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Posts posted by ddky1970

  1. The bad spot was a bad call indeed. They blew that one. The late hit and the pass interference I thought were good calls. I was on the Catholic sideline and both happened 10 feet from me. Mental mistakes, but good calls.


    I am not a fan of either team. Just a fan of football. I was standing in the endzone opposite the score board and I would agree that I also believe that the pass interference call was a good call, also think the overturn call on the other pass interference was the right call. I didn't see the late hit call or couldn't see the spot on the first down from the endzone but I thought It was a great game and that the refs did a decent job. Congradulations to both teams on their accomplishments this year. You should both be proud. Good luck

  2. The pass interference looked too close to call that one, let them play I say. From the Boyle County side it looked like great defense.:D


    The late hit, I can see both sides of the argument. Play to the whistle is my stance, it wasn't that late of a hit. Was he going down, yes, but a penalty, I dunno. If they won't call horse collar tackles, might as well not call piling on. We hit em in the mouth here in Boyle County.:fight:


    There is no such thing as horse collar in high school. It is a college rule, I suspect that it might filter into high school rules in a year or two. The old saying play or hit to the whistle is false. The whistle does not make the player down. The player is already down by rule. A player is down if any part of his body touches the ground other than his foot or hand, or if he goes out of bounds, or if it is ruled that his forward progress has been stopped.

  3. The bad spot was a bad call indeed. They blew that one. The late hit and the pass interference I thought were good calls. I was on the Catholic sideline and both happened 10 feet from me. Mental mistakes, but good calls.


    I am not a fan of either team. Just a fan of football. I was standing in the endzone opposite the score board and I would agree that I also believe that the pass interference call was a good call, also think the overturn call on the other pass interference was the right call. I didn't see the late hit call or couldn't see the spot on the first down from the endzone but I thought It was a great game and that the refs did a decent job. Congradulations to both teams on their accomplishments this year. You should both be proud. Good luck

  4. So hitting a guy two steps out of bounds is okay? Because it's really the same thing in this situation. Micah had plenty of time to not make contact with the QB but chose to anyway. That is why there was a flag not of him going high. It was a late hit.



    I'm not sure what you were watching, but he did not take 2 steps. How you say he had plenty of time I don't know. On the other hand KY came out flat. Thats two years in a row to come out flat on senior night. I hope we learned something from this.

  5. We should start a "NO FIRST WEEK FOOTBALL PLAYOFFS" forum now that there are so many threads on this subject. :rolleyes:

    I'll say it again. I know of at least one 2 seed that has only won 3 games this year. It won't change much of anything to do away with 3 and 4 seeds, except keep more kids out ofthe playoffs.


    Although I see your point I' ll bet you that there are more than a couple of 3 seeds that beat 2 seeds in round 1.

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