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    A few steps down 616


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    Fishing, Hunting, Baseball


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  1. Well at first I Will say I Everyone does a great job in the Tenth Region... But my pick will go out to Bracken Co's finest PA Polar Bear himself J.T. Teegarden..... Shooting One and THE BONUS...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  2. Well i have heard very few and I know many people will differ.... But My Number one will have to go too Danny Weddle Maysville/Mason co radio broadcaster. He gives me chills everytime i listen to him absolutley awesome. Second would have to be the announcer from Brossart???? Dont know the names.. Also great job:thumb:
  3. Only good i feel as if every team in the future will stay strong and hopefully contend for the state every year:thumb:
  4. Were is the Patties going?? Went from playing awesome a couple of weeks ago to getting Beat by Lloyd Memorial by thirty??????
  5. I'm gonna agree I think cards 55-54 with a buzzer beater by KNOWLES Good luck Cards:ylsuper:
  6. Yes u r right.... Desperatly... I will have 2 years to see them:thumb:
  7. Just got the news today the new dugouts will be in for the Baseaball season starts:ylsuper:
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