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Posts posted by hoopitup25

  1. Did Carrol seem slow and tired or was it the undeniable fact that Owen was just that much quicker? :sssh:


    Well they could have been tired as they played last night as well. I like Carroll's chances when they play well. They are a well rounded team. Owen is tough, as they have good guard play. It will be interesting to watch this game several times this year.

  2. I apologize to the Gallatin fans, I am not close to the program and I do not know what goes on. I was just commenting on things I have heard from some of their fans who may be close or may not I do not know. I simply made a comment about something I was curious about. Did not mean to make such a problem with everyone on this subject. Someone made a stab at me and it has now gone way off topic. Apparently there is nothing going on. To be honest it does not matter to me, as I do not have anything invested, as others do. Sorry to make such a stir.:isurrender:

  3. No, it just makes me mad when someone criticizes a coach after they have won some kind of title whether it is a district, All A Region, or Regional title. I hear about it all the time and I just get tired of it. People seem to forget things really quick when things aren't "going" the way they think it should.


    Let me tell you something Nationofdomination that game was not won on coaching.

  4. My thoughts are you need quit worrying about the coach, she did win the All A last year and won a game at the All A state. You can't even hear the coach in the stands. Obviously you know nothing about the program, Emily Jones is an impact player. The team has lost 4 starters, 3 to graduation, 1 to injury.


    Let me tell you something nationofdomination you seem to know nothing at all. I am not worried about the coach could care less. I simply asked a question about the program and nobody can answer it for me, you must know her well uh? Not sure if you have ever been to a game at the high school level but you CAN hear coaches in the stands quit kidding yourself.

    Just since you brought up the coach, I know enough about the program to say that there are not many compliments made to the players. Care to argue that one?

  5. If they aren't working hard enough, maybe the coach should get on their case more often:D Honestly, i have already spelled it out. They will be fine as long as they stay healthy. Something doesn't have to be "going on", as you put it.


    let me tell you something, I am not trying to stir things up. It just seems that they have no chemistry and I thought that something was going on. Maybe it is do to the fact that they are missing a player. I dont know. I am just simply asking. Do Not accuse me of getting something started. I happen to like this team and think they have some really good kids on that team. Would like to see them get some good wins, and it appears they are having trouble playing 32 minutes right now. SO Farbeyonddriven dont you accuse me of stirring things up.

  6. Gallatin is a young team this year starting 3 juniors, a freshman and an 8th grader. 2 of their 3 losses was by 7 points or less. Emily Jones who is out with a knee injury will be returning after Christmas and will be a key player in Gallatins success.


    still think something is going on. I know they are young but they seem that they are not working hard enough. Could this be due to the fact that the coach is always on them. Went to a few games last year and it seems the coach is always on their case. Dont hear too many kind words.

    Any thoughts?

  7. I find it funny that everyone is so critical after game number 4 as if teams should be in post season form at the beginning of the year. Owen is a very inexperienced team and it will take time for them work out all of the kinks. How about everyone just say congratulations on being 3 and 1 and wait and see how the season progresses. I don't think any of the coaches in the 31st district are going to want to open up with Owen come tournament time.


    Dont you get it, most people are on here because they have nothing else to turn to when it comes to Basketball, So that is why everyone logs into BGP and post comments. If you dont like what people are saying then you shouldn't log on and read it. Congrats to every team out there. 4-0 or 0-4 Wish i could still play, but too old for that now.

  8. Variables outside of athletics have negatively impacted the product on the court. That is not an excuse, we all need to be able to overcome, but sometimes those variables are such a distraction that it impedes progress.


    Quick example: GCHS is the only program that I know of that requires the varsity basketball teams to share gym times with other sports during basketball season. It is a common sight to see cheerleaders practicing in the gym while the boys are practicing, the baseball team lifting weights and taking grounders in the gym while the team is trying to practice, and the track team conditioning while the coaches are trying to conduct practice.

    This does not happen in other places. At Owen county, the gym is so sacred during basketball season that PE classes are only scheduled during the first and fourth quarters. At Simon the notion that the pioneers would need to postpone practice so the prom committee can sell dresses is absurd.

    This is merely one example and should not be enough to hurt the program as a whole. But several things like this negatively impact the players, school spirit, and development.



    Wow, cant imagine that this would ever be a factor. No reason why the team would have to share gym time during their season. Dont know of any other school that has this same problem. GOOD LUCK.

  9. Owen has to be the biggest team in the region, right? I believe they go 6'8, 6'7 and 6'5 across the front line. Seems to cause match up problems for whomever they will play in the region.


    yes that is true. But if they play outside more than inside then how much of a match up problem do you have? Just wondering what kind of game plan a coach has to have to beat them.

  10. Actually, you did say they haven't had a quality win and I definitely wouldn't of called it a bad year. Grant hasn't came up with 19 wins in the past three or fours years. I do agree with you that they didn't accomplish as much as they should of, such as last years district championship,as well as a regional finalist.


    ok guess i am going to have to spell it out for you. If you dont look at last year-pretty sure I stated that I made a mistake in regards to last year ok. Now look at the years prior to that. I dont think they got wins that they thought they should have in the years prior to last. Do you get it now. where were they those years?

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