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10 Good
  1. I meant to say I wouldn't go so far to say that Fields can't throw at all. It is obvious that the boy struggled during the game. He has a decent arm and with experience he will be better prepared for big games such as this was. As brillant of a game that the Ads prepare for and played I wouldn't say their passing game was hitting on all cylinders. If it does not improve it will come back to bite them and at this point I am pulling for them with go all the way and win it all. But remember that all these kids are still developing from freshman up to seniors so let's be careful with our criticism and not put the kids down that way. Sorry if this is out here more than once I don't know where the first, second or third version went.
  2. I would go so far to say that Fields can't throw at all. It is obvious that the boy struggled during the game. He has a decent arem and with experience he will be better prepared for big games such as this was. As brillant of a game that the Ads prepare for and played I wouldn't say their passing game was hitting on all cylinders. If it does not improve it will come back to bite them and at this point i am pulling for them with go all the way and win it all. But remember that all these kids are still developing from freshman up to seniors so let's be careful with our criticism and not put the kids down that way. Sorry if this is out here twice i don't know where the firt version went.
  3. I wouldn't go so far to say that Fields can't throw at all, it is obvious that he struggled but the boy does have a decent arm, a little more work he will do just fine in big games such as this. As brillant a game that the Ads played I wouldn't say their passing was hitting on all cylinders. And if it doesn't improve it may come back to bite the Ads. So let's don't put the kids down that way, after all, they all are still developing their skills.
  4. The perfect weather predicted for this friday will have a lot to do with attendance.
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