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Posts posted by mh2365

  1. Claine has had a great year ... he's only a junior and will be back next year.


    Just saying the backup QB threw a nice ball. If all you are going to do is run then the starting QB is fine. Did you really feel you were in the game in the second half? We were only a TD or two down to Fairdale in the second half but it never felt like we were in the game.


    Nelson brought a nice little crowd with them. Good to see ... best of luck in the playoffs next year.

  2. who do you think have legit chances to come out of that side?



    I'd say Franklin County has the easiest route to the final 4. I think they will play the winner of Lexington Catholic-Bell County.


    On our side I see the winner of the North Bullitt-Bullitt East game taking on Lone Oak and a bit of an upset special I say Fairdale makes it out of their district to lose to Warren East.


    So I'll go Bullitt East (or North Bullitt) vs. Warren East and Franklin County vs. Lexington Catholic as a final 4.

  3. Unless I am mistaken, at every away game this year except maybe LCA, Raceland fans have out numbered the home team's fans. Raceland always has a good fan base that travels to the away game. And at home Raceland's side is always full and over flowing. Raceland does have a very good group of fans.


    It's that way with Bullitt East too ... we almost always out number the home fans. Only exception to that this year I think was the North Bullitt game.

  4. Okay this is my last word on this, I asked a friend of mine who coaches one of the top High Schools in Arizona and here was his take on it ... I can live with this.


    That's a tough call, I would never do that in that situation, but that is more my philosophy. From their standpoint, it was probably a call worth making to take advantage of BE keying on the run. A nine point lead at that stage of the game was probably safe, but not insurmountable, so they probably felt they needed the insurance. As a Coach, I would not have been upset if I was on the losing end of that score and they did that. I would have been more p***** at our secondary for the coverage lapse. I wouldn't go as far as to say it was smart, just opportunistic, though a Pick certainly would have made it look like a really dumb call.


    Personally, in that situation I would have just ran the ball, probably went double tights and just pounded it for 4-5 yards a pop and if we scored, we scored.


    I think BE probably did make them nervous cutting the lead to 9, and they gambled that they could take advantage of your guys selling out against the run. I just have more of a play it safe with the lead style, as less bad things can happen when you run the ball. Plus, I work the hell out of ball security related drills, gauntlet, exchanges, protecting against rips and punches etc...so I am confident we will not put it on the ground. We only lost 3 fumbles all year in nine games, so I guess it pays off. I also never talk about fumbles, never even mention it. All the kids hear is tight tuck, protect the ball in traffic, cover on contact etc, so that's all they have in their minds.


    Crap I really went off on a tangent, sorry, just love to talk Football :)


    To answer your question:

    Running up the score - No

    Smart play - No

    Well calculated risk to put the game out of reach - Yes (remember, that doesn't always make it a smart call, LOL)

  5. I was at the game it was a 20-25 yard pass in the air beyond BE's coverage ..


    You are right on one point it is BE's fault they didn't stop it but obviously they were keying on the run which is the smart move.


    Manual padding the score wouldn't have been an issue if they had ran out the clock ... it became an issue because Manual decided to run up the score rather than run out the clock.


    If you were in the press box and didn't see the play then I am sorry but Carter went on a wheel route down the visitors sideline and your starting QB threw the ball to the 25 yard line where Carter caught it and went in untouched. The orginal line of scrimmage was the 47.


    You act as if they threw a screen and BE didn't tackle ... the play was ran beyond the coverage of BE and Carter went untouched into the end zone .. understandable since BE was keying on the run.


    I really don't care that Manual tried to run up the score to make it look like they weren't in a game, but don't pretend it was the smart thing to do. The smart thing to do up two scores with 4 minutes left is to take time off the clock.


    Okay I'm done because I am 100% right so no point in continuing this discussion.


    Manual played a great game, too bad they tried (and failed) to run up the score at the end instead of taking a 28-19 win.

  6. What was the score of the Bullitt East Bullitt Central game this year BTW?


    Not sure what your point is there .... I'm pretty sure we weren't throwing 30 yard fly patterns in the second half ... but once again I don't care that they tried to run up the score but to pretend it was smart strategic play calling is a joke.

