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mr wong

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Posts posted by mr wong

  1. The Dave Ramsey Financial Peace program is Biblically based, and very good if your goal is eliminating debt and building wealth. His baby steps are pretty simple to follow. (or I guess I should say, simple to understand, but also takes quite a bit of discipline to implement). JMO



    I would agree that Dave Ramsey is as close as you can get to biblical finance. Start with one of his books.

  2. Without starting another debate on the definition of "christian" I will add that Obama does not appear to be a born again christian. When I hear the word christian, and when I refer to myself as a christian, I mean "a born again christian." This would mean washed in the blood of my savior Jesus Christ. If christian means something else to you then go with it.


    The conversation stopper, when you say you're a Christian and leave it at that.



    Where do you move forward with that?


    This is something that I'm sure I'd have serious debates with my fellow Christians about. I think that the difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and prostelytize. There's the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven't embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they're going to hell.



    You don't believe that?



    I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell.



    Do you believe in heaven?



    Do I believe in the harps and clouds and wings?



    A place spiritually you go to after you die?



    What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, that I will be rewarded. I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing.


    LBBC I am with you. There are a lot of things in his outlook on christianity that I disagree with. And yes I would rather have a president that is guide by God in everything he does. I do not think this is the case.

  4. I feel obligated to feed any hungry child anywhere anytime for any reason. I also feel obligated to do what I can to help a healthy unemployeed adult find some kind of honest work or method of feeding their family. This could include plowing them a garden, helping them enroll in some kind of classes or vo-tech program or helping them secure a loan for a carpet cleaning van etc.

  5. Ran across an interesting article discussing this very issue:


    Here's an excerpt from it:


    Let’s see what the Bible says about wine, particularly in those passages that often have been misinterpreted by those who claim that wine in the Bible is actually grape juice.


    The Parable of the wine and the wineskins (Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37-39) obviously speaks of fermented wine because grape juice would not burst the wineskins. To understand this and other verses concerning wine, let us look at the Greek word for wine: INOS (onoV). This is the root word for INOPNEVMA (onopneuma) or alcohol, and INOPOTIS (onopothV) or wine-drinker. The Greek term for grape juice is KHIMOS STAFILIOU (cumoV stafuliou) or juice of the grape… and this is not the term used in the Bible.


    Jesus was accused of being a winebibber in Matthew 11:19. If they called Him gluttonous, is it because He was a glutton? Or is it because He was eating, unlike John the Baptist who was not eating (Matthew 11:18)? And if they called Him a winebibber, was it because He was getting drunk with wine? Or is it because He was drinking wine? The Greek word here is wine drinker (onopothV). If Jesus had been drinking grape juice, why would they call Him a wine drinker and a glutton?


    Of course, we know that Jesus neither ate nor drank excessively. See also Luke 5:30, 33, 37-39; 7:33-34. "And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, 'The old is better.'" (Luke 5:39) If Jesus never drank wine, why would he make this comment about old wine being better? Why would he say "no one" unless drinking wine was a common practice. See Luke 10:7.


    Jesus made wine at the wedding in Cana (John 2:3-10), his first miracle. Again, the Greek word used here is wine (onon). If Jesus was against the use of wine, why did He not use this perfect opportunity to clearly tell those present that drinking wine was sinful? On the contrary, He gave them an even better grade of wine. To say that the guests at the wedding were drinking grape juice and that Jesus gave them better grape juice is to stretch the truth and reason to the extreme.


    In I Timothy 3:3, one of the qualifications of a bishop is that he not be an excessive drinker of wine. If wine here means grape juice, what is wrong with drinking too much grape juice? The Greek words used here mean "not given to drunkenness" (mh onw pollw). In verse 8, the deacons are also instructed to be worthy of respect, sincere and not indulging in "much wine." This verse, too, is referring to fermented wine and not to grape juice.


    I Timothy 5:23 says, "Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine..." The Greek words here are exactly "a little wine" (onw oligw). Why only a little? What is wrong with much grape juice? Of course, Paul was warning Timothy not to indulge himself in excessive drinking of wine.


    Here's the link to the whole article:




    You are certainly not the only person to misinterpret the difference in wine and strong drink. I believe any time we study we need to make sure we are guided by the holy spirit and prayer. Here is another study that makes more sense to me.


    A lot of people think that the Bible condones drinking of alcohol because it talks about wine. They say, “Didn’t Jesus make wine for a wedding?”


    What many people don’t know is that the word “wine” in the Bible is a generic term. The context (words before and after the word wine) in each case indicates whether it was fermented or not.


    In, Isaiah 16:10b, grape juice is called “wine” (yayin) when it is still in the press, saying, "No treaders will tread out wine in the presses" where it clearly cannot be fermented yet.


    Now, “Did Jesus make alcohol for the wedding in Cana? We find the story in, John 2:1-11, in the New Testament.


    The person in charge of the wedding, after he had tasted the wine Jesus had just made, commented…”you have kept the good wine until now.” Good wine was fresh grape juice, the fermented grape juice was considered inferior.


    Another way we know that this was not an alcoholic drink is because Jesus always obeyed the Father. In, Proverbs 23:31 and 32 it commands, “Do not look on the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it swirls around smoothly; at the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper.” No, Jesus did NOT make a fermented wine at this wedding, but rather He gave a wedding gift of at least 120 gallons of fresh unfermented grape juice.


    In another place in the Bible, Deuteronomy 32:33, it says fermented wine is poison. Alcohol is a toxic mind-altering drug. Alcohol causes ill effects on the digestive, muscular, skeletal, nervous and circulatory systems. It causes cirrhosis of the liver, jaundice, pancreatitis, and blackouts along with many other sicknesses.


    The Bible says wine is a mocker, intoxicating drink arouses fights, whoever is led astray by it is not wise! Proverbs 20:1


    We need to trust God’s Word, God does not lie. The misunderstanding is with us; because in our culture all wine is fermented, but not in the Bible.


    Some people also think the Bible encourages drinking of a little alcohol because Paul told Timothy, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for your stomach’s sake and your often infirmities.” Paul was telling Timothy to drink grape juice for medicinal purposes. Remember the Bible does not use the word “grape juice”, but always the word “wine” which can be either fermented or unfermented depending on the context.


    Getting drunk should not be taken lightly because the Bible says: “Don’t you know that those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals-will have no share in His Kingdom. Neither thieves or greedy people, ‘drunkards’, slanderers, or robbers.” 1 Cor. 6:10.



  6. I really believe Jesus turned the water into new wine which is grapjuice. Regardless, for me drinking and tobacco is a sin because God told me not to use them. A lot of people who have a personal relationship with God will be convicted of different things as their relationship grows. In my opinion.

  7. I have been a UK fan for 45 years. There is no excuse for Kentucky to lose to teams like VMI and Gardner. Gillispie has certainly not proven anything yet. He may be as good as some of you think but I judge coaches and programs by wins and loses. Kentucky is the winningest program in the history of college basketball and BCG is not as good as Tubby. That is what the record tells me.

  8. From the book - "Everything Must Change"


    "the poor you will have with you always" is often used to aruge against the elimination of poverty . . .


    'Quoting Jesus' words from matthew 26:11 to defend a complacency toward the poor becomes manifeswtly ridiculous when one looks at the passage of the Old Testament jesus is himslef quoting: Deuteronomy 15. After saying, "There will always be poor eople in the land," the text says, "Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward . . .the poor and needy in your land: (v 11). And eiarlier in the chapter (v.4), we read, "However, there should be no poor among you." because the land can produce an abundance for all if that [b]abundance is fairly distributed through a just legal system - or to use our term in this bookd a [/b]just equity system.'


    "It's risky business to superficially quote Jesus!"


    Isn't the bolded shocking. Surely God is a capitalist, but this suggests otherwise. hmmmm


    I cannot find this in my Bible either

  9. Of course there is the other option of exercising a little parental control and telling your daughter that she cannot play all three sports or not letting her participate on teams that travel so much. Seems to me like you want the KHSAA to mandate longer down time because you as a parent don't want to do it yourself. Sorry to be so harsh, but that's how I'm reading this.


    You are reading it all wrong. Why would I tell her should could not play a sport that she wanted to play.Parental control was not the point. Softball is where she got her free college. She would have liked to play softball in the summer and basketball in the winter. You keep thinking its the parents and the coaches who want the down time. A kid should be allowed to play all the sports in there season and not have to play three at the same time. You should not be required to play basketball and volleyball all summer just so you can play in the winter when it is in season.

  10. Are practicing and laying around the pool mutually exclusive? Isn't it possible to practice several hours in the morning and then turn the kids loose to lay around the pool or do what ever they want to do? Sure, you can't go out of town on vacation and be at practice the same week, but the dead period is for vacation. And if you cannot, for some reason, schedule the vacation during the dead period, I'd think most coaches are okay with going on vacation and missing practice the week before or after dead period. At least I know that Mueller is. He'd prefer the kids take vacation during the dead period, but realizes that's not always possible and understands. Personally, I think any push for a longer dead period is motivated by the coaches wanting more down time than it is about the kids needing more down time.


    My daughter and son played three sports through high school. They loved playing and wanted to play but there were many days in the summer when my daughter went to volleyball conditioning in the morning played two or three basketball games in the afternoon and went to softball practice that evening. The weekends were then 4-8 softball games depending on how well you played. The softball was travel ball and nothing to do with the dead period but I do not think another two weeks of dead period would have destroyed the volleyball or basketball season. We now have kids playing more games in the summer with their high school team than they do in season. Extend the dead period.

  11. As a coach I am happy with the dates of the dead period. I can tell you right now when the dead period is ten years from now. When I meet with my freshmen parents the first time, I tell them when the dead period is.


    I too would like to see it changed to four weeks. I would love for kids to have some summer time to lay at the pool, but as a coach if the competition is working we need to be working harder.


    Dead period ends the July 9th but fall sports like volleyball and soccer cannot practice until the 15th. They can continue conditioning but no practice. This is much like football and helmets.

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