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Posts posted by barrel

  1. How much you get paid should not be an issue. If you are coaching to just collect pay check then your doing a diservice to your players. Not sure what requirements past maybe taking a test a coach has to do here in KY for football. I am not even sure if you have to do that. Other states I know have a class or test you have to take and that comes down to how bad you want to coach. A coach can gain knowledge through a number of things from coaching forums, magazines, clinics, videos, visiting other schools and more. Most of those are not huge time investments.


    The original poster asked about position coaches. He did not say anyhting about it being the ONLY position a coach is in charge of. So yes it is very common for someone to be the DB and RB coach but you still have a position coach. Unless you can 2 platoon there is no reason to have a coach that all he does in RBs or LBers ect. Trinity, and ST X I would not be surprised if they have position coaches that coach only one position.

  2. The link above takes you to the site. The are not ranking kids like what you get for HS. It is allowing MS age kids get a chance at something special. There was paperwork and a tape needed to be sent in. Players then are selected from there. Ray Lewis's son is one of the players selected.


    As far as kids from Kenton and Campbell co goes. Those to counties play in a bubble. They do not branch out into the state and have made the choice not to be apart of the organization of MS football here in the state. So the lack of those areas being represented is due to their coaches. You also have to remember MS football is different then HS. There are schools/areas that are very good on the MS level that are not HS state powers

  3. I liked what I saw of RB/LB Jake "the Truth" True (a Josh Connor clone), WR/DB "Wizard of" Ozzie Sheehan, QB "Cardiac" Carter New, and S/K/back-up QB "For Whom the Bell" Towles. They ALL will have to take the off season conditioning VERY serious if they have any chance to see varsity action. Plenty of other really nice size boys with great POTENTIAL in this class!


    Is that the same Jake True that plaed at Turkey Foot Middle School last year?

  4. The "kool aid" that they pass out about the defense is that you only need 3 DL. That few schools have enough good DL guys but have a ton of "LBer" types. Those DL better be pretty good to do what you ask them to do.


    Redman's style of defense can be adapted to a number of different systems. It does mesh well with the different 30 fronts.


    Every team we played that use it played it every down. It is not hard to get them into looks they do not like. This is one reason over the past few years you have seen more unbalanced twins sets. 2 TEs and power run sets are not friendly to it either

  5. I do not think you get more athletes on the field compared to a 53. Most DEs in a 53 are OLBer types so it is the same for the most part. You are now just asking to to cover instead of contain all the time. the fact pressure can come from anywhere is the part that is a pain to deal with. It still has many of the same problems the 53 has/had. One of the great upsides to the defense is how simple it is (or the Cincy St X version is) but you better have 3 stud DL. The DE/DTs depending on how you name them have some tough jobs to do.

  6. There is a number of teams that run the 3-3-5 or 3-5-3 as their base defense. Depending on who they are playing it will look like a 53 or a 40 front. One of the best coaches to talk to about it is the HC at Cincy St X. Yeah I know that is not KY just saying he is one of THE guys to talk to about.


    We see more 3-3-5 or 3-5-3 fronts than anything now. It will look like a 53 or 52 to many. Honestly all the defense is hoenstly is the 53 with some adjustments. They can call them spurs, rats, bats, bandits or whatever it is just a 53 with some adjustments. It is like teams saying they run a 34 scheme when all that is, is a 52 with adjustments. It is easier to tell a kid we are recruiting to play OLBer instead of DE and DE instead of DT.


    All the Oldham Co feeder schools run it. Lex Cath and all the Scott Co feeder programs run it. Holmes runs it or a version of it.


    Ram I have that book.


    Just to add something so everyone is on the same page. A 3-3-5/3-5-3 team does not mean you only see 3 defensive linemen and then just 3 LBers. There is a TON of adjusting and rolling of the LBers/DBs. West Virginia runs it.

  7. Meyer has said before he would love to run just option football but knows he can not because of the boosters. WVU was one of the stops they made that year when they went to U of L. They also went to Purdue and Northwestern. Very interesting how they tweak the system from each school (and QB) he has been at. While at Bowling Green there was more Rich Rod to their offense. Meyer now does not run much zone. I have been spending the break going through the last year and a half of FL cutups so all of this has been going through my head.


    If anyone is interested in spread style offenses or just in football in general this is a great site




    Not much for a casual fan but there are some good articles about the spread and just football in general. Unless you are into football a good deal then I would stay away from the theory stuff.

  8. While FL is single wing in the sense of the QB is the TB that is where it ends for the most part. Meyer and Mullins both say the run game is single wing in that sense. When you look at the them over the past 2 years they now use an H back. Their blocking scheme and run game is very much like Gibbs' run game. Meyer and Mullin went to U of L before starting at Bowling Green. They went there for 2 reasons 1) passing game John L Smith was using and 2) to learn their single back run game. They have replaced the TB with the QB for a good part.


    When you look at Single Wing teams they are not the same as FL. FL is running power, counter trey, zone and veer blocking up front. They dress it up a little in the backfield actions but that is pretty much their blocking schemes. Since Tebow took over full time they started moving the TE off the line and moved him to an H back type roll. Pull the guard and wrap the H through instead of the backside tackle. Gibbs started it and it trickled down from there.

  9. Because they may do it does not mean a school district does do it. To say all public schools do it is incorrect. To say schools in the state can do it is correct. You see it in other sports. If one school has a good sport program students will (if the school allows) enroll in a school in which they normally would not be in district.


    My school only allows students from inside the county to enroll in the school. All students who resided outside the county were told they could not return. They do not allow a student to enroll for a fee. We are not the only county school like this. We gain students from the other school due to the fact we offer things they do not. we have students leave our school to go to the independent school so they can start/play as opposed to not making the team.

  10. True, but the same is true for all public schools having an independent district has no bearing on anything they are no different than any other public school. Anyone can go to any public school that is out of thier district by paying tution, in other words no advantage to HHS or Beechwood.


    By the above statement implies that anyone can attend any public school if they pay money. That just is not true. To say open enrollment is in no way an advantage is completely false. If you have a son and you want them in a good football program you have a number of options because of open enrollment in some manner. NCC, Beechwood, Cov Cath, and HHS are all choices.


    I do not think anyone from Trinity or St X woudl deny that the ability to pull students from a large area and that they have a form of open enrollment (though it comes at a price) is an advantage to the school. Not just in football but as a school.

  11. A county school does not have to accept someone from out of district. If there is a KY law or reg that says so then post a link to it please. I know our school district can accept people out of district but by no means must.


    I never said that open enrollment was cheap or the only reason. I did not say it was even the main reason. If you want your child to be part of one of the best programs then with money and transportation many of those programs are open to you.

  12. ^ Would you all get over it, it's over for pete's sake, and it had NOTHING to do with the outcome whatsoever...


    I am not a SK fan so I am not sure what I am suppose to get over. To say the hit was clean is incorrect. I use the word clean there to me legal or not. To say the Trinity player did it with malice is something only he knows. I never said anything about his intent.


    Simple facts

    It was helmet to helmet

    The offensive player was struck with the crown of the defensive players helmet

    When this occurs it is a flag.


    Now things like that happen all the time in a game. Sometimes on purpose but in most cases not. It is like a facemask. Sometimes a kid does it with intent and other times it just happens.

  13. All of Jefferson County.


    All of Jefferson County are not the top programs. When you look at the programs people talk about being at the top most are open enrollment. So if you want your child to play for a top program you can do it if you are willing to pay. I know a number of people that went to Beechwood for this vary reason who would not have gone there otherwise.


    One of HHS freshman RBs was at a Kenton Co MS last year and was very open about where he would go to HS. You get out into the county schools and for the most part you pull from your county and that is it. In most of the open enrollment schools if you can pay and get there then you are in. It allows you to pull from a large group.

  14. Riddle me this, how many of the top programs are open enrollment in some fashion or form.


    Beechwood: Open enrollment

    Highlands: Open enrollment

    Trinity: Open enrollment

    St X: Open enrollment

    NCC: Open enrollment


    As far as I know all of this schools are either private or independent. Which means they are open enrollment schools. Now of course the finger points to Kenton Co. because they are open enrollment and certain schools do get certain players because of it. Look through out the state of open enrollment schools and how they do. Not just in football but in a certain area. Williamstown is not going to do well in any sport but they do well in band and that is due to a large part of open enrollment.

  15. Something that is often brought up by T and X is the low number fo D1 talent they have (though do not call their players average athletes). While the schools might produce low number of D1 talent (have a D1 lber now) how many of their players either do or have the chance to go on and play football past HS?


    Which would you rather have? A team with 1 or 2 D1 talent guys or a team of 15-20 guys that have offers to play in bowl sub divisions? Something else to think about is you do have to take a test to get into both those schools. Their starters might have a higher average IQ. That does make a difference.

  16. One reason we do not have large schools or that Boone Co. among others make new schools instead of expanding is due to the fact they are public. If you work in the public school system you know you have your hands tied in. If a public school could just remove a student from the school like a private can then yes building larger schools is more of an option.


    5wide is completely correct in the concept of public schools are not going to make choices based on football or other sports for the most part. The idea of stop building more schools to keep up with the numbers is silly. If you work in public education you know how silly that is.

  17. The Boone COunty school system chose to build all of those schools. Thay have decided to keep their enrollments below a certaine level. That's their choice but you can't expect other schools to follow suit.


    Do you deal with public education?


    I am sure there are a number of problems private schools have that public do not. A simple fact is that by law students have the right to a free and appropriate education. By this fact public schools must handle certain things privates do not. In a private if little jonny is a problem little jonny can be removed. Now imagine that on a whole other level due to numbers. They have their enrollment where it is due to giving students the best chance at a good education. When you work and deal with public education comments like that do not make sense at all.

  18. I spoke with members of the 'Chain gang" - who are Officials. They said it was clean.


    Had a CB thrown out of a game for throwing a knee to a player (this was done while standing). It happened on the sideline away from us as coaches. The chain gang, and the coaches from the other team said they saw nothing. On film it was clear our kid did it. Point being Officials and chain gangs miss things.


    As stated before the KHSAA said they did not think it was done with malice intent. That is not the same as saying they believe no flag should have been thrown. The QB was struck with the crown of the helmet. It does not matter why it happened (plays like that do not happen unless the defender uses poor technique. See what you hit) but it happened.


    The KHSAA is not going to throw an official under the bus and that is exactly what would have happened if any other statement than what was made. Even if they said it was done with malice what is the KHSAA going to do? There is nothing they could have done.

  19. A private thread in a public forum? If someone wants a thread for a select few and does not want others to repsond then maybe they need to post such a thread in a forum that is open to only those in the group.


    Everyone also knows that any "Trinity Hater" thread would be locked more than likely before it ever got to the online flame war that it would become. How can any of the teams that made the finals not take the original post as a slap in the the face. To their players, coaching staffs and to some extent their schools and communities.

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