  7. Your team had just scored on our team and tried an onside kick and it was a short pass that broke for a td, not a shot in the endzone. It is not Manual's fault that your team botched the defensive play that let a ten yard pass go for a touchdown. Bullitt East is a good team we respect and they played the entire game. I am sorry that someone had to lose but it is not Manual's job to give them the game or let them back in with a few minutes left on the clock. The Manual coaches did a great job in that they kept a two score lead but did not run up the score. If you see it otherwise then we will have to agree to disagree, but in no way did Manual run up the score they were just ensuring victory, we had a close call against a good Shelby County team earlier and Bullitt East is too good a team to just mail it in. Manual kept a two score pad and let seniors and JV kids play if you are complaining about that then I can't help you.

    Also when a team is kicking onside kicks out of the huddle formation after they just scored, the general way you respond once that attempt fails is to score on that team to put them away. Again the SMART thing to do. Because if your team showed that they were not going to onsides and just run the clock out, we would have too, but your team was still trying to win (to their credit, with much respect to your coaches BTW) so our team was going to continue to play to win too.

    I am not trying to insult you in any way but I don't see how you can insult our coaches decision making when they just beat your team by a respectable but not humiliating amount.


    You put your starting QB back in and threw a fly route to Carter 30 yards down field .. it wasn't a short pass. It was a play call designed simply to score again. The situation in the game called for running the clock out plain and simple.


    I don't care that your team tried to run up the score (failed but tried) just don't act like it was smart play calling leave it for what it was. Why would a team that was trailing by two scores try to run the clock out .. your logic is very very faulty.


    I can understand the other guys point, trying to pad the QB stats .. or trying to showcase Carter (who is excellent) but don't pretend it was because it was the smart play call. 4:20 to go .. you had ran all over us .. you hadn't punted once ... you were up two scores ... the smart play is to run out the clock.

  8. 4:20 left in the game

    BE down two scores

    Manual has the ball at midfield

    Manual hasn't had to punt the entire game

    Manual has 175 on the ground

    BE has 2 timeouts left


    The smart thing to do there is to air it out on first down? Wow .... you were running up the score .. nothing wrong with that ... it backfired on you because we scored two more times on you an the margin of victory stayed basically the same... but don't try to justify by saying it was the smart move. The smart move up two scores is to sit on the ball and take time off the clock, not put the ball in the air and risk a turnover.


    Like I said running up the score isn't the classiest thing to do but hey teams do it all the time ... but don't pee on my shoe and tell me it's raining. Smart thing to do LOL. Took us 44 minutes to score 3 times but Manual was scared we'd score twice in the last 4 minutes..... classic.

  9. Unless there was a miscommunication, I'd like to know how the score went from supposedly 28-13 to 42-31 in 5 minutes. :confused:


    BE scored with 4:20 left and then missed a 2 pt conversion to make the score 28-19. Then Manual recovered the onside kick. Then their coach decided not to do the smart thing and run the clock out but threw a 57 yd TD pass. BE scored easily and quickly again. Failed on the onside kick and Manual ran plays designed to score again which they did with 1 minute left, then BE scored with 1.4 seconds left.


    Good game, talent was pretty much even. Penalties and turnovers killed BE. The Cooper kid on Manual is a heckuva ball player. There was only 1 punt the entire game so neither defense was all that impressive.

  10. Wow. This has turned out to be a brutal district. What looked like a lock for North Bullitt has turned into a slug fest between 3 really even teams and one that can more than hold its own. Should be some good football in the first two rounds.



    Agreed ... Marion just keeps winning, Larue moved the ball at will between the 20's against BE. BE went into North and won. Anything could happen in the playoffs. I'd say 3 teams are even money to come out of it and Larue wouldn't be a shocker.

  11. #4 Larue @ #1 Marion

    #3 North Bullitt @ #2 Bullitt East



    I preface this by saying I am a Bullitt East Fan ...


    It is difficult to beat a team twice in the same year. If Reynolds can play it will difficult for East to win again .. that said I think East and Marion win and East goes into Marion and wins by 2 TD's.

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