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Posts posted by Jumper_Dad

  1. If I had a Vote

    Peter Edward Rose (Write in Canidate) HIT KING

    Tony Gwynn ( Mr. Hit )

    Cal Ripken Jr. (Gherig still more impressive )

    Dave Concepcion (One of the best defensive SS in history, invented the intentional one hop throw to first base to give the 1B an easier ball on very long throws)

    Lee Smith ( I would be affraid not to vote for him )

    Mark McGwire ( Did not break any exsisting MLB Rules and remember "Chicks love the long ball" so he had his reasons)

    Rich "Goose" Gossage ( His plaque should be put next to Rolly Fingers for obvious reasons )

    Dave Parker ( Just for the sliding catch and throw in the All Star Game)

    Jose Canseco (Maybe? For a while he was the most feared hitter in the AL, first 40-40 man, took team to 3 WS in his prime...just becasue he became a joke later doesn't mean that at one time he was absolutley one of the best)

    Orel Hershiser ( Does 1 or 2 years of pure domination get you in? I guess so he was tougher than :fire: )


    Almost there, but not quite

    Jim Rice ( Good power hitter, but on second thought. I bat right handed....I could have hit 500 in Fenway)

    Dale Murphy ( Johnboy mole creeps me out )

    Don Mattingly ( Mr. Consistant, but that doesn't quite get him in for me

    Eric Davis (Got some Rookie Cards I need to unload) Truthfully though, could have been in, injuries just brought him up short )

    Albert Belle (WS walkoff hero, just not enough )

  2. No one questions where the State Runner-Up trophy will be residing. We get that.


    Westsider's question, frankly, is fair for BGP. It's not insulting to Ryle to simply ask, in hindsight, where they probably ranked in the 4A Big Picture.


    Discussing hypotheticals is a big part of what we do here...right?


    I get what you are saying also.

    I love the hypothetical discussions on BGP that's what makes it fun. However Hypotheticals don't win games teams do. IMO hypotheticals should stop when the games are played and it is decided under the lights. IMO Ryle was the second best team in the state as proven on the field.

    I could be wrong though TJMO

  3. De La Salle as I remember from an ESPN report back when they were on a like 5-6 year winning streak or something. They are a very small Private School in Northern California. It was amazing what they were doing athletically with what they had to work with. I do not remember a lot about them but they are no where as big a school as the Cincy or Louisville Privates are.

  4. My understanding is that Somerset and Danville will not be playing the next couple of years and that Somerset /Corbin is taking their place, does anyone know if this is true. The Jumpers and the Hounds have had some GREAT games in the past and I would love to see them playing again. It would be really nice considering the ties Coach Jewell and Mrs. Coach have to Somerset, to play them again. I have a lot of respect for them and hope this game happens.

  5. I found this in a biography of Jimmy Snyder


    It was one of those greatmoments when somebody odious says something incredibly stupid that has devastating consequences for their career.


    This idiotic remark led to his firing as a "commentator" at CBS, where he was in the business of predicting winners and losers from a bettor's perspective.


    Jimmy (The Greek) Snyder was ejected from the public eye in 1988 when, on Martin Luther King's birthday, he said that blacks are better at sports because of slave plantation breeding techniques. "During the slave period, the slave owner would breed his big black with his big woman so that he would have a big black kid–that's where it all started."


    His brother, John Synodinos, said "He felt he was falsely accused. He was praising the blacks actually


    Does anyone think this is any different from what Irvin said?

  6. E xpanding

    S tupid

    P eoples

    N otions


    I wonder if the Sports Reporters on Sunday AM will touch this or will they even be allowed to.

    ESPN has been quick to roast others for this type of behavior. Has anyone seen coverage on the four letter on this this week I have been working and have not watched ESPN this week.


    All I see today is about Mike ....Strahan that is, not one mention of Irvin today that I have seen.

  7. How about Romo's mother, or grandmother, or descendants....is that an appropriate comment, for any commentator regardless of race, to make.

    I didn't give a good example, what I was trying to point out was that if we just heard the words and did not see who made them it would not matter who said them they would have been fired....I absolutely think he offended people.

    Maybe Mike and OJ can share a room some day .....maybe for eternity...:devil:

  8. I think Ryan Howard had a great year, a phenominal year for a second year player. But if you don't vote for Albert now or in the future because of his attitude or something he said how can Bonds getting the MVP explained. Albert Pujols was I believe in the top 10 on just about every offensive categorey, Howard was not. Pujols was the biggest clutch hitting star in the National league this year. IMO Albert Pujols regardless of how has acted deserved the award more.

    PS I am absolutley not a Cards fan, so this is not a homer post

  9. I also think too much interpretation is going on, if you are trying to call this a pass then what about this..... a runner is running and his arms are pumping forward and backwards, the ball comes out propelled forward by the action of his arms it is a pass, not a fumble? I think we have all seen players fumble the ball without being hit and every time the ball is going forward while the arms are swinging forward why is this not a forward pass also. I do not think the rule states the position of the arm or the players intent. What do you all think. Let me know.

  10. Idiot kicker!!! I'm not surprised at all by this. I knew in the off season the Cowboys had made a mistake. He might be the most accurate kicker in history, but IMO he's never been a clutch kicker. He acted like missing the kick against the Steelers was no big deal. He didn't even act like it bothered him. IMO he tanked it. I mean, has he ever missed a kick that bad? Especially indoors on a good snap and hold? I haven't been impressed with him for a long time.

    :ylsuper: Preach on I AGREE completely

  11. Both teams have Great Coaches, Great Traditions, Great Programs and Great Fan Support. I think Danville has one more Great, GREAT TEAM SPEED on both sides of the ball. Speed Kills in a game like this. If NCC contains it it will be a very good ballgame, but if Danville gets on the edge or out in the open this game could very well be lopsided. Good luck to both teams, I have seen both of you play this year and have all the respect in the world for both of you. Now go to your corners and come out hitting at the bell.

  12. Raiders almost get great win against the Chargers.

    A controversial call in the final period could have cemented the upset. The Chargers driving in San Diego territory when Vincent Jackson caught a pass and went to the ground. Without being touched, Jackson got up and tossed the ball to the ground where the Raiders recovered. However, the play was ruled an illegal forward lateral and San Diego retained possession. Two plays later, the Chargers tied the game.

    Anyone that saw this play knows it was not a pass, he was spiking the ball because he had just made a first down. Since he was not down with contact the play was still live and it was a fumble....as originally ruled. I AM NOT a Raiders fan but I think they got hosed. It seems as if any time a rule can be interpreted to go against the Raider it does (see Tuck Rule).

    What do you think?

  13. 1A -- Trinity Winner

    2 -- CovCath Winner


    3 -- Mercer County Winner

    4 -- Bowling Green

    5 -- Ryle


    6 -- Danville Winner

    7A -- Russell

    7B -- NCC


    Danville could be higher and Mercer could prove me wrong but this is how I think Today. Nobody on the list deserves last place that's why I went 7A 7B.

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