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Posts posted by cvillecat

  1. Raceland gets this one with Tyler Boyles (QB) out for most of the game. Reports were that he had dehydrated, had been sick with the flu all week. Great job tonight by Raceland backup qb (Farley), the kid did one heck of a job in running the Rams attack from what was most of the game. For Raceland to win basically without their starting qb and an excellent db (Boyles) says a lot about this "team" imo.


    We will have to wait and see how many yards that John Scott Carver had tonight but he had 4 rushing td's and had broken several long runs in the process, his numbers should be huge!


    One thing that bothers me is all the penalties that Raceland got tonight. This team cannot go against LCA and get by with giving up that kind of yardage on penalties!


    Enjoy this one tonight Rams, you deserve it, and then.................


    Lets get our minds and preparation fixed on LCA starting tommorrow and on Monday's practice.


    Pick up that Lunch Box ad get to work on another week!


    :thumb: You are 100% correct OR. John Scott Carver was a Monster tonight behind the great blocking of the O-line. he came with his hard hat on and went to work on both sides of the ball. Denton also had some great runs. Farley did an excellent job of running the offense. He has a bright future ahead if he continues to work hard.


    The Ram defense was the difference, especially just before the 1st half ended as they had three consecutive sacks as Fairview had the ball on the three. That physical attitude carried over throughout the 2nd half as the Orange Crush played extremely well. It was one of the most physical Rams defense I have watched.

    Congrats to the Rams on the win!!

    Prayers go out to Tyler Boyles and family.

  2. Since the jokes have started like every year, here is one that was sent to me.......................................................





    One day, while driving along, I saw a priest. I thought I would do a good deed so I pulled over and asked the priest, "Where are you going Father?"


    "I'm going to give mass at St. Francis Church, about 2 miles down the road," replied the priest.


    "Climb in, Father! I'll give you a lift!"


    The priest climbed into the rear passenger seat, and we continued down the road.


    Suddenly, I saw a Michigan fan walking down the road with that "M" shirt on, and I instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, I swerved back into the road just in time. Even though I was certain that I had missed the guy, I still heard a loud "THUD." Not understanding where the noise came from, I glanced in my mirrors but still didn't see anything. I then remembered the priest and turned to him and said, "Sorry Father, I almost hit that Michigan fan."


    "That's OK," replied the priest, "I got him with the door."


    :laugh: another nice one OR!!

  3. :


    I think he is an OK dude, just a little out there, but in his business you have to be to survive.

    The strange thing is, it seems he has a lot of control over Sam. Maybe he knows something we don't.

    It looks like he may pay a heavy price for his mistake. Sam may face the same music.


    I meant to say Clay instead of Sam. (brain fart)

  4. :thumb::............"If We Score We May Win, If They Never Score, We Will Never Lose. DEFENSE Wins Championships!"...... Larry Heck, (former Raceland Ram head football coach, former defensive coordinator for Ceredo Kenova, W.Va during their State Championship years in W.Va.)


    Speaking of Coach Heck, I wouldn't doubt if he is not at the game Friday night. He usually tries to make to one or two, more if he can every season. I know that he loved the Fairview game and rivalry more than any.


    :thumb: I hope you are right OR. It would be great to see my old coach again.

    He was at the LCA game but left before I had a chance to talk to him.

    IMO, he is greatly responsible for bringing the Pride back to Ram football.

  5. This just in, the Ohio State / Michigan game in Columbus,Oh. on Saturday has been cancelled. ....................


    Michigan can't find a way to get through Toledo.:D:jump:


    :thumb::thumb::laugh: That's funny right there!! I don't care who you are, that's funny.

  6. :

    Im kinda torn, because I still kinda like tig.


    I think he is an OK dude, just a little out there, but in his business you have to be to survive.

    The strange thing is, it seems he has a lot of control over Sam. Maybe he knows something we don't.

    It looks like he may pay a heavy price for his mistake. Sam may face the same music.

  7. I am going through so many emotions at this time I really don't know what to say. I do want to say Thank You to everyone for all your Prayers and kind words. I am blessed to have friends such as you.

    Alzheimer's is a horrible disease but my mother continues to fight a tough battle. What an amazing woman she is. Our last report was that she is now in stage 4 of kidney failure and her blood pressure continues to be low.

    I'll be going back to the hospital in the morning so I'll try to let everyone know how she is as soon as I can.

    Again, Thank You for your thoughts and Prayers. My Family and I appreciate it very much.

    May God Bless each and everyone of you.

  8. It's like Christmas Eve, oldrambler. There are presents under the tree, and tomorrow we get to start opening them. Only here in this alternate universe, there are five days of Christmas and they are spread out over five weeks.


    Tomorrow is the first day of Christmas and we get to open our first present. It may be something we really want, or it may be a pair of socks. I hope we got what we want, no some, whip out, pair of socks.


    I want a Playoff win, I hope everyone else in the family wants the same. Then we focus on the second day of Christmas.


    The Orange stockings were hung by the goal line with care

    hoping that the DC Express soon would be there.

  9. If we give up then every life lost, every penny spent, every sacrifice made would be for absolutely nothing. Whether you agree with the invasion or not the fact is we are there and the job is not finished. The defeatist attutide of the left and liberal media is the worst possilbe thing for this war. There will be alot of Obama supporters that will be sorely disappointed that they voted and supported him based on a promise that he cannot keep.


    Bottom line is finish the job and get out as quickly as it makes sense to.


    :thumb::thumb: Well said.

  10. Whether or not the Independent covers the Rams or does not cover the Rams IMO does not matter at this point in the season. There will be time for that discussion later. My personal opinion is that they have done a good job of covering the Rams and all local teams throughout the season. Sometimes a score may not have been posted as quick as we (fans) would have liked but a lot of times that is due to the score not being reported after a long road trip.


    We preach in every post for the kids to remain focused at the task at hand but sometimes we fail to do the same. Remember that the players read these boards and any distraction, however little it appears may be just enough to get off course. The little things do matter. The players look at some adults as role models so we need to be aware of the example we are setting for them to follow.

    Right now the only things we need to focus on is giving the kids our 110% support and letting them know we believe in their goals. Positive attitudes = Positive results.

    This is not a knock toward anyone. Just my opinion.:thumb:

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