose Hill - how will Euton adjust to losing the big 3?

  10. I think you have a lot of great coaches in the 16th Region.


    Coach Kidwell is a fanstastic coach. He's a tremendous x and o coach and has been great for Russell. Very well respected by all coaches in the 16th region. 2 Regional finals/2 Region semi-finals

    Coach Euton from Rose Hill has done fabulous at Rose Hill. 2 Regional Championship plus state runner-up. Wow!! I know there are a lot of coaches that would love to be in that category.

    Coach Trimble is a fantastic coach who had a wonderful year at Raceland. His team was very sound offensively and ran numerous of patterns. They had a good group of girls with Seals, Vanderhoof, and Porter sisters. Coach Trimble is a very classy person who loves the game. Great things are ahead for Coach Trimble.

    Coach Easterling is a coach who gets the most out of his players every year. Everyone know that Coach Easterling and his staff are great coaches and that are always in the hunt every season. He has been a tremendous asset to East Carter and the program that he has built. His teams are very good defensively and offensively. 200 wins + and counting. They are going to be good for the next several years a lot of young talent ahead for East Carter.

    Coach Fraley is another tremendous coach who has won a 16th regional championship and has been to the finals at least 3 or 4 times. His teams play hard every game and every coach knows that you better be ready to play when you play Boyd County. They are very aggresive and have intentness.

    Coach Bill Bradley is a coach that is going to have some talent for the next several years. Coach Bradley is a great x and o coach that loves to shoot 3's. Runs great sets to get the players he needs to score. Watch out for this team for the next couple of years. Coach Bradley did a tremendous job at Ashland this season.

    Coach Jeff Brown has totally changed the girls b-ball program at Morgan County. They will be very good for the next several years to come. He is a very hard working coach that gives it his all everyday. He will have Morgan County in the hunt for the next 2 seasons.

    Coach Von Perry is another great coach in the 16th Region that has her girls in the hunt every year. She's a coach that has been under one of the best girls coaches in KY in Hop Brown. The tradition has been established at WC. Every coach knows that they better play their A game when they play WC. She will get out most out of her players every season.

    Coach Kristi Orem is a good coach that has her teams playing hard every season. They have some good young talent coming up at Fleming County. Her teams plays great defense and they are so aggresive. She will be good next season with Bernard, Allex, and Price returning. Coach Orem does a tremendous job with her girls and has established a good program at Fleming County. Every team must play their best when they are playing Fleming County. Very good defensively.

    Coach Jessica Holt is a coach that did such a remarkable job this season. Her teams played so hard for 32 minutes and she deserves a lot of credit for a job well done at Lewis County. Very intense and shows love for the game. Those girls are lucky to have someone like her at Lewis County. Her team will be very good for the next 2 seasons at Lewis County. There will be a lot of good things ahead for Coach Holt.

    Coach Cantrell did an awesome job this year for Elliott County. He has really stepped the Elliott County program up this year. His teams were known to shoot a lot of 3's this past season. He will have some good talent returning next season. A great coach who has passion for the game. Elliott County made a great hire in getting Coach Cantrell. A coaching guru!


    Coach from Menifee, Rowan, Greenup, and Fairview all do a great job as well. Kids that play basketball for all these coaches in the 16th Region are very grateful and thankful to have good coaches in their lives. Its not so much about winning the BIG TROPHY or getting COACH OF THE YEAR, its all about directing young individuals in the right path.


    Old Veteran, you must have a coaching background. One of the best informational posts I ever read on BGP. I wholeheartedly concur!

  11. Wouldn't it be great for once of everyone just said job well done' date=' and move on! Euton, Trimble, Kidwell, Bradley...all deserved coach of the year. To say that any of them deserved it over the other would be impossible to prove. It's all about opinions, and the ones that counted voted for Kidwell. Perhaps Scooter and Intentional could come up with a formula as to who truly deserves COY, which in turn could be used every year. Perhaps the BCS would have some input as to how to go about doing this:)[/quote']


    Great point Dad - exactly the points I've been trying to make the last 3 days. :thumb:

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