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Posts posted by KyFan11

  1. WASHINGTON — One out of four young U.S. Muslims believe homicide bombings against civilians are OK to "defend Islam," according to a new poll.


    The poll by the Pew Research Center also finds some Muslim Americans seem to be separating from mainstream America in their attitudes toward the War on Terror and U.S. Mideast policy.


    The study found that among the nation's younger Muslims, 26 percent say homicide bombings can at least rarely be justified "in order to defend Islam from its enemies."


    "It is a hair-raising number," said Radwan Masmoudi, president of the Washington-based Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, which promotes the compatibility of Islam with democracy.


    Click here to read the poll. (Go to foxnews.com to click on the poll)

  2. My understanding is to legalize gambling = to help the race tracks?

    Is it that the riverboat casinos are eventually going to put race tracks out of business? So race tracks want slots to be able to compete?


    If this is true, how does the Thouroghbred Industry feel about this?

    Doesn't slots cheap'n' the Thouroghbred Industry?


    And if I am correct on the reasoning (which I really don't know, I choose not to gamble) wouldn't this just be the beginning of more problems?


    i.e. I know I have heard at Keeneland they have simucast races (w/track odds) (so need for bookies, they just got cut out), drive thru bet placing...

    Isn't that enough?


    Somebody help me understand what is going on.

  3. To say yes to the question, means God is not capable of preventing his message from being changed over centuries. I prefer to think that God is more powerful than that.


    Again, I believe the Holy Spirit has been involved in making sure the message of God is complete and accurate as God wants it to be.

    next question- Then wouldn't he have a prophet to set things straight?


    Amos 3:7

    "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."


    Once again not challenging anyone- interested in opinions/thoughts

  4. I'm not trying to get you in a Catch 22. If you read enough of my posts, I'm not a "women's rights" sort of person.


    I believe that if you require compulsory service for men, then you need to do so for women as well.


    I have both a son and a daughter.


    I sincerely want to know why you don't think young women should be subject to the same conditions as young men. It's a straightforward answer.


    I'll assume you haven't read much of my opinions in the past, and not take offense to the way you tried to label me as a manipulative questioner.

    Look at how you have come back at my responses when women were brought up. If that wasn't trick questions then I don't know what is?


    Our country goes out to protect women, and children.

    One of man's role is to protect.


    See if I say well women shouldn't be made to grab a machine gun and run to the front lines. Then you are considered a pig, even though you have their best interests in mind.


    So if a woman wants to serve - fine - I have no problem with that.


    But it is a man's role to serve and protect in times of war.

  5. Why should young women be exempt from mandator service, either military or Peace Corps-ish?


    If you think men should have no choice, why do you think women should have a choice?

    You are trying a catch 20/20 with me, cause one way answered you wanna blast me and the other way you still wanna blast me.

    So don't try to trick me with your questions.


    If you wanna discuss war/the draft and Ali's reason that is one thing, but if you wanna start something over who should be made and not made is another.

    If I answer yes that women should be made, then you throw your women's rights at me, and if I say they should be home nurturing children and creating a home enviroment cooking dinner for their hard working husbands, you still wanna come at me with the activist lines.


    I won't subject to that game

  6. No one should be exempt wether they claimed Allah tells me I can't, or I am a senators son, or I ran off to attend college in England.

    And I like to note I remember reading a story of a missionary serving somewhere near the Rainforest area in South America, there was no phone were he was serving, he actually had to be physically located, he packed his stuff and left his mission for his call to duty to Iraq.

    - That is commendable

  7. Personally, I think every 18 year old should be subject to some kind of government service. Either military or somethng along the lines of the Peace Corps work.

    I believe too, that every young man one way or another should serve atleast two years for his country.

    There is nothing wrong with that, and gives them a sense of respect, maturity and duty for their country.

  8. I can agree with part of that.


    Given time Sadam Hussien would've been in Bin Laden's pocket.

    There was documented proof that Alq. was meeting with one of Sadam's right hand men. They had been frequenting in and out of Iraq for sometime.


    But I guess we all have a different take on all of this-


    I do agree with Rockmom that we have spent too much time in Iraq.

    This is taking too long. It started out impressive. I don't like having troops

    on the ground over there fighting people that can't even be identified as an Iraqi or a terrorist.


    I am sure Hillary will come up with a better stradegy?:rolleyes:

  9. For the record, I simply copied and linked to information regarding Ali. Whether or not I agree with the principles of Islam was not stated, nor implied by me.


    But, I do have a question....how is the attitude of the Islamic religion toward interracial relationships any different than many people who proclaim to be Christian? If you remember, those most against the Civil Rights Movement and Abolition were also proclaiming their resistance in Biblical passages.


    I don't agree with many things that are believed by many other religions. I do, however, respect and recognize their rights in America that are guaranteed under the Constitution.

    I don't agree either with teachings of segregation, I don't agree with holding anyone down... I don;t hate someone because of who they are or what religion they belong to.

    .I think it is wrong if a religion doesn't expect you to honor the laws of where you live (aka being a law abiding citizen). He refused the draft with saying his religion only fights if it is a matter of Jihad. Well that law was written in and for Islamic run countries, they protect their country under the name of Allah- He was in America then - so he would fight if it was an uprising of Islam -v- American Govt., but not America protecting innocent citizens of Vietnam?


    I noted that I copied that statement from your link you provided-

    I realize you were only posting statements/records of what you had found.


    The problem I do have is that the rights under our American Constitution that gives them rights, and they will not support our civil laws- i.e. The Draft (at that given time, or any time).


    That is the beauty of America, you can be who you want to be- that is part of being an American. But when you don't want to integrate with us then you should stay in your secular part of the country, if white man is so bad or anybody that is "westernized", then why live with us?


    Do people realize the hatred that is being taught in these mosques across our country and on our college campuses? And it is all in hating America and what it stands for, but they are here, taking advantge of our college education, our freedom, but hating us... I have a problem with that.

    That is having your cake and eating it too.


    You see they couldn't be that way from where they come from- any resistence would be their death....


    And I do believe there are good Muslims (no I don't believe that all are bad)

    I do believe that Radical Islam is on the rise, and I don't believe they are a small minority group like we are being led to try to believe.

    Radical Islam is being indocrinated to as much as little kids-


    Has anyone recently read of the threats of the Taliban against Christians in that part of their world?

    Can no one see that it will not be safe or possible to be a Christian in that part of the world?

  10. We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad don't want to be forced to integrate. Integration is wrong. We don't want to live with the white man; that's all.[3]


    NOW- I just copied the above statement from our tolerant moderator's post ...

    NOW IF IT IS WRONG TO INTEGRATE WITH WHITE PEOPLE, and that is what being an American is all about (integrating with different walks of life and people)... AND IF THAT IS WRONG, YOU SHOULD NOT BE HERE!

    That was some points I made that was sadly responded to as scary..


    So now you have it for yourself the quoting of Elijah (I believe was Mohmand/their prophet's son).


    Now that is what is scary! NOT WHAT I SAID-



    And the inter-racial thing- How would that fly if The Pope came out and made that statement?

    How would it go over if he or some religious leader says "You are out of your mind if you let your white sons and daughters marry a black man or woman"?

    I think that person would be considered a racist?


    Ali claimed white people hated black people, well I am sure there are some that did then and do now.

    AND vise-versa...

    That statement is blown out of proportion, because I for one have many black friends, and I cherish them as much as I cherish my white friends, and I am sure there are many- many other people that feel the same way!

  11. It's my opinion that if called upon to serve your country, you do it. You may not like or agree with the war, but you stand up for your country. This country allows you to have freedom and IMO you must be willing to fight to keep those freedoms.


    Ali may have felt that it was against his religion to fight, but I'm sure there are many other things his religion was against that he knowingly and willingly did anyway.


    IMO he used his religion as a "cop-out" to try to make his dissention more appealing to the public. The war was widely criticized, and he was the perfect "iconic" figure to lead the anti-war charge.


    Great boxer, nothing special as a person.



  12. What you think in the bible there is only ten commandments?

    So Moses presented the ten commandments and then that was it?


    War is never a popular decision- but we learn from that very book there will be wars and rumours of wars- that is something we will have to deal with through all eras of times. Until Christ comes back to earth to cleanse it- that is if you believe in CHristian teachings...

    Throught-out history Christians and whoever all else have had to fight for freedom, protection, and protection of others.


    But hey-if different ones wants to look through all this with rose-colored glasses and be a flower toting pansy- then so be it... Just remember who fights/fought to give that freedom to be that way...


    And as far as a list of Islamic wars- Arabs have been fighting each other since the dawning of their time!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They have so many secular groups, and if one dares to show signs of being "westernize" then they are removed from power!


    And answer me this- so why is it okay to fight what is called Jihad?

    But you can't go do duty for the country that you freely live in that

    doesn't threaten to kill you or your family if you don't consent to the religion they feel should be the governing religion of all people of the world?


    If you think for one minute that the middle east is truly going to be our peaceful friends, then you are only kidding yourself.


    Oh yeah and one more thing- "Bad America"- Saddam should've never been attacked... He only used weapons of M.D. on his own people, and raped and plundered thought-out his country, and cut off hands, fingers, tounges on men that resisted his regime- oh yeah raped their wives and daughters, killed athletes for not scoring enough field goals in soccer games.

    Yes by all means, we should have left this man alone, he was no threat to no one, he would never use nuclear capabilites on us or our foreign interests if he had the chance!:rolleyes:

  13. Wasn't our country founded on religious freedom?

    Yes it was-but if your religion causes you to do something that against the laws of the government - then that is wrong!!!

    Practicing your religious freedom is one thing but what he did is another story.


    I should've said adhere- Maybe I wasn't too clear...

    What is scary is that this guy refused the draft due to the strict belief under the law of Allah...

    How many christian religions ask you not to do something that is considered the law?


    So if you think that is scary, you don't understand much.

    Go study up on the fear in Europe right now-

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