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Posts posted by YankeeFan22

  1. I'm a huge fan of 2 Stats.....


    1) On Base % (OBP)

    2) Runner in Scoring Position % (RISP)


    One (OBP) is indicative, of how hard a player hits the ball and usually, he has very good speed. The other (RISP), shows how a player hits in the clutch, with runners in scoring position.


    In high school if you get on base there is a good chance you will score.

  2. If that is the rule, then there is no doubt it was missed. There is no question to wether he was out of the box or not, because that was very obvious...the question is, is that a rule.


    I am about 95 percent sure it is, if it isnt it should be. By they way FairFan I can tell from your avatar that you are either a player or a fan of Beechwood and I want to say congradualtions you all did great. I just wish some public school would beat out a private and I thought you all could do it. Great Season.

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