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Posts posted by KyFan11

  1. Beechwood by far, IMO, has the best Class A, (continuous) Tradition.


    I agree yet disagree...Beechwood has a very strong tradition, but, saying it's BY FAR the best is inacurrate...Last i checked, Mayfield had 7 state championships, 6 runner ups and holds a 2-0 series advantage over the Beechies...Not to disagree, but, imo, it's alot closer than your BY FAR statement...

    How many were back to back?

    I am thinking of the roll Beechwood was on back in the 90's (mid 90's)

    I am recalling from my old memory...

  2. Lexington Christian was probably a legitimate top-six team in Class A in 2005 ... beat Beechwood in the playoffs and lost to Newport Catholic in the quarterfinals.

    Beechwood was just having a "off season" that year.


    There will be others to step up in the public system to replace The NCCs and Danvilles, etc...


    LCA is good and well coached- but at this point I don't see them being elite.

    Everyone thinks LCA is in a easy district-so with that being said, what is their winning record out of their district?


    Beechwood by far, IMO, has the best Class A, (continuous) Tradition.

    Danville too but now are no longer in Class A...

  3. Recent Hires as in their football coach, or recent hires as in others. Who else have they hired? A football coach was all they were looking for wasn't it?

    That is all that I know of ?

    Unless they needed to hire more teachers?

  4. He was on the team at Western but did not play much


    He was an assistant at Henry Co. D-line and ran the conditioning program

    Only there 1 year and left for Florida

    Was a D-cord --Ithink in Florida

    This is his first head coaching job at Paris

    Well so far I have heard nothing but "Good" things about the new Paris Coach- Matt Thompson...


    I heard that the kids are connecting well with him... and that he demands a lot.


    Hummm... I think I might have said earllier this year; "Paris needed someone to light a fire under their rearends"...


    sounds like maybe just maybe, site base and principal may have caught wind of all the talk on BGPs?

  5. Does he have an assistant coach named Casey Jones or KC Jones? I heard some of the kids saying that he was at the players meeting on Friday and that Jones was going to be the offensive coordinator. They said he used to be an assistant at UK. I have bever heard of the guy. Anybody know him?


    Also, any word of any other new staff members?

    I don't know of the name of the Off. Coord. I was told though he was or is an asst/intern at UK... Don't quote me on all that- but that is what I was told. I know none of that as fact.


    I don't know anything else on new staff. I am trying to find out.

    I can only think of one of the asst. from last year that they should keep,

    The guy that walked on at Miss St. (i think that is where he went, let me know if not ??)

    One of the other assts. I read is taking place as AD the next school year.

    Sounds like he preping to be the next Boys basketball coach, when the other retires.

  6. Paris will be introducing Coach Matt Thompson to parents and the community tomorrow night. Coach Thompson will be teaching English for Paris. According to the school, he has planned a parent meeting for tomorrow night (Tuesday) at 6:30 at the football field. In case of rain, the meeting will be in the high school conference room.

    I talked to a school associate- and he said that the new coach had them really fired up, just at their first meeting...

    I hear he has a lot of good ideas and wants to gets things done...

  7. Heard that he had came back to Ky and was going to be a Asst. at Powell before he got this position. Good luck to him and the Hounds.

    So far I am hearing around town (this weekend) that the kids really like their new coach.

  8. I do not know a lot about Coach Thompson other than he played college at Union, coached at Henry Co, and coached in Florida before returning to KY. Maybe someone can tell us more.

    What position(s) did he play?

    What is his record at the other schools?

    Was he a Head Coach or an asst. coach?

  9. I do not know a lot about Coach Thompson other than he played college at Union, coached at Henry Co, and coached in Florida before returning to KY. Maybe someone can tell us more.

    I can't wait to learn more about him!

  10. I was at the Columbus Nike Combine with the Mason County players and they all did good. There were a couple of things I didn't like. One was that I only saw a couple of older people who were trainers or coaches running the events. They were mostly kids, and the forty times were all over the place as the day dragged on. Also it didn't mean anything to pre-register for the event. It was a free-for all in that walk ups could go in and test before athletes who were pre-registered. It caused complications. I mean waiting 2 hours in line to test and then down time in between it is hard to get in a flow while testing.

    Jackson Tolle was a standout at linebacker for mason county with a Sparq Rating of 72.78. Which if you go to the Nike site and check out the rest of the countries participants puts him at about 16th for linebackers out of 14 combines completed. There are 3 more left.

    Richie Cox who is the QB for Mason County had a Sparq Rating of 77.78 based on QB ratings. If you go to Nike and see the results of the 14 combines that puts him around 4th for QBs so far. With 3 more events left.

    Good job by all the Royals.:ylsuper:

    Did you get your info. off of sparqtraining.com?

  11. If you are talking about the NUC combine, I was there. Frankly I was terribly disappointed in what I observed. Very, very disorganized. 40 times were done by hand, which means they were very inaccurate. Bench press techniques weren't rigorously enforced, with some kids doing a lot of bouncing. The fieldturf or whatever brand was in the room where the shuttles were done was in bad shape and a whole lot of the kids slipped a lot, thus messing up their times. I was there with the afternoon session which got started late and didn't end until after 6. They only had two bench presses set up and that event became a major log jam. The facility they used (the Sports Barn) is not laid out well at all. There is very little observation room and with a lot of parents and coaches there watching, it was sort of a mess.


    My son did well, particularly as a frosh and particularly in light of the fact that Highlands had scrimmaged the day before. Nonetheless, we probably won't be going back next year.

    The results are posted at sparqtraining.com


    yes from what I heard it was very disorganized.

    It had been scheduled several times, and then ended up being at Oberlin College.

    I talked to one kid that ended running the 40 three times, due to clock problems.

  12. I never said they would be the best to grace the field at Paris HS.

    I said they are being underestimated- I pointed out that this senior team is very athletic- and I think there are some tough hard hitters on this team.

    I also pointed out that their were 3 juniors to two of 15 seniors that made All-District.

    I predicted that two of those All-district players will work hard to be good leaders this year for their team- not abandon it or run from it, but stick in there and give it all they got.

    I disagree that you say their are no great football players... (i see statements like that ultra negative and almost like you can't give much of anybody any credit)

    I have seen several step to play when "the other so they say folded"...

    I think there is talent (and as well as with the graduating class) that no one over there knew how to tap into that talent.

    I have pointed out with a good coach and with motivation things could get moving in the right direction.

    I said in another thread (Bold Predictions) they need someone that can light a fire under their rearends...

    With the right coaching staff coming into place with all assistants that really know about football and coaching- things can start to change this year!


    Trust me there are kids over there; girls teams/guys teams that don't appreciate the negative talk when they work their humps off to play hard.

    Ever hear of Myspace????




    The Paris program didn't drop over-night or within the last three seasons.


    I doubt Paris will ever see the talent at one time like they saw in 80-82.

    Paris is too small and that much talent can't happen at one time that often.

    What they had 80 kids dressed? Now days they only graduate 40 kids per class. What if one of those classes is majority girls or majority baseball/basketball players- or just not athletic inclined?

    You work with what you got and make the best of what you got.


    Bumpy roads? Yeah I can see that- but I believe Site Base is working really hard to make sure the bumpy ride smoothes out soon.


    Yes I will agree with you that the Administration has got to support the program- as well as the community... I am with you on that.

    But it all has to start somewhere and with someone(s).

    Only type of support I can give is to be positive- since I am not a player, teacher or administrator, this is the only way I can help . A supporter would say to themselves if they really cared, "so how am I helping?"

    If you are a Paris supporter, like a few others on here say, then you would find ways to speak up positive to help. Cutting it down to the bone on here is not helping.

  13. I ain't got no problem with what you think- the new day the old days-

    I ain't got no problem of what did the 15 senior do?

    Cause that is what I am saying, Paris lost 15 seniors and now all of a sudden people thinks there isn't even going to be a team-

    I didn't come on here and say they was going to be state- I said that people are underestimating- and they should hopefully be competive ...

    And yes they did get outclassed each year in the first rounds of playoffs.

    (the start of this thread was to be construtive and there is no such thing as constructive critisim- critisim and constructive are two different words with two totally opposite meanings)

    So best thing I can think of for all the negative people on this thread can't seem to be positive about Paris is to- dig out your old VHS tapes and relive your glory days... Your alls negative talk is going to hurt those who do have positive attitudes and maybe anyone intrested in breathing air into the program.

  14. The upcoming seniors for Paris this season (I was just told are):

    Travis Angel

    Tavione Fields

    Jeremy Shupe

    Des Henson

    Zak Stevens

    Zak Klemper

    Terell Harris

    Lawrence Myers


    Angel/Fields/Shupe/Stevens/ Klemper all were starters last year

    Harris & Myers saw lots of playing time their soph. year- sat out their Jr year.



    Does anyone realize that there were more juniors that were All-district this past season then there were seniors? Does anyone besides an old foagie see this kind of stuff?


    I can't recall all the kids names that are the upcoming juniors-upcoming fresh.

    But I can come up with 20 faces that I know that are playing.


    I know of two names that return to the line Henson and Janon Jones (two guys that are not small- not as tall as C.Dumphord-but very strong)

    I would think that the Maggard kid will join the line this year ...

  15. They will have a team... they should have over 20 kids. As long as they can field a team they will have a season.

    I don't see them consolidating unless Paris goes into the red, at one time everyone thought that was going to happen to BCHS, but it didn't. There are too many people that don't want to see that happen, including myself.


    Everyone has their senior 2007 blinders on right now...


    Difference right now between Paris' "about 20" and BCHS 75 players is- Paris has a team that knows how to hit. Only thing that could be worse is that they get plagued with injuries...

    Can anyone RECALL how many Doug Preston had playing at the final of that season? It got thin-but it wasn't a goose egg season.


    It is way too early to count them out-

  16. How did they go?? Who is the front-runner?

    I heard they went good- If they narrowed to 4 it is real close to a "hiring"!

    Hurry up- so they can have a spring practice! I guess they are still in a time frame for spring practice?

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