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Posts posted by oldram

  1. I do apologize if I made it seem like Raceland made all the penalties or didnt want to win that game. I just wanted to evaluate what I personally thought would make Raceland come back and be better for the next game. Tackling was one and penalties was another. No complaining about officiating or cheating at all on my part. I want to see this team go as far as it can and there is no doubt in my mind playing a bigger school makes a smaller school better. I told the lady that offered me the coffee well we all made it out safe and now we can concentrate on our teams getting to Louisville.

  2. Congrads to the Russell Red Devils. I have looked at all the posts and I too think penalities has hurt us most of the season. The tackling worries me to death. This includes all teams. I have now seen 7 to 8 games where our seniors from the area last year have went to two or three different colleges and they just wont wrap up and tackle. I call it tip toe through the tulips. Bugs me to death. I also was down close enough where to often the boys give up another thing you cant do. This is not a coaching problem that is what is in that young mans heart. It isn't over until it's over. Russell did an excellent job hammering in the third and fourth. Carver for Raceland did excellent not losing faith. I have to go with the sportmanship on both sides a Russell lady offered to go get me a cup of coffee so thank you for your kindness. Ok, I am done preaching great game on both sides.

  3. I know this will be an unfavorable comment but I think it needs to be said. Some college kids said this to me and I think it bares repeating. As much fun as this game is going to be and as much hype in a good way that has occured the big factor is keep your eyes on the prize and that is not this game. Each team should play a good game but the prize is a state championship and others have noticed on our side Fairview is getting better and better and LCA is just really good. Now i know the comments I am going to get that the coaches know these issues and that the boys are well aware of this but you would be surprised how much a bunch of men and some ladies can stray a young man away from a tad bit of reality. So my final thoughts are have a safe game. Know that this friendly neighborhood rivilary but keep your eyes on the prize.

  4. I would offer a family friends back yard for parking but I dont think they would appreciate that without me asking but it is in the back door of the field. I will see how many they can squeeze in there. Since our main concern is this years game but after awhile we tend to get to brutal with each other even though we are neighbors I guess I can start something else just for lightening this years subject up. I wished they would have played last year. Yes, I said it and I won't say it again but I do. Anyway that is past and this is now. I do understand seating and more bathroom facilities are going to be added. I am sure more food and I still hope everyone remains safe, the boys reamain healthy, no one gets thrown out and we have a good old fashion neighborhood game.

  5. Ok i am saying Russell. As much as i love my Rams I think Russell can pull out tired bodies and put in fresh bodies. Like was said before it is numbers and turnovers. I personally refuse to say anything bad about Russell and you know something i would hope that as adults we can all do the same for both teams. Staying healthy and not hurt for the next game is the most important thing. As much as everyone would love to win how about remembering we are neighbors and i would like to see one of our area teams state champs.

  6. Yes we know the Vanhoose family and congrads on that. She is very talented probably could play football you will see her suit up for powder puff next week. I still feiel we need to get Robbie Logan back in the lineup. He is in my thoughts the gentle giant but he does make his prsence known. Slow start but we came around. I think next wekk like everyone has said start explosive and and end explosive. Congrads to our Rams and i hope Nicholas which is a much improved team had a safe journey home.

  7. Well we wish the Rams luck tonight and Nicholas County a safe journey here. We do still have Robbie Logan out and he is a great asset on the line. We all wish him a speedy recovery. As far as positive or negative comments raceland fans have some of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. I havent been a bluegrassprep member for that long but on most posts really good plays have always been commented on as well as the players no matter what team they played on were acknowledged. Bret Denton is a really good player that is focused and comes ready to play each Friday night. We had players just like that last year and we will have players like that next year. There is nothing wrong to say that he will be a factor on that field tonight. Nicholas county probably has some fine young men that they know will be ready and they can depend on. Most of the members on bluegrasspreps are grown adults and we respect each team and wish the best for each player that hits that field every Friday night.

  8. Curtis no problem talking about our offense. They deserve it I am just friends with different people that their boys mostly play on the defensive side of the ball and sometimes you just dont hear about those boys. Congrads again to Rams JV i see great things in the future. You know i always wish the other team the best on the rest of their schedule. Oh one last thing I know both sets of grandparents for number 22 how did he do. No one was there for him from what i was told how did he do. I think i was also ask about i a young man last name ratcliff.

  9. Congrads to our Ram JV and good luck to East on the rest of their season. Great plays for the boys on the offensive side of the ball. I always like to name some of the boys on the defensive side also. I didnt get to atend this game so can we come up with some boys that made some plays on the defensive side of the ball. This can include East players also. Sometimes this is the only place where the defensive gets some credit. Taking nothing away from our offense. They put the points on the board but we all appreciate our defense.

  10. Oldrambler is totally correct and I appreciate him clearing that up for me. Paintsville played hard and never gave up. I have always preached from day one on wrapping up and tackeling. I have seen many teams look like they were playing tag. If it doesnt stop in the high school levels it follows on to college. There were several plays were we would jump at the player rather than wrapping up and taking down. I always wish each team we play well and always thank them for the hospitality. I wish the Tigers good luck on the rest of their season. I was just commenting being close to the fence on something the coaches kept hitting on tackle, tackle, tackle. Lets get back to work Rams we have another Friday coming up. Again, good luck to the Tigers on their next game.

  11. Good game for Raceland. The score should have been 54 to 6. Taking nothing away from Paintsville but some of the touchdowns again that were made was the result of poor tacklling. Denton had a terrific game. Logan was missed tonight and we wish him well. Congrads to the Rams and good luck to Paintsville on the rest of their schedule.

  12. Raceland can not overlook anyone. We have seen Raceland have bad games. Focus is the key. There will be two boys in there for the other two that need to focus on that position. For two years I have said anyone can have a good game on any given night. I will go with my rams on this one but i want them to come out prepared strike often and early.

